Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1139 The whole army strikes!

Chapter 1139 The whole army strikes!

This time, Shen Haoxuan directly led out more than a dozen low-level battle spirits. With Shangguan Cheng and them present, Shen Haoxuan was not afraid that he would not be able to deal with these low-level battle spirits.

As soon as a dozen battle spirits came out of the valley, they were instantly beheaded by Shangguan Cheng, who had ambushed here early, and a dozen green soul crystals appeared in the hands of everyone.

"Haha, this time I really made a lot of money!" Lin Haoran couldn't help laughing when he saw that he had obtained more than a dozen low-level soul crystals so easily.

"I'll continue to seduce, you all get ready!" Shen Haoxuan saw that this method was very effective, and immediately his body flashed, and he went back into the valley again.

After a while, Shen Haoxuan led out more than a dozen low-level battle spirits again. Shangguan Cheng and others followed suit and quickly eliminated the group of battle spirits. Afterwards, the ten people continued to repeat this task, and Shen Haoxuan was responsible for drawing out the war spirits. Soul, Shangguan Cheng and several people were responsible for beheading the battle spirit. After half a day, ten people got more than 300 low-level soul crystals!

"More than 300 low-level soul crystals, the harvest in half a day is estimated to be more than our harvest in more than ten days!" Shangguan Cheng looked at the low-level soul crystals piled up into a hill in the storage ring, and laughed from ear to ear. .

"There are still five or six hundred battle spirits in the valley. If we can hunt them all down, I guess the soul crystals we get are enough to raise each of us to a higher level!" Lin Haoran looked at him with fiery eyes. In the valley, some excitedly said.

Hearing Lin Haoran's words, the other people's eyes also showed a tinge of fiery color. They have just entered this ancient battlefield ruins and they can directly break through to the first level. Even the warriors of the eight major families can't do it so fast.

"Wait, I will continue to lure those battle spirits!" Shen Haoxuan also chuckled, and then continued to drill back into the valley.

But this time, Shen Haoxuan had a little accident, no, to be precise, it was a big accident!
When Shen Haoxuan returned to the valley, he found that the remaining war spirits were all looking at him, a green light was shining, and Shen Haoxuan's scalp was numb. He remembered that these low-level war spirits were all erratic Floating around, why are you standing together so disciplinedly now?

"They seem to have discovered you!" The long hair also appeared on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder at this time, looking at those green lights, his heart felt a chill, these battle spirits looked really weird!
"It doesn't seem like they just found me!" Shen Haoxuan smiled wryly. At this time, he realized that the low-level battle spirits that were densely packed in the valley are now less than half, and there is a large open space near the exit of the valley. If those mid-level war spirits can't find anything tricky, then they will really be blind to their wits!

Sure enough, two intermediate battle spirits floated out from the center of the valley, their red eyes fixed on Shen Haoxuan, and a sense of gloom lingered around them.

"I said I was just passing by, do you believe me?" Shen Haoxuan took two steps back, and said in an embarrassing manner, even he would not dare to collide with five or six hundred low-level battle spirits and a dozen intermediate-level battle spirits. , I guess I don't have the opportunity to fight back, and I will be quartered!

"Roar!" The two intermediate battle spirits didn't seem to listen to Shen Haoxuan's explanation, they roared angrily, and a huge sound wave swept across the entire valley in an instant.

The roar of the two mid-level battle spirits was like an order, and after hearing the low-level battle spirits behind them, they rushed towards Shen Haoxuan crazily, apparently wanting to bite Shen Haoxuan to death.

"Back!" Seeing this scene, Shen Haoxuan's complexion changed slightly, and then his figure flickered, and he rushed towards the outskirts of the valley like lightning.

At this time, outside the valley, Shangguan Cheng and Lin Haoran were waiting, their eyes full of anticipation. When they saw Shen Haoxuan appearing, they couldn't help but clenched their weapons tightly.

"Something's wrong, Junior Brother Shen seems to be a little flustered!" But Shangguan Cheng soon noticed Shen Haoxuan's strangeness, and said with a frown.

"Could it be that Junior Brother Shen has drawn too many battle spirits?" Lin Haoran said excitedly, the more battle spirits the better, and the more they will gain.

However, as soon as Lin Haoran's words fell, his face froze immediately, because at this time he also saw the situation behind Shen Haoxuan, the mighty, densely packed low-level battle spirits were like a tide, constantly pouring out, Although it would be better to attract more battle spirits, but this is too much!

"I'll go, Junior Brother Shen won't draw out all the battle spirits in the entire valley!" Lin Haoran felt a chill all over his body, thinking that there were still five or six hundred low-level battle spirits, his foreheads were involuntarily smeared. A cold sweat broke out.

"Run, hurry up!" When Shen Haoxuan approached, they heard Shen Haoxuan's anxious shouts, and immediately they didn't care about hunting those battle spirits, so they ran as fast as they could, just kidding, this time they were not hunters, but became The prey of those low-level battle spirits!

Shen Haoxuan quickly caught up with Shangguan Cheng and the others, ten of them followed, and rushed towards the valley.

"Junior Brother Shen, this time it's too much fun, all the battle spirits in the valley will come out!" Lin Haoran couldn't help shouting as he watched the low-level battle spirits chasing after him.

"Almost, except for a few intermediate battle spirits who are still guarding there, the rest of the battle spirits have come out!" Shen Haoxuan also gave a wry smile, this time he really played too big!

"I'm going, what should I do then?" Lin Haoran yelled strangely. They have been hunting and killing battle spirits for a while, and the spiritual power in their bodies has been exhausted. How can they still have the strength to avoid so many battle spirits? Chasing and killing, besides, even if you have the strength, there is no way to hide. These five or six hundred battle spirits pass by like locusts crossing the border. How can they hide?
Shen Haoxuan turned his head to look at these low-level war spirits who were chasing after him, and couldn't help but frown. This is not the way to go. If he continues to escape, he will be caught up by this group of war spirits sooner or later.

"No, I have to think of a way!" Shen Haoxuan lowered his head and pondered, and after a while, an idea appeared in his mind.

"Brother Shangguan, Lin Haoran, you continue to run forward, towards the Remnant Soul Pavilion, there should be a lot of warriors gathered there now, if you can get there, these five or six hundred low-level battle spirits are not impossible to deal with! "Shen Haoxuan distributed a few pills to everyone and said in a deep voice.

"Us? What about you?" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Shangguan Cheng and the others were taken aback, unable to recover.

"I'm going to delay these low-level war spirits. Haven't they all come out? There are only a few mid-level war spirits guarding the valley, and the defense is weak. I can sneak attack their lair to contain them. I I don’t believe it, don’t they even want their home?” Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice, he wanted to come to surround Wei and rescue Zhao, he wanted to see if this group of low-level war spirits could give up the high-level war spirit in the lair, Let's continue chasing Shangguan Cheng and the others...

(End of this chapter)

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