Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1140 Advanced Battle Spirit!

Chapter 1140 Advanced Battle Spirit!

"Then be careful!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Shangguan Cheng and the others also said in a deep voice, there is only one way at present.

"Well, you run towards Remnant Soul Pavilion as soon as possible. If you meet warriors from the eight major families along the way, you can drag them into the water as soon as possible. One more person will give you more life. At this time, you can't take care of so much! "Shen Haoxuan instructed in a deep voice.

Shangguan Cheng and the others also nodded, then quickened their pace and ran towards the Remnant Soul Pavilion, while Shen Haoxuan stopped, and the Suzaku wings behind his back suddenly spread out, and his body rose from the ground, rushing towards the sky, the speed opened to the limit Ultimate, in an instant, those low-level battle spirits were thrown away.

After seeing Shen Haoxuan leaving the team, many low-level battle spirits wanted to catch up, but Shen Haoxuan, who was at full speed, was too fast, and disappeared from their sight in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan couldn't catch up, these low-level battle spirits could only turn their heads again, and chased after Shangguan Cheng and the others. It can also be felt.

Fortunately, Shangguan Cheng and the others took the elixir given by Shen Haoxuan, and the spiritual power in their bodies began to recover quickly, and the speed was also a bit faster, dragging those low-level battle spirits behind them all the time, making it impossible for them to get closer.

So on this ancient battlefield, nine people ran wildly in front, and hundreds of ancient war spirits kept chasing behind them, the scene was very spectacular.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan had already escaped from the lock of that low-level battle spirit, and returned to the valley.

In the valley, there were still five mid-level war spirits left behind in the guardian's giant egg glowing with purple light. Those five mid-level war spirits dared to come back when they saw Shen Haoxuan. In front of Shen Haoxuan, the hair in his eyes emitted a gnawing light.

Looking at the five intermediate battle spirits in front of him, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, and the Soul Devouring Sword also appeared in his hand. Five intermediate battle spirits are equivalent to five warriors of the eighth-level spirit emperor. One Shen Haoxuan may be able to easily solve it, but five If this is the case, Shen Haoxuan has no confidence in his heart.

"Kill!" The five mid-level battle spirits roared. They already possessed some spiritual intelligence, and they also sensed the dangerous aura emanating from Shen Haoxuan's body. They didn't hesitate at all, and directly killed Shen Haoxuan.

Shen Haoxuan's complexion became serious, he raised the Soul-devouring Sword in his hand, and also went up to meet it. Purple-black flames rose from the Soul-devouring Sword, dispelling most of the gloomy atmosphere.

"Xiaoyao Zhan!" Shen Haoxuan's figure turned into a purple-black streamer, and the jet-black sword light also lit up at the same time, flashing across the bodies of the five intermediate battle spirits in an instant.

"Dang, clang, clang..." There was a sound of iron and steel clanging, and Shen Haoxuan's Xiaoyao Slash slashed at the five intermediate battle spirits at this time, leaving only a shallow white mark, and did not cause any substantial damage. Hurt, these five intermediate battle spirits are much stronger than the one Shen Haoxuan encountered before!

Shen Haoxuan's attack failed, and the five intermediate battle spirits bullied themselves, turning their ten fingers into sharp claws, and swiped towards Shen Haoxuan. The fierce wind left paw prints on the ground. It took two The towering tree hugged by people couldn't bear the fierce wind, and was directly cut off in the middle, and the fracture was smooth and flat like a mirror.

The Soul-devouring Sword in Shen Haoxuan's hand swung airtightly, and the jet-black sword glows continuously lit up, resisting the attack of the five intermediate battle spirits, the spiritual power in his body began to run at a high speed, and the five spirits forcibly He survived the attack of the intermediate battle spirit.

"One sword Shura!"

Suddenly, the Soul Devouring Sword in Shen Haoxuan's hand erupted with a bright sword light, which ruthlessly struck the sharp claws of the five intermediate battle spirits, and the powerful force directly caused the five intermediate battle spirits to fly.

"Futu pagoda, suppress!" Seeing the five intermediate battle spirits being thrown into the air, Shen Haoxuan thought, a small pitch-black pagoda flew out from between his brows, swelled in the wind, and in an instant, it turned into a tower. The giant tower like a small hill directly suppressed the five intermediate battle spirits, and then, a long dragon transformed from the power of chaos flew out of the pagoda, swallowing the five intermediate battle spirits in an instant up!
Seeing those five intermediate battle spirits being devoured, Shen Haoxuan heaved a long sigh of relief, it was really not easy to deal with these five battle spirits, and he even had to sacrifice the pagoda by himself!
With a thought in Shen Haoxuan's mind, the pagoda began to shrink slowly, and finally turned into the size of a palm, quietly suspended in his palm. At the same time, five crimson soul crystals floated out of the pagoda. The soul crystals of the five intermediate battle spirits.

Seeing the five crimson soul crystals, Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed, and then he stretched out his hand to grab them, but before he could catch the five intermediate soul crystals, a violent suction burst out, and the five soul crystals were immediately blown away. The crimson soul crystal was sucked away.

It was the giant egg glowing with purple glow not far away that erupted the suction force, and the five crimson intermediate soul crystals also directly submerged into the giant egg, and with the disappearance of the intermediate soul crystals, the giant egg The purple glow on the egg became even more dazzling, and in the next moment, under Shen Haoxuan's shocked gaze, it burst open.


The violent energy shot out, Shen Haoxuan involuntarily put his arms in front of his face, resisting the strong wind, opened his eyes slightly, and looked towards the giant egg.

At this time the giant egg had disappeared, and what appeared at the giant egg was a burly figure. This figure looked extremely solid, and it didn't look like those illusory ancient battle spirits at all. people!
"Is this the high-level battle spirit?" Shen Haoxuan was shocked. Is this the strong man from the ancient times?Even after being dead for thousands of years, the aura that emanates from him still wants people to surrender.

The violent wind finally dissipated slowly, and everything around was restored to calm, as if nothing had happened, the whole space became quiet, and the atmosphere seemed unusually heavy, Shen Haoxuan fixed his gaze on Looking at the advanced battle spirit, his expression was extremely indifferent.

"Popularity, I haven't felt it for a long time!" A hoarse voice sounded, as if passing through the long river of time, it sounded full of vicissitudes.

"It's you who stole all my food?" The high-level battle spirit looked at the empty valley with a gloomy look on his face.

"Who else is there besides me?" Shen Haoxuan spread his hands, and said casually. Although this high-level battle spirit feels powerful, but now that he has just evolved, his power is still unstable, and Shen Haoxuan may not be able to deal with him.

"Very good, since you stole all the food I prepared, then you can stay and be my food!" The high-level war spirit snorted, then opened his bloody mouth, and a violent suction force was released. It erupted from his mouth, as if it wanted to devour Shen Haoxuan...

(End of this chapter)

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