Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1172 Breakthrough!

Chapter 1172 Breakthrough!

On the seventh floor, there was a ball of light quietly floating in front of Zhang Zhen. At this time, the light on the ball of light was slowly dissipating, slowly revealing the contents inside.

Zhang Zhen's eyes shone with anticipation, and he didn't care about his injuries at all. The reward for the sixth floor was a drop of holy dragon's blood, so the coming of the seventh floor would probably be even more precious, even more heaven-defying!
The light finally dissipated, and the reward suspended in front of Zhang Zhen also appeared. It was two drops of blood, which was the same as the reward on the sixth floor. It was still the holy dragon's blood, but it changed from one drop to two drops!

Zhang Zhen's face full of anticipation turned livid in an instant. The reward on the sixth floor was the blood of the holy dragon. Why was the reward on the seventh floor also the blood of the holy dragon? Although there was an extra drop, it was not what Zhang Zhen wanted at all. Yes, what Zhang Zhen wants is an artifact, or a martial art of heaven rank!

"As I said before, the Nine Tribulations God's Prison also has spiritual intelligence. It will distribute rewards according to the talent and strength of the passers-by. Zhang Zhen is from an alchemy family. Although his strength has reached the peak of the eighth-order Spirit Emperor, he still relies on The pills piled up were not as powerful as the average eighth-level spirit emperor, so the Nine Tribulations God Prison gave him the holy dragon blood essence to temper his physique, even if he continued to break through to the eighth floor, or even the ninth floor, Then what you get is still the blood of the holy dragon!" Ji Lingxuan said lightly, as if she had already guessed the ending!

In the end, Zhang Zhen could only angrily put away the holy dragon's blood, and then go up, he no longer has that strength, now it is better to have a reward than no reward, and the holy dragon's blood is rare in the outside world Treasure, don't be in vain!
Zhang Zhen walked out of the Nine Tribulations God's Prison with a gloomy face, somewhat unwilling in his heart. He thought he would get some artifact or something related to the inheritance of the God of War Sword here, but now it seems that there is no such possibility!
Looking at the dissatisfied Zhang Zhen, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help snorting, this guy's ambition is really big, he is not satisfied with getting two drops of holy dragon essence blood, and wants even more precious treasures. It is the best, otherwise no matter how good the treasure is, it is nothing more than tasteless. Zhang Zhen should be happy to have obtained the blood of the Holy Dragon that is most suitable for him.

After Zhang Zhen came down, the other Zhang family warriors were also eager to try, and then one after another, they all walked into the Nine Tribulations Prison and started to break through.

After a long while, these martial artists from the Zhang family came out of the Nine Tribulations God Prison. Among them, the tallest one just broke through to the fifth floor and obtained a low-level martial skill, but this martial skill was finally defeated by Zhang Zhen. Got to go.

Now, Ji Lingxuan and Shen Haoxuan were the only ones who hadn't broken through.

"Brother Haoxuan, do you come first, or should I come first?" Ji Lingxuan looked at Shen Haoxuan and asked with a chuckle.

"Ladies first, you come first!" Shen Haoxuan spread his hands indifferently and said, anyway, it doesn't matter who comes first, there is no need to be so particular.

"Then I won't be polite!" Ji Lingxuan landed at the entrance of the Nine Tribulations God Prison with a flash, and then went straight into it.

After Ji Lingxuan entered the Nine Tribulations God's Prison, she immediately started to break through. At this time, everyone also saw Ji Lingxuan's terrifying strength. From the first floor to the seventh floor, Ji Lingxuan hardly made a move. It was directly frozen into an ice sculpture, and the movements were graceful and agile, without the slightest sloppiness at all.

Looking at Ji Lingxuan who is so powerful, Zhang Zhen couldn't help swallowing. Although he is also the No.1 of the younger generation of the family, Zhang Zhen is definitely not Ji Lingxuan's opponent. The gap between the two is like a gap. The only one among the eight families The only one who can compete with Ji Lingxuan is Mu Xuan!

Shen Haoxuan was also a little surprised. Ji Lingxuan usually hides behind him. He rarely sees Ji Lingxuan make a move. He never thought that Ji Lingxuan's strength is so strong. Even Shen Haoxuan may not be Ji Lingxuan's opponent. Nizi play play out!

Just as he was talking, Ji Lingxuan came to the eighth floor, and now the jailors who appeared on the eighth floor have come to the ninth-level spirit emperor, and these jailers are also changing according to the strength of the passers-by. , Ji Lingxuan fought hard, and finally took it down, and the reward for the eighth floor was a set of faint blue soft armor. From the aura emanating from the soft armor, it can be concluded that the quality of this soft armor is It has definitely surpassed the holy weapon and reached the level of a semi-divine weapon!
The blue soft armor automatically floated on Ji Lingxuan's body, and then a soft light burst out, covering Ji Lingxuan in it. Under the blue light, Ji Lingxuan looked like a mermaid princess from the deep sea, It's so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it.

After the faint blue light disappeared, Ji Lingxuan looked up at the ninth floor, then shook her head, and with a flash of her figure, she retreated from the Nine Tribulations Prison.

"Huh? Why didn't you continue?" Seeing Ji Lingxuan withdrawing, Shen Haoxuan asked with some doubts. Ji Lingxuan didn't use much effort to deal with the jailers on the eighth floor, and she was fully capable of challenging the ninth floor!
"I can't go up, I have an intuition that I can't challenge the ninth floor!" Ji Lingxuan shook her head and said, standing on the eighth floor, she could feel the coercion from the ninth floor, that kind of coercion, It made Ji Lingxuan feel invincible, if she went up, she would only be killed in seconds!

"Oh, is that so?" Shen Haoxuan raised his head and cast his eyes on the top floor.

"Brother Haoxuan, it's up to you next!" Ji Lingxuan said with a sweet smile, Zhang Zhen and others also looked over.

"Hmph, for a guy who relies on women for his food, it's better not to break through. Don't fail to get through the first floor, that would be a shame!" Zhang Zhen glanced at Shen Haoxuan and said disdainfully.

Hearing Zhang Zhen's words, the warriors of the Zhang family also sneered. The reason why they were afraid of Shen Haoxuan was simply because of Ji Lingxuan. With Ji Lingxuan as their backing, they could do whatever they wanted.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the members of the Zhang family, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he took a step and came directly to the Nine Tribulations God Prison, and his body was directly submerged in it.

Shen Haoxuan felt that on the side of the scenery in front of him, he came to a vast stone platform, which was the first floor of the Nine Tribulations Prison.

Shen Haoxuan looked around for a while, although he said that he had seen other people break through the level just now, but standing up by himself was a different feeling.


After a while, the space in front of Shen Haoxuan began to distort, and after a while, a burly jailer emerged, and a powerful aura erupted from the jailer.

"Damn, seventh-rank Spirit Emperor, are you kidding me?" Sensing the aura emanating from the jailer, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but swear, and his face turned dark instantly...

(End of this chapter)

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