Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1173 Violent Breakthrough!

Chapter 1173 Violent Breakthrough!

"Seventh-rank Spirit Emperor? How come?" Ji Lingxuan, Zhang Zhen and the others were also stunned when they saw that the jailer who appeared on the first floor was actually a seventh-rank Spirit Emperor.

They all know that when entering the Nine Tribulations God Prison, the jailers will adjust their strength according to the strength of the passers-by. When Zhang Zhen broke through the level, the jailers on the first floor were only the second-level Spirit Emperor, and even Ji Lingxuan was only the fifth-level Emperor Ling, when he arrived at Shen Haoxuan's place, why did he soar to the seventh-order Spirit Emperor? One must know that Shen Haoxuan's strength has only just broken through to the seventh-order Spirit Emperor!

"Haha, it seems that the Nine Tribulations God's Prison can't see him relying on women for food!" Zhang Zhen laughed and said, his eyes were full of sarcasm. But the combat power is much stronger than the passers-by. After all, these are all refined by the God of War Sword. Whether it is combat experience or martial arts, they all come from God of War Sword, so it is very difficult to win.

This is not even more frightening, what is even more frightening is that with each level up, the jailer's strength will skyrocket by a level, and the combat experience and martial skills he has mastered will also become stronger. The jailer, the higher you go, the harder it will be!
"Hmph, haven't you ever thought that Shen Haoxuan's strength is far stronger than ours, and that's why he meets a jailer of the seventh-rank Spirit Emperor on the first floor?" Ji Lingxuan said with a cold snort. There is no mistake, the only reason is that Shen Haoxuan's strong strength made the Nine Tribulations God Prison arrange a seventh-rank Spirit Emperor-level jailer on the first floor!
"Better than us? Huh, it's funny. Can a person from the third courtyard be stronger than our disciples from the eighth courtyard? Don't be kidding!" Zhang Zhen said with a sneer. I want to believe that Shen Haoxuan will be stronger than them!
"Really? If you don't believe me, then watch carefully!" Ji Lingxuan snorted coldly, without saying a word, and then cast her eyes on Shen Haoxuan's back.

"Cut, just look at it, I don't believe that he is really stronger than me!" Zhang Zhen also said disdainfully, and then turned his attention to Shen Haoxuan.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan was facing the jailer on that level, and his face was a little helpless. The people who met on the first level were second-level and fifth-level spirit emperors. Anyway, they were all lower than his own strength, but he was better. His own cultivation base is the same, how should he break through the eighth floor after that, this Nine Tribulations God Prison, isn't it just to trick him!

"Hey, it seems like I'm going to show my real skills!" Shen Haoxuan could only sigh a long time at this, and then moved his body, a powerful aura erupted from his body.

As if sensing the fighting spirit on Shen Haoxuan's body, a crimson light flashed in the jailer's eyes, and then his figure flashed, and he disappeared directly on the spot.

The jailer's speed was extremely fast, completely unmatched by ordinary seventh-order spirit emperors, but Shen Haoxuan was not surprised at all, he stood quietly in place, and after a while, he withdrew his right foot backwards and made a punch In the next moment, Shen Haoxuan's fist suddenly slammed forward, and the powerful wind carried bursts of sonic booms, twisting the space in front of him.


There was a muffled sound, and Shen Haoxuan's punch directly hit the jailer who had just appeared in front of him. Ripples of strength visible to the naked eye burst out from the jailer's body, and the next moment the jailer exploded with a bang. Make a little streamer, and it will disappear completely!

"Fuck!" On the square, a martial artist from the Zhang family couldn't help but swear, Shen Haoxuan's punch was too violent, too shocking, and with just one punch, a seventh-order spirit emperor so gone?No matter how you look at it, it looks like a fake!

Zhang Zhen almost didn't catch his breath, and his face was full of shock. He also fought against the seventh-rank Spirit Emperor in the Nine Tribulations Prison, and his strength was in a mess. He took a lot of effort to solve it, but Shen Haoxuan Woolen cloth?One punch, just one punch, and it directly blasted the seventh-order Spirit Emperor to nothingness!
"'s impossible!" Zhang Zhen couldn't accept this reality, so he shouted angrily.

"Hmph, do you think that the artifact left by Zhan Jianshen will join hands with brother Haoxuan to lie to you? How naive!" Ji Lingxuan glanced at Zhang Zhen, and said lightly, she was not shocked at all that Shen Haoxuan possessed such strength, because That was Shen Haoxuan, no matter what happened to him, it was acceptable!
Hearing Ji Lingxuan's words, Zhang Zhen's face turned green and purple for a while. This is an artifact refined by the God of War Sword, so naturally he would not lie to him. This shows that Shen Haoxuan's strength has really reached the level where he can kill seven enemies with one punch. The level of Emperor Lingling!
"Hmph, what are you proud of? This is just the first floor. Let's see how he goes. Don't forget that the higher you go, the stronger the jailer will be!" Zhang Zhen snorted coldly, and then turned his gaze to Shen Haoxuan again. Can continue to deal with jailers whose strength is far superior to his.

In the Nine Tribulations Divine Prison, Shen Haoxuan took a long breath as he looked at the reward slowly appearing in front of him.

"One!" murmured in a low voice, Shen Haoxuan didn't even look at the reward, and directly turned his head and stepped up to the second floor!

The jailer on the second floor is still the seventh-order spirit emperor, but he has already reached the peak of the seventh-order spirit emperor, and his combat experience and martial skills far exceed those on the first floor, but in the end, he was still blown away by Shen Haoxuan's two punches!

Then the third floor, the fourth floor, and after a while, Shen Haoxuan, like an undefeated god of war, directly hit the seventh floor along the way. The violent fighting method was deeply engraved in the minds of everyone in the Zhang family, making them Tremors all over.

Zhang Zhen was so shocked that he couldn't speak now. He stared blankly at the back of Shen Haoxuan in the huge image, his eyes were dull. At this moment, he had to admit that Shen Haoxuan's strength was far superior to his, even Stronger than Ji Lingxuan, Shen Haoxuan didn't rely on women to make a living, but relied on his strength to convince Ji Lingxuan, the goddess in the hearts of everyone in the eight major families!

"Brother Zhang Zhen, the Supreme Elder said that he wanted to trouble Shen Haoxuan, do you want to continue?" Looking at Shen Haoxuan who was fighting with the jailer on the seventh floor, a martial artist from the Zhang family couldn't help but swallowed, and asked softly road.

"Looking? Looking for a fart, what are we looking for? Don't say it's me, even if we add up all of them, do you think it will be this perverted opponent?" Zhang Zhen smashed over directly, looking at Shen Haoxuan, now He was already fighting with the ninth-level spirit emperor on the seventh floor, and he seemed to have no intention of falling below, and even pressed against him. With this strength, Shen Haoxuan, what did they use to trouble Shen Haoxuan?
"Boom..." As soon as Zhang Zhen finished speaking, the jailer on the seventh floor was directly dealt with by Shen Haoxuan. At this time, the four-color energy flowed on Shen Haoxuan's body, and the Tyrant Tribulation had already been displayed, and his strength had also skyrocketed to the eighth-level spirit. At the peak of the emperor, a soaring fighting spirit burst out from his body, making the entire Nine Tribulations God Prison tremble...

(End of this chapter)

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