Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1177 Vibration!

Chapter 1177 Vibration!

Holding the things given by the God of War Sword, Shen Haoxuan left the Nine Tribulations Prison contentedly.

But now, Zhang Zhen, Ji Lingxuan and the others have gone mad. Since Shen Haoxuan entered the ninth floor, there has been no news. It has been several hours now, and they don't know whether Shen Haoxuan is dead or alive.

"No, I want to go in!" Ji Lingxuan really couldn't wait any longer, and then she took a step and came to the entrance. Then she said that each person can only enter the Nine Tribulations Prison once, but how do you know if you don't try? Inside, Ji Lingxuan wanted to see people alive and dead bodies!
"Ji Lingxuan, don't waste your efforts, no one has ever stepped into the ninth floor, maybe Shen Haoxuan is gone now, and you will die if you go in!" Zhang Zhen stood aside and said sarcastic words, Shen Haoxuan died to him That's good news, too.

"Zhang Zhen, if you dare to say one more word, believe it or not, I'll kill you!" Ji Lingxuan turned around abruptly, a cold killing intent flashed in her icy blue eyes.

Sensing the killing intent on Ji Lingxuan, Zhang Zhen couldn't help shrinking his neck, and muttered in a low voice: "Cut, why not tell the truth? How fierce!"

"Who said I'm dead!" As soon as Zhang Zhen's words fell, an indifferent voice came from the Nine Tribulations Prison, and then, Shen Haoxuan's figure slowly floated out of the Nine Tribulations Prison, and finally landed On the square.

"Shen Haoxuan!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's appearance, Zhang Zhen was a little shocked. Looking at Shen Haoxuan's appearance, it seemed that he had really broken through the ninth floor of the Nine Tribulations Prison!
"Brother Haoxuan!" Ji Lingxuan's expression brightened, and her heart that had been tightly suspended was also relaxed, as long as Shen Haoxuan was fine.

"Zhang Zhen, you seem to want me to die very much!" Shen Haoxuan took a step forward and came in front of Zhang Zhen.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan approaching, Zhang Zhen couldn't help stepping back, a trace of fear appeared on his face, and the spiritual power in his body began to surge, for fear that Shen Haoxuan would do anything to him.

"Cough, Shen Haoxuan, if you have something to say, talk it out!" Zhang Zhen swallowed and said, now that he no longer has the pretensions of the Zhang family's future family, Shen Haoxuan's violent fighting style left a deep impression on him, he doesn't feel that he Shen Haoxuan's body was stronger than those of the jailers, even if Shen Haoxuan punched him a few times, he might not be able to bear it.

"If you have something to say? You didn't treat me like this before. You said that I depend on women for food..." Shen Haoxuan said while thinking about Zhang Zhen and walking away, a forceful aura also erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body .

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the corners of Zhang Zhen's mouth couldn't help twitching. Before Shen Haoxuan was unknown, he just stood behind Ji Lingxuan, and he was a student from the three major colleges. Zhang Zhen had never seen him make a move, so he naturally thought that Shen Haoxuan relied on Ji Lingxuan to be able to go here.

But who would have thought that Shen Haoxuan's combat power would be even stronger than Ji Lingxuan's. A student from the third courtyard is far more powerful than a martial artist from the eight major families. This is something Zhang Zhen has never encountered before. He also regrets it now. He shouldn't have He said such things to Shen Haoxuan, but he knew from the elders of the Zhang family that Shen Haoxuan was a vengeful person!
"That...Shen Haoxuan, I take back what I said before. Now everyone is in the land of inheritance, and they are people on the same boat. There is no need to be so stiff!" Zhang Zhen stabilized his figure and carried Shen Haoxuan's imposing manner. pressure said.

"Do you think I'm still inferior to your combat strength?" Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Shen Haoxuan, what do you want to do?" Sensing the coldness on Shen Haoxuan, Zhang Zhen's face changed slightly, but there was also a hint of coldness in his eyes. After all, he is also the future head of the Zhang family among the eight major families. Bowing his head to Shen Haoxuan is already He has reached his limit, it is impossible to continue begging Shen Haoxuan with humiliation!
Shen Haoxuan was now pressing tightly in front of Zhang Zhen, looking down at him from a high position, the powerful coercion had already caused traces of fine sweat to ooze from Zhang Zhen's forehead.


After a while, Shen Haoxuan just chuckled, then put away all his aura, turned his head towards Ji Lingxuan, and did not continue to put pressure on Zhang Zhen.

Zhang Zhen felt light all over his body. Looking at Shen Haoxuan's figure, his back was completely soaked in sweat. Facing Shen Haoxuan himself made him feel the terror of Shen Haoxuan. I have felt it in my body, this Shen Haoxuan's strength may be similar to that of Mu Xuan's!

"Why didn't you kill me!" Zhang Zhen asked in a deep voice.

"Why did I kill you? Am I so small-minded? Kill me because of your few words? You underestimate me too much. I will fight you, but not now!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

After Shen Haoxuan finished speaking, he took Ji Lingxuan and left here, leaving Zhang Zhen and others in a daze.

After Shen Haoxuan disappeared for a long time, Zhang Zhen came back to his senses. He let out a long breath. Before he left, the Supreme Elder of the Zhang family said that Shen Haoxuan had stolen the treasures of the Zhang family, and even beheaded an elder of the Zhang family, so That's why Zhang Zhen had such a bad impression of Shen Haoxuan, but now it seems that Shen Haoxuan is not that kind of villain at all, maybe he was deceived by the Supreme Elder, or maybe he was deceived by Shen Haoxuan.

Zhang Zhen shook his head, and left here with everyone in the Zhang family. This trip to the Nine Tribulations Prison also made them a lot of money, so there is no need to stay here any longer!

At this time, Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan had already moved away from here, and the Nine Tribulations Divine Prison behind them had slowly disappeared, Ji Lingxuan followed behind Shen Haoxuan, and asked curiously: "Brother Haoxuan, what did you encounter on the ninth floor? "

"War Sword God!" Shen Haoxuan said with a mysterious smile.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Ji Lingxuan was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive, but then she seemed to think of something, and her face became agitated.


But just when Ji Lingxuan was about to ask, a loud roar came from a distance, and immediately after, the entire inheritance land began to shake violently, and both Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan almost fell to the ground.

The two raised their heads and looked into the distance. At this moment, the huge battle sword lying across the land of inheritance emitted dazzling rays of light, and the fierce sword intent continued to wreak havoc in the land of inheritance, overwhelming countless temples. Yu destroyed.

Seeing such a shocking scene, Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan glanced at each other, and they both saw the shock in each other's eyes. The place where the huge sword is located is where the inheritance of the God of War Sword is located. Now there is such a big movement there , it can only show that someone has moved the inheritance of the God of War Sword!

"Come on, let's go!" Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan's expressions darkened, and then their figures flickered, and they rushed towards the huge sword...

(End of this chapter)

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