Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1178 Entering the Sword Tomb!

Chapter 1178 Entering the Sword Tomb!
The sudden big movement alarmed all the fighters in the land of inheritance. No matter if there was any treasure in front of them, they all rushed towards the huge sword. Compared with other treasures, the inheritance of the sword god is obviously more powerful. allure.

Running wildly all the way, soon Shen Haoxuan and the two came to the huge battle sword. Feeling the huge battle sword at close range, the two couldn't help but be shocked. The battle sword that runs through the world should be the God of War Sword Weapons now!
After a while, the fighters from the eight major families arrived one after another. Seeing the family fighters who appeared one by one, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but frown. It seemed that it wasn't someone who moved the inheritance of the God of War Sword, but God of War Sword. Inheritance itself opened!

"The inheritance of the God of War Sword has appeared. It seems that everyone has found the key to unlock the inheritance. Let's take it out now!" Mu Xuan looked at the huge sword in front of him and said lightly. After speaking, he stretched out his hand, A small seven-color flowing light sword slowly floated out.

Seeing Mu Xuan take out a key, Qi Wu of the Qi family stretched out his hand indifferently, and also took out a key. Afterwards, the Du family and the Han family each took out a key, and Duan family, but the Zhang family and the Zhao family got nothing.

"There are only four keys, how about one more?" Mu Xuan frowned slightly, five keys were needed to open the inheritance of the Sword God of War, why did he only take out four keys now.

"I have another one here!" Shen Haoxuan looked at Muxuan, and then spread his hand, and took out his seven-colored little sword.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan also holds a key, the genius disciples of the Duan family and the Zhao family all showed jealousy in their eyes. It was agreed before that whoever can find the key will have the opportunity to enter the land of inheritance first. They searched for a long time in the land of inheritance, but found nothing, and they did not expect that Shen Haoxuan got it.

The Zhang family, Zhang Zhen, stood aside, silent. They had seen the power of Shen Haoxuan, so they lacked interest in the inheritance of the God of War Sword. Originally, one Mu Xuan was enough for them to have a headache, but now there is another Shen Haoxuan , I am afraid that there is no chance to get this inheritance of the Sword God!
After the five keys appeared, they turned into a stream of light and converged towards the huge sword, forming a small sword in mid-air, and directly submerged into the huge light curtain in front of them.

As the five keys fell into it, a terrifying suction force suddenly erupted, covering everyone in it, and in the next moment, they were swallowed by the huge sword and disappeared!

"What place is this?" When Shen Haoxuan came back to his senses, he found that he was already in a huge space. Looking around, countless stone tablets were randomly dumped on the ground, and a sword was stuck on each stone tablet. , all kinds of swords, it looks like a grave of swords.

"Sword Tomb!" Ji Lingxuan also came back to her senses at this time, looked at the sea of ​​swords around her, and said in a deep voice.

Shen Haoxuan also nodded. He has seen such a space before. He also entered the sword mound of Wan Jianzong before. Compared with this one, that sword mound is bigger and more majestic. It seems that the sword god of war is indeed Wan Jianzong. The disciples who came out of Jianzong, even the design of Jianzhong was the same as that of Wan Jianzong.

At this time, Mu Xuan and the others also looked at the sword mound in front of them with fiery eyes. Sword mounds are usually the home of sword cultivators. , must be in this sword mound.

Except for Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan, the fighters from the other eight major families all looked at each other and rushed towards the center of the sword mound. With the status and strength of the sword god, his tomb must be in the deepest part of the sword mound. In the past, whoever had the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of the God of War Sword, even Mu Xuan, the deepest man in the city, could not bear this temptation.

Seeing Muxuan and others rushing towards the depths of the sword mound, a sneer appeared on the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth. Do these people really think that the sword mound is so easy to break into?The swords here used to be famous all over the world, but now they are sleeping here. If anyone dares to disturb their tranquility, these divine weapons will be unsheathed again!

Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan stood quietly at the same spot. Shen Haoxuan had already gone through such a sword mound once, so he naturally knew how powerful it was, so he didn't dare to act rashly right now.


Sure enough, at a certain moment, a clear and crisp sword sound sounded. I don't know whose martial artist touched the sharp sword on the stone tablet. After the sound of the sword sound sounded, the surrounding long swords seemed to be affected. What traction is general, began to tremble slightly.


The sound of sword cries became louder and louder, and began to spread outwards. At first, it was only a small area, and within ten breaths, the sharp swords in the entire sword mound began to tremble, and the sound of iron and steel screams erupted. Sound waves visible to the naked eye continuously spread out from the divine soldiers, attacking everyone's sea of ​​consciousness like magic sounds.

Sensing the ear-piercing sound of swords, Shen Haoxuan frowned. Although the scale of this sword mound was not as large as Wan Jianzong's, the magic soldiers inside seemed to be of a higher quality than Wan Jianzong's. The sound is enough to threaten Shen Haoxuan's sea of ​​consciousness. You know, Shen Haoxuan's spirituality has already reached the level of a seventh-rank high-level alchemist!
With a thought in Shen Haoxuan's mind, the huge spiritual thought gushed out, enveloping himself and Ji Lingxuan in it, isolating the sound of the sword, and then retreated, hiding in an empty place. There are far fewer places.

Shen Haoxuan and the fighters of the Zhang family have strong spirituality and can block the erosion of these sword sounds. Others are not so lucky. This sword sound is like a sharp sword trying to pierce their sea of ​​consciousness. As strong as Muxuan, it's a bit unbearable!

"Break it!" Mu Xuan's face was gloomy, and he shouted loudly, a huge spiritual power erupted from his body, and charged towards the surrounding sword array, the powerful spiritual power storm directly shattered all the nearby stone tablets , Countless divine soldiers soared into the sky, and the ear-piercing sound of swords also stopped abruptly.

However, after a wave of unrest, another wave broke out, and those divine soldiers rushed to the sky and began to gather quickly. In the blink of an eye, a sword dragon formed by countless divine soldiers appeared in front of everyone. Qi raged in the space, and a destructive breath spread in the sword mound.

This is composed of countless divine soldiers, and the Stegosaurus looked at the warriors of the eight major families below, and a icy light appeared on his body.


The Stegosaurus suddenly let out a roar, the voice was full of anger, and the terrifying power seemed to want to completely tear apart the warriors of the Eight Great Families!
(End of this chapter)

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