Chaos hegemony

Chapter 118 Auction!

Chapter 118 Auction!
After the three of them entered the city, they really didn't stop for a moment and got into the restaurant, and began to eat and drink.

Of course, Shen Haoxuan didn't come to this restaurant just for eating.There are a lot of people here, and it is also the best place to inquire about news. They are newcomers, and naturally they have to collect information first. As for eating, they are just passing by!

"Xiao Er, another serving of braised pig's trotters!" Shen Haoxuan muttered with his mouth full of food, since he's here, he must look full, eat first and then talk!Long Mo looked at the messy dining table speechlessly, and couldn't help complaining: This is too much, those who don't know think it's a reincarnation of a starved ghost!

"Okay!" The guest's request was small and naturally he would not refuse. After a while, another delicious braised pig's trotter was brought out, but when Xiaoer was about to leave, Shen Haoxuan stopped him.

"Little brother, can I ask you something?"

"Look little brother, we are a restaurant here, not a vegetable market, and all the people who come here are to eat, so there is no one to ask for news!" Xiao Er said with a smile.But after seeing the gold coins tossed back and forth in Shen Haoxuan's hands, his face was overjoyed, and he immediately changed his words and said flatteringly: "But, we believe that the customer is God, so we must serve God, little brother, if you ask, I will know everything Answer, there are endless answers!"

"Very good!" Shen Haoxuan lightly tossed the gold coin in his hand into Xiaoer's hand, and then asked, "Do you know the latest auction in the city?"

"I know, three days later, Black Wind Village will hold a large-scale auction hosted by Tianwu Auction House. It is said that there are countless treasures of martial arts in this auction, which has attracted many warriors. You must have been attracted here, little brother!

It's just that Heifengzhai's requirements for the auction are a bit strange. They don't need any invitation letters. Anyone who sends a spirit core with a quality of a fourth-order spirit beast or above is eligible to participate in the auction, and this is different from the treasures they released. Its value is far worse than that. I don't know what the owner of Heifengzhai thinks about such a loss-making business? "Xiaoer also said with a puzzled look.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan also frowned, there must be something strange about it, but I don't know it yet!

"What else do you know?" Shen Haoxuan continued to ask.

"This..." Xiaoer rubbed his fingers at Shen Haoxuan, Shen Haoxuan didn't talk nonsense when he saw it, and threw out another gold coin, Xiaoer caught it with a smile on his face, and then said: "A few of you are here for the auction , I must be very interested in the auction items. In addition to the Thousand Illusion Spiritual Jelly that was the finale this time, there is also a sixth-grade elixir, Bodhi Pill! It can be said that it has attracted a large number of spiritual experts!
In addition, there are various martial arts skills, spiritual weapons and pills. I heard that there is also a demon girl from the demon clan. Hey, to tell you the truth, I once left the slave of the demon clan far away. , that long one is called a beautiful one, but the young one is too poor, otherwise I will lose my family and have to redeem her and marry her into my house as a wife! "Speaking of this, Xiaoer actually drools!
"Get to the point!" Shen Haoxuan didn't remind him, Elder Huo had explained all these things before they came, and now he wants to know something he doesn't know.

"Oh!" Xiaoer came back to his senses, wiped his saliva, and then said: "Actually, these are not the most attractive. I bought a map of the secret realm, and I don't know how it will be auctioned!"

"Secret Realm Map!?" Shen Haoxuan was startled, and suddenly gave a wry smile. This auction is really not easy. Without him, just the word "Secret Land" is enough to make countless fighters desperately fight for it. !
These two words are too sensitive, secret realm, here is the best shortcut for warriors to become stronger on the road of cultivation, there is no one!Most of the secret realms were formed from the ancient times, and there are more or less things left by the ancient strongmen, or exercises.Or martial arts, or spirit weapon pills, if you are lucky, it may be a lifetime inheritance of a strong man!This is definitely more attractive to warriors than addicts are to drugs!
Of course, not all secret realms have inheritances left by ancient powerhouses. There are more unknown dangers in secret realms. If you don’t pay attention, you will die in them. This is a road to the top. It is also a road to the abyss!

"Little brother, this is absolutely inside news, I made an exception to tell you!" Xiao Er lowered his voice and whispered in Shen Haoxuan's ear.

Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes when he saw Xiao Er's greedy face, and he gave the inside information, he was sure that all warriors who had been to this restaurant basically knew the news!
Shen Haoxuan didn't expose Xiaoer, threw another gold coin to send him away, and left the restaurant with Ji Lingxuan and Long Mo.

"Brother Haoxuan, where are we going now?" Ji Lingxuan asked.

"Go to Tianwu Auction House first, and find a place to live there!" Shen Haoxuan said, and at the same time remembered the purple-gold VIP card that Luo Xiaowen gave him in Tianwu City. If he remembered correctly, this This card seems to be available in the entire continent, and the Tianwu Auction House here should be the same!

The three of them walked through the bustling streets, and came to a huge palace. On the door plaque, the words "Tianwu Auction House" were flying like dragons and phoenixes, which looked very majestic!
"It's here!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the familiar big characters, and was about to walk in, but was stopped by a few warriors in black at the door!
"Stop, three days before the start of the auction, no one else is allowed to enter the auction house!" After saying that, a fierce momentum attacked Shen Haoxuan and the three of them, as if they wanted to repel them!

But they thought too much, Shen Haoxuan stood at the front, his body trembled slightly, the two strong winds disappeared, and Ji Lingxuan and Long Mo behind him didn't feel anything at all.

"Both brothers, I am a VIP of Tianwu Auction House, so I should be able to go in!" Shen Haoxuan said with a smile, and after finishing speaking, he took out his purple-gold VIP card.Luo Xiaowen said that with this card, you can walk sideways in the Tianwu Auction House. As long as the request is not too excessive, the Tianwu Auction House will agree!
"Guests?" The two black-clothed warriors frowned, and then said, "We are just the guards of Heifeng Village, and we don't recognize the VIPs of Tianwu Auction House. Please step back!"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan was taken aback, isn't he from Tianwu Auction House?This is a bit embarrassing!
"Who dares to cause trouble on my Black Wind Village!" Just as Shen Haoxuan was thinking about how to get in, a discordant voice came from Tianwu Auction House, and then a figure appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan and the three of them... …

(End of this chapter)

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