Chaos hegemony

Chapter 119 Luo Tian!

Chapter 119 Luo Tian!

Hearing this, the three of Shen Haoxuan raised their heads and saw a soft-faced young man walking out of the Tianwu Auction House. This young man was also dressed in black clothes and seemed to be the master of these guards.

Sure enough, after seeing the feminine man appear, the two guards quickly bowed their heads and said, "Young master!"

The young man known as the young master looked at Shen Haoxuan, a ninth-level spiritual disciple, then frowned, and scolded: "What's the noise? I don't know if the venue is busy setting up the venue? Why don't you go in and help out if you have time to catch flies? What a bunch of trash!"

After the two guards were insulted, their faces were ugly, and then they looked at Shen Haoxuan and shouted: "Get out of here, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

Seeing the menacing guards and the feminine man with a cold face, Shen Haoxuan was also a little upset. Being called a fly for no reason would make everyone angry!
"Brother, we just want to see Director Luo, this is our VIP card, please convey it!" Shen Haoxuan said coldly, holding back the anger in his heart.

According to the rules of Tianwu Auction House, all the managers above the supervisor level are descendants of the Luo family, and after mentioning Supervisor Luo, the feminine man's face changed slightly, but when he saw the purple-gold VIP card in Shen Haoxuan's hand, his His eyes turned into disdain again!
"Hmph, Director Luo, you can actually meet if you want? I've never seen Tianwu Auction House issue a purple-gold VIP card. Where did you fabricate this from? How dare you forge Tianwu Auction House's card?" VIP card, I think you are plotting something wrong, come here, get it for me!" The soft man shouted coldly.

Following the man's order, the two guards and the warriors in black behind him rushed forward, trying to subdue Shen Haoxuan.

Shen Haoxuan's figure flashed, escaped the crowd's siege, and retreated to Ji Lingxuan and Long Mo. He looked at the feminine man coldly, suppressing the anger that was about to explode, and said in a deep voice: "Is it a fake call?" It’s enough for Director Luo to come out and identify it, you don’t seem to be qualified to take someone for Tianwu Auction House!”

"Hmph, it's not up to you whether you are qualified or not. Get it for me!"

Seeing the martial artist in black pounced forward again, a faint evil spirit emanating from Shen Haoxuan's body, Ji Lingxuan knew that Shen Haoxuan was really angry!

Shen Haoxuan held back before, because he felt that this was someone else's territory, and he could try to resolve it peacefully without causing trouble, but forbearance did not mean that Shen Haoxuan was afraid of trouble. He just wanted to see Director Luo, but was repeatedly attacked by this feminine man. To make things difficult, he has already touched Shen Haoxuan's bottom line, since this is the case, he can only solve it by force!

Shen Haoxuan clenched his fists, and slammed at the attacking black-clothed warrior without any fanfare!
"Boom..." There was a loud noise, and the terrifying force directly blasted those warriors in black, and shattered the gate of the Tianwu Auction House along the way. For a moment, smoke and dust rose up, covering all the feminine men in it.

The feminine man looked at Shen Haoxuan in astonishment, he was only a ninth-level spiritual disciple, how could he burst out with such terrifying power?This is simply impossible!
"Huh la la..." Just as the feminine man was startled, a group of people rushed out from the Tianwu Auction House, looked at the gate that had been broken into countless pieces, and took a deep breath in their hearts: "Who is so bold, how dare to come here?" There was a disturbance in front of the gate of Tianwu Auction House, and even smashed the gate of others."

"It's that kid, he's really daring, this Tianwu Auction House is a gigantic giant, even the suzerain elders of those big sects don't dare to mess with it, this kid actually smashed the door, it's really enough!" One person pointed to Shen Haoxuan and said.

"What's going on? Don't you know that fighting is prohibited in front of Tianwu Auction House?" While everyone was discussing, a cold shout came, and a middle-aged man walked out of the hall of the auction house. This man was none other than Tianwu Auction House. All right, Director Luo!
Seeing Supervisor Luo coming out, the feminine man looked happy, and gave Shen Haoxuan a cold look, as if saying: "You are dead!" Then he quickly walked up to Supervisor Luo, and said, "Director Luo, these three people are holding a forged I tried to enter the auction house to steal my VIP card, but after I found out, I became so angry that I even broke down the door of your bank, this is completely disregarding Tianwu Auction House!"

Hearing the feminine man's remarks, Shen Haoxuan sneered, and did not give any unnecessary explanations!
"Is this the case?" Director Luo frowned. If anyone dared to challenge the majesty of Tianwu Auction House, they must be punished severely!

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan didn't answer the conversation, but just flicked the purple-gold VIP card in his hand, and flew towards Director Luo.

After Director Luo caught it, he just glanced at the purple-gold VIP card, and his whole body was soaked in cold sweat. When he looked at Shen Haoxuan again, his eyes were full of shock!

But the feminine man didn't notice Director Luo's change, and pointed to the purple-gold VIP card and said, "Director Luo, this is their forged VIP card. I've never seen such a VIP card issued by an expensive bank!"

Hearing the feminine man's words, Director Luo glanced at him coldly, and cursed in his heart: "Fake it? You're paralyzed by the fake one. The Luo family's unique logo on this purple-gold VIP card can be recognized even if it is turned into ashes. This is a VIP card of real value. If you say you have never seen it, of course you have never seen it. Only the direct descendants of the Luo family are eligible to give this kind of VIP card, even I have never seen it myself. A few, not to mention you! The person who owns this VIP card is equivalent to an elder in the Luo family. Even if Shen Haoxuan said that this Tianwu Auction House is now owned by others, I dare not give a shit do you know?"

In his heart, Supervisor Luo slapped that feminine man to pieces, then quickly put away his stinky face, came to Shen Haoxuan, and offered the purple-gold VIP card with both hands.

"Little brother, can we go in and talk?" Luo Tian asked politely.

Seeing Luo Tian's sudden change of attitude, everyone around was dumbfounded, and the feminine man was also full of disbelief, "What's going on? Director Luo still had a cold face a second ago, why did he become so cold the next moment?" Are you polite? Is this kid the one who smashed the gate of Tianwu Auction House? Shouldn’t he be taken away by Tianwu Auction House at this time?”

Shen Haoxuan was also a little shocked, he didn't expect that the VIP card given by Luo Xiaowen would have such great rights, and now he was even more curious about Luo Xiaowen's identity!

"Director Luo, he smashed the gate of Tianwu Auction House. If he is not severely punished, what will be the majesty of Tianwu Auction House in the future?" The feminine man saw that Director Luo actually called Shen Haoxuan his brother, and immediately reminded him.

"Shut up!" Luo Tian turned his head and shouted coldly.

"This gate has been in disrepair for a long time. I broke it myself. What does it have to do with this little brother? If you talk nonsense here, my Tianwu Auction House will reject this cooperation!"

"What!?" The feminine man exclaimed! !
(End of this chapter)

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