Chaos hegemony

Chapter 120 Elder? !

Chapter 120 Elder? !

"Little brother, please!" Luo Tian ignored the feminine man's reaction, and led Shen Haoxuan to the Tianwu Auction House. He said: "Oh, by the way, please take your people to clean up this door. After all, we are partners now, aren't we?" After finishing speaking, he turned his head and walked away.

Looking at the backs of Luo Tian and Shen Haoxuan, the feminine man's eyes were red and he was trembling with anger!Just now, Luo Tian was still looking like he wanted to get along with him, but now he scolded him in front of everyone, making him lose face!I am the grandson of the Great Elder of Heifengzhai, and the future owner of Heifengzhai in the future!He has never dared to assign himself like this before, who is he, Luo Tian!
"Hmph, it's all that damn kid. Don't think that with the support of Tianwu Auction House, I won't be able to touch you. After this plan is successful, including Tianwu Auction House, you will definitely make your life worse than death!" That feminine man passed all the faults on to Shen Haoxuan, his eyes were vicious, like a poisonous snake!
Shen Haoxuan didn't know that he was being missed by others at this time, he followed Luo Tian, ​​and a group of four came to the top floor of Tianwu Auction House!

"Subordinate Luo Tian, ​​I have met the elder!" As soon as he entered the door, Luo Tian turned around and bowed to Shen Haoxuan, which frightened Shen Haoxuan!
"No, no, Director Luo, the boy is just a junior, not an elder, how can he bear such a big gift, please get up quickly!" Shen Haoxuan hurriedly avoided Luo Tian, ​​and came to the side to help him up, but he couldn't help it. Luo Tian's body was like a rock, Shen Haoxuan couldn't shake it.

"The family stipulates that those who hold the Purple Gold Token are the elders of the clan, regardless of seniority, you must accept this gift as an elder, otherwise your subordinates will not dare to get up!" Luo Tian said stubbornly.

"Okay, okay, I accept. Director Luo, get up!" Seeing that Luo Tian insisted on addressing him as an elder, Shen Haoxuan could only accept it helplessly, and immediately helped Luo Tian up.

Helping Luo Tian up, Shen Haoxuan turned the purple-gold VIP card in his hand and said, "Isn't this just a VIP card? How did Director Luo become an identity token!"

"Elder, you don't know that this purple gold token is only eligible to be given to outsiders by direct disciples of the Luo family, and each disciple can only give one as a gift. To the outside world we call it a VIP card, but to the inside it is the identity token of the family. !" Luo Tian explained.

"Elder, can this subordinate take the liberty to ask, who is the young master who presented this purple-gold token?" Luo Tian asked curiously.This purple-golden token is of great significance. He is very curious which son gave such an important token to a ninth-level spiritual disciple?
"Oh, it's not Young Master, it was given to me by Sister Xiaowen!" Shen Haoxuan said casually.

"Sister Xiaowen? Luo Xiaowen?" Hearing this, Luo Tian was startled again, and almost fainted from fright!

Luo Xiaowen, that's Patriarch Luo's daughter, and the purple gold token in Shen Haoxuan's hand is much heavier!
"Cough..." Luo Tian could only cough dryly to express his inner shock, and then asked, "Then why did the elder come here?"

"Director Luo, don't call me an elder, just call me Haoxuan. I'm here to participate in the auction!" Shen Haoxuan explained his purpose of coming.

"It's just that I don't understand why this auction is so strange. As long as you send a spirit core of a fourth-order spirit beast, you are eligible to participate. Why?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"This..." Luo Tian hesitated, as if he didn't know whether he should talk about it or not.

"What? If there is any inconvenience, forget it, don't force it!"

"This is related to the personal privacy of the owner of Heifeng Village, but since the elder asked, let me talk about it! Three years ago, Yang Zhentian, the owner of Heifeng Village, discovered a secret realm, and then he led a team of people into the secret realm to search for treasure However, there are many traps in the secret realm, and they were unfortunately recruited. There were more than 30 people in the group, and the lowest strength was all ninth-level spirit generals. Except for Yang Zhentian, who had the cultivation base of Linghuang, who escaped, everyone else died in the secret realm!
Although Yang Zhentian escaped, he was also poisoned by the poison of the hell three-headed dog. It needs the Wanshou Pill to suppress it, so Yang Zhentian wanted to collect the spirit core of the spirit beast to refine the Wanshou Dan! "

"The hell poison of the three-headed dog? Myriad Beast Pill?" Shen Haoxuan murmured, information about these two things emerged in his mind.

The hell three-headed dog is one of the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times. The most terrifying thing is the poison attached to the fangs. This poison will kill you immediately, and there is no possibility of saving it!And Yang Zhentian was able to last for three years, presumably because the poison has been poisoned for a long time, and the poison has basically been exhausted!
As for the Ten Thousand Beast Pill, it is necessary to gather the spirit cores of ten thousand spirit beasts together with several kinds of genius treasures to be able to successfully refine it. The alchemist must reach at least the sixth-rank level to be successful, and the Ten Thousand Beast Pill can be successfully refined. The power of the pill is violent, even if the refining is successful, it is estimated that Yang Zhentian is not able to refine it now, and taking the Wanshou Dan is probably a dead end!
"Oh, by the way, the map of the secret realm was brought out by Yang Zhentian from the dangerous secret realm. This time, Yang Zhentian also said that if anyone can help him solve or provide a way to solve the poison on his body, then the map of the secret realm will be released. Who owns it!" Luo Tian continued.

"En? Isn't the map of the secret realm used for auction?" Shen Haoxuan was a little surprised.

"The auction is nothing more than exchanging some money, and that is nothing compared to Yang Zhentian's life!"

"Well, if that's the case, then there's still a chance to get the map of the secret realm!" Shen Haoxuan murmured, he has the living treasure of Yan Lao, and maybe he will know the way to deal with the poison!
"Cut, the spitting of a puppy sounds terrifying!" Just as Shen Haoxuan was thinking, the voice of gluttonous long hair rang out in his head.At this time, Shen Haoxuan suddenly realized that he has the gluttonous beast who is the head of the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times, and he should be the guy who knows the hell three-headed dog best!
"Long Mao, do you know how to get rid of that dark poison?" Shen Haoxuan asked in his heart.

"It's easy, that little trick couldn't be easier, leave it to me!" Changmao's voice sounded confidently.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed, but he didn't know that because of Changmao's words, he would cause him a lot of trouble in the future!
Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan chatted with Luo Tian for a while, and asked Luo Tian to find a room for the three of them to rest.

"Elder, this is where you rest. If you need anything, call me anytime! If you feel bored, you can go to the trading place downstairs. There should be a lot of things you are interested in!" Luo Tian confessed After a while, he left to do his own business.

After Luo Tian left, the three of Shen Haoxuan began to sort out the information of this auction. After knowing everything, they are now waiting for the auction to start...

(End of this chapter)

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