Chaos hegemony

Chapter 121 Cousin?

Chapter 121 Cousin?

"Dong dong dong..." Early the next morning, Shen Haoxuan was awakened from his cultivation state by a knock on the door.

"Brother Haoxuan, are you up yet?" Ji Lingxuan's voice came from outside the door, and Shen Haoxuan quickly got out of bed and opened the door.

Outside the door, Ji Lingxuan was wearing a long goose yellow dress, with three thousand black hair casually scattered behind her back, her moist skin was crystal clear under the sunlight in the morning, at this moment, Shen Haoxuan was stunned!
"Cough...Brother Haoxuan!" Being stared at by Shen Haoxuan, Ji Lingxuan's face turned red, and she lowered her head shyly.

Shen Haoxuan also came back to his senses, scratched his head and pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Why do you get up so early, little girl?"

"Nothing to do, let's go to the trading house downstairs!" After Ji Lingxuan finished speaking, she took Shen Haoxuan's hand and pulled it out. Before Shen Haoxuan could express his opinion, he was pulled out of the room!
Shen Haoxuan looked at the beautiful back of Ji Lingxuan who was walking in front, and smiled warmly. Maybe he knew that she was going to leave. Ji Lingxuan always tried her best to stay with him more. The only thing she can do now is this up!
The two came to the trading house, which was an independent space. The huge square was full of stalls, and there were endless shouts, which formed a sharp contrast with the quiet morning outside!

"Come, come, the spirit core of a third-order wood-type spirit beast can be exchanged for only ten spirit pills. The price is fair, and there is no deception!"

"Extreme Long Li Dan! Genuine goods at a reasonable price, welcome to purchase!"

"Agarwood, an artifact that assists cultivation, there are not many of them. After passing this village, there will be no such shop. Come quickly!"


Shouts hit Shen Haoxuan's head, making him feel dizzy, and it took him a long time to recover!

"Let's go, let's go for a walk!" Ji Lingxuan seldom saw such a bustling scene, so she led Shen Haoxuan to the square, constantly shuttling between the stalls, looking at the dazzling array of items, with a smile on her face constantly.

Shen Haoxuan followed behind Ji Lingxuan, and casually glanced at the items on the booth, maybe he would meet what he needed!But those elixirs and medicinal materials are too low-level, not very attractive to Shen Haoxuan!

Looking at it casually, when Shen Haoxuan was about to leave, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a beautifully crafted necklace. Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan's heart moved, as if he had never given Ji Lingxuan a gift before!

Approaching the booth, Shen Haoxuan picked up the necklace, which was made up of an ice core and several crystal gems. It was cold and beautiful!After Ji Lingxuan saw it, she couldn't do without those big eyes. Girls love beauty, and Ji Lingxuan is no exception!

"Little brother has good eyesight. This is a crystal necklace made of the spirit core of a fourth-order ice-type spirit beast. It is made by master-level craftsmen. If an ice-type warrior wears it, it can speed up the cultivation speed. Traveling, an excellent gift for your girlfriend!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan picking up the necklace, the stall owner immediately sold it.

"Do you like it?" Shen Haoxuan ignored the stall owner, turned around and looked at Ji Lingxuan and asked.

Ji Lingxuan nodded, the love in her eyes was beyond words.

"How do you sell this?" Shen Haoxuan asked the stall owner.

"Five broken spirit pills, the price is the same!" The stall owner said affirmatively.

"Five broken spirit pills, isn't it a bit too much, you are just..." Shen Haoxuan was about to bargain, but was interrupted by Yan Lao's voice.

"Boy, look at that piece of gravel covered with moss. Does the rune on it look familiar?" Old Yan said softly in his heart.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan looked at the gravel Yan Lao said without leaving a trace, and when he saw the runes on it, his heart skipped a beat. Isn't this the same as the runes on the golden token in the sea of ​​consciousness?Is this also a mysterious token?
"Boy, how about buying it too? Let's go back and study it. When it comes to the golden token, don't be careless!" Yan Lao said in a deep voice.

"En!" Shen Haoxuan responded, and then said to the stall owner: "The five broken spirit pills are indeed a bit of a big mouth, so then, give me that piece of broken stone, and I will offer you the five broken spirit pills! "

"Okay!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan wanted the broken stone, the stall owner agreed without even thinking about it!He has also studied that piece of broken stone, but it is just a fragment of the pill furnace, which has no value at all, and it is already worth the price to get five broken spirit pills!

Seeing that the stall owner agreed to come down, Shen Haoxuan smiled without a trace, then took out five broken spirit pills, and threw the gravel with strange runes into the storage ring.

After putting away the gravel, Shen Haoxuan handed the exquisite necklace to Ji Lingxuan. This was the first time he gave a girl a present!
However, just when Ji Lingxuan was about to reach out to catch it, a hand suddenly appeared and grabbed the necklace!
"I've also taken a fancy to this thing! How about the ten broken spirit pills?" A familiar voice sounded, and Shen Haoxuan turned his head to look. It was the feminine man who stopped them yesterday.

Yesterday, I also heard Luo Tian say that this feminine man is called Chao Tianwang, and he is the grandson of the Great Elder of Heifengzhai!

At this moment, he and Shen Haoxuan grabbed the necklace with each hand, neither of them would let it go!

"Swipe!" With a movement of Shen Haoxuan's palm, it turned into a sword finger and hit Chao Tianwang's wrist. Chao Tianwang felt the pain, so he couldn't help but let go of his palm, and the necklace fell into Shen Haoxuan's hands!
"Do you understand that first come first come first?" God Shen Haoxuan said lightly, and handed the necklace in his hand to Ji Lingxuan!

Looking at Shen Haoxuan's calm appearance, King Chao Tian gave him a dark look: "You dare to hit me, you want to die!"

This Chao Tianwang actually did it without saying a word!
Shen Haoxuan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the attacking fist, the muscles on his body began to squirm, and the terrifying power instantly concentrated on the right fist, and he was about to fight Chao Tianwang!

But just when Shen Haoxuan was about to make a move, a paper fan blocked him. The seemingly fragile paper fan blocked Chao Tianwang's punch that could smash rocks, and then he slapped it lightly, and Chao Tianwang died with blood. Flying, smashed several stalls along the road before stopping.

"It's the worst thing to see this kind of person who steals other people's things!" A calm voice sounded, and everyone turned their gazes over. They wanted to see who would be so bold as to blow the toubob here with a fan!

Shen Haoxuan also looked at the figure that appeared in front of him. He was dressed in white and was spotless. He looked extraordinary and refined. He was young, with a handsome face and extraordinary momentum!
Shen Haoxuan looked at the young man with a solemn expression. The other party stood in front of him like a mountain, and Shen Haoxuan couldn't breathe!

"So strong!" Shen Haoxuan was shocked.

"Be safe, cousin!" Just as Shen Haoxuan was wary of the man in white, the other party greeted Ji Lingxuan behind him with a smile on his face.


(End of this chapter)

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