Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1187 Breakthrough!

Chapter 1187 Breakthrough!

In Qingwei Mansion, after Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan rushed back, they directly entered the state of retreat. The two of them also gained a lot of benefits in the Nine Tribulations God Prison. Now they must seize the time to improve their strength. There is only one month left!

Feng Yin looked at the two people who were in a hurry, and immediately heaved a long sigh. The two of them didn't bring back any power of wind and thunder in the inheritance land of the God of War Sword. It seems that they have to collect it by themselves during this period of time.

Shen Haoxuan walked into the retreat room, sat down straight cross-legged, quickly adjusted his state of mind, and then took out the holy dragon blood that he had obtained in the Nine Tribulations Prison.

As soon as the holy dragon's blood essence appeared, a huge energy of energy and blood surged in the secret room, and the pores of Shen Haoxuan's whole body couldn't help but open, and began to devour the energy of energy and blood.

"This holy dragon's essence blood really deserves to be the essence blood of a divine beast!" Shen Haoxuan's eyes flashed a fiery color. This time he got a total of four drops, gave two drops to Ji Lingxuan, and kept two drops for himself. This thing is good, and the human body's absorption of it is also limited. According to Shen Haoxuan's speculation, two drops is the limit of the human body's absorption. If there is more, the body may not be able to bear it.

With a flick of the finger, a purple-black flame burst out, directly enveloping the drop of holy dragon blood, and began to refine it. Although this holy dragon blood has a huge power of energy and blood, the essence contained in it The energy is too diverse and must be refined.

The purple-black flame continuously scorched the blood of the holy dragon, and the scorching high temperature distorted the surrounding space, but the blood of the holy dragon did not respond at all. The flames formed by the fusion of spirits are directly immune!
However, Shen Haoxuan was not in a hurry. The energy contained in the blood essence of a divine beast like a holy dragon is extremely terrifying, so it takes time to refine it, and haste makes waste. Shen Haoxuan still understands of.

Closing his eyes, Shen Haoxuan slowly increased the temperature of the flame, the space became more and more distorted, the stone walls above the secret room began to turn crimson, and they were about to melt!

Under such a high temperature, the blood of the holy dragon finally reacted, and traces of black mist rose from the blood. It started to sound, lingering in the entire Qingwei Mansion, causing all the warriors of the Ji family to look in the direction of Shen Haoxuan.

After a day of refinement, the mottled energy in the blood of the holy dragon was finally completely eliminated. Shen Haoxuan slowly opened his closed eyes, and looked at the dark red holy dragon essence in front of him. Xue nodded in satisfaction.

"The next step is to devour it!" Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, and then directly stuffed the holy dragon's blood essence into his mouth, and began to refine it crazily.

As soon as the holy dragon's blood was imported, it turned into a stream of pure qi and blood energy, pouring into Shen Haoxuan's meridians like a tide, and a slight sense of swelling and cracking came from the meridians, making Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but take a breath .

The power of Qi and blood in this holy dragon's blood essence is really too overbearing, even though Shen Haoxuan's body has been tempered and strengthened many times, he still feels a little too much.

Seeing the power of blood scurrying in his body, Shen Haoxuan held his breath together, summoned a wave of spiritual power from the small world of Hongmeng, and began to guide this power of blood to temper his meridians, bones , to enhance their own strength.

However, Shen Haoxuan still underestimated the domineering power of the holy dragon's blood essence. It seems that this huge energy and blood power cannot be controlled by Shen Haoxuan at all. They do whatever they want in Shen Haoxuan's body, constantly impacting those meridians and bones, turning into streaks of blood. The long dragon roared and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan's Hongmeng small world.

Seeing this scene, Shen Haoxuan was shocked into a cold sweat. If this blood-colored dragon bumped into his small world of Hongmeng, then all his cultivation would be ruined!

At critical times, we could only sacrifice the spirits of heaven and earth. The spirit seeds of the three great spirits of heaven and earth floated out of the small world of Hongmeng, forming three barriers and blocking the bloody long dragon, directly stopping the bloody long dragon. Then the earth spirit Xuanming swallowed the blood-colored dragon in one gulp, and brought it into the small world of Hongmeng!
With the help of the three great spiritual species, the blood energy in the holy dragon's blood essence is slowly being refined, and traces of pure energy are continuously integrated into Shen Haoxuan's Hongmeng small world, and with these energies The influx of Shen Haoxuan's aura is also slowly increasing.

In addition, some of the remaining blood of the holy dragon continued to seep into Shen Haoxuan's meridians and bones, strengthening Shen Haoxuan's physique again, but more blood of the holy dragon poured into Shen Haoxuan's left arm. It also emerged at this time, on the blue scales, a few golden runes slowly emerged, which looked very strange.

However, Shen Haoxuan didn't realize it. At this time, he had already put all his energy on preparing to break through the barrier of the eighth-order Spirit Emperor. However, the breakthrough point did not seem to be reached so quickly. After all, Shen Haoxuan also just broke through to the seventh rank of Spirit Emperor.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and in the blink of an eye, ten days passed. During these ten days, Shen Haoxuan's aura continued to grow steadily, and the energy contained in the blood of the holy dragon had been refined by Shen Haoxuan There were seven or eight, and there was only a little bit left, but Shen Haoxuan still didn't feel the feeling of breakthrough.

"Looks like we have to work harder!" Shen Haoxuan secretly screamed in his heart, and then with a thought, a mellow pill appeared in his hand, which was exactly the eighth grade he got from the Nine Tribulations God Prison Compared with the one given to him by Zhang Zhen, the quality of the holy pill is much better.

Without the slightest hesitation, Shen Haoxuan directly threw the eighth-rank holy elixir into his mouth, and used the huge medicinal power of the eighth-rank holy elixir to replenish the depleted blood of the holy dragon.

With the help of the eighth-rank sage elixir, Shen Haoxuan's breath, which had stopped growing, rose sharply again, and at this time, Shen Haoxuan also vaguely felt the barrier of breaking through the eighth-rank spirit emperor.

"It's almost there!" Shen Haoxuan's face was overjoyed, and then he quickly prepared to gather his spiritual power and make a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Under the huge medicine power of the eighth-rank holy pill, Shen Haoxuan quickly broke through the barrier of the eighth-rank spirit emperor and successfully broke through. After breaking through, the surrounding spiritual power seemed to be summoned by something, forming a huge The vortex rushed towards Shen Haoxuan's body, just at that moment, the spiritual power in the entire Qingwei Mansion was emptied!


At the same time, a terrifying aura erupted from the depths of Qingwei Mansion, and instantly swept across the entire Qingwei Mansion. Feeling the tyrannical and domineering coercion, everyone in the Ji family couldn't help but change their expressions. , the eyes once again gathered in the secret room where Shen Haoxuan was...

(End of this chapter)

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