Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1188 The Wind and Thunder Terrace is Opened!

Chapter 1188 The Wind and Thunder Terrace is Opened!
"What's going on? Such a powerful coercion!" In Qingwei Mansion, everyone in the Ji family stopped their work and gathered together to look in the direction of Shen Haoxuan.

"Is that Shen Haoxuan's breakthrough? What a big movement!" Everyone's eyes flashed a look of shock. During this period of time, Feng Yin had already told everyone in the Ji family about the relationship between Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan. Not optimistic, but after hearing that Shen Haoxuan beat the top geniuses of the eight major families in the inheritance land of the Sword God, they began to slowly accept Shen Haoxuan.

"Breakthrough to the eighth-level Spirit Emperor? But why do I feel that this formation seems to have broken through to the Lingzun!" Feng Yin curled his lips and said, when he broke through to the eighth-level Spirit Emperor, how could there be such a big movement?
The huge vortex of spiritual power was still expanding, and it was about to spread out of Qingwei Mansion, but there was no spiritual energy for Shen Haoxuan to swallow in the ancient battlefield outside Qingwei Mansion, and the vortex of spiritual power also slowly stopped. After a long while, it also slowly dissipated, and the terrifying coercion also gradually disappeared.

Inside the secret room, Shen Haoxuan's closed eyes suddenly opened, and two rays of real light shot out, the clothes on his body moved without wind, and the vigor visible to the naked eye continued to spread around his body.

"The eighth-level Spirit Emperor!" Shen Haoxuan stood up, clenched his fists, felt the surging power in his body, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but slightly raised, revealing a satisfied smile.

However, Shen Haoxuan forcibly used the holy dragon's blood essence and the eighth-grade holy pill to break through, which also made the spiritual power in his body a little vain, and he would not dare to continue to practice in the future. If this continues, his grounds will appear problem.

"There are still more than ten days before the opening of Fenglei Terrace, just to consolidate our strength!" Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, suppressed the churning spiritual power in his body, and said in a low voice.

Pushing open the door, Shen Haoxuan came to the main hall of Qingwei Mansion. At this time, all the members of the Ji family were gathered here, looking at him with the eyes of a monster.

"What's going on? You all have nothing to do?" Shen Haoxuan was stunned for a while, and he didn't need such a big fight to go out by himself.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, everyone in the Ji family booed in unison, and then dispersed, yelling words like perverts and monsters, and started to go about their business.

Shen Haoxuan was confused about this second chapter, so he had to find Feng Yin, and wanted to ask him where the ancient ruins had been excavated recently. Now Shen Haoxuan urgently needs to hone and consolidate his strength, otherwise, the cultivation base of the eighth-level spirit emperor The combat power that can be unleashed is probably not as strong as that of the seventh-order spirit emperor.

"Has Ling Xuan come out yet?" Shen Haoxuan came to Feng Yin, and suddenly found that the secret room where Ji Lingxuan was still had a strong aura that was slowly growing.

"She said that she wanted to challenge the realm of Lingzun. If she can break through successfully, she can compete with Muxuan on Fenglei Terrace!" Feng Yin looked at Ji Lingxuan's closed door and said softly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan also nodded. Ji Lingxuan's strength is indeed qualified to hit the realm of Lingzun. With the addition of the holy dragon's blood essence and the eighth-rank holy pill, the probability of this is not small. If it really succeeds, it will take half a month. In the future Fengleitai, they will have more initiative!

"Ling Xuan worked so hard, I can't fall behind!" Shen Haoxuan murmured softly, and then asked: "Where are the ancient ruins unearthed by the Ji family recently, maybe I can help!"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Feng Yin's expression brightened. Recently, he was worried. Ji Lingxuan, the most powerful fighter of the Ji family, was in retreat, and the Ji family was at a disadvantage in the competition for the ancient ruins. Now that Shen Haoxuan is out of the customs, he can help He solves the urgent need.

Afterwards, Fengyin gave Shen Haoxuan all the addresses of the ancient ruins recently discovered by Ji's family. After getting the information of these ancient ruins, Shen Haoxuan went to those ancient ruins non-stop, and started his own campaign...

With the passage of time, the competition among the eight major families for the ancient relics has become more intense. The opening of the Fenglei Terrace is imminent. The battle is also becoming more and more fierce, and many warriors died in it.

However, during the competition between the eight major families, one family was released alone. No one wanted to compete with this family. This family was not the No. [-] Mu family, nor the Qi family, but the Ji family!

It is said that three major families joined forces to snatch the power of wind and thunder from the ancient ruins of the Ji family. As a result, none of the people who entered finally came out, and all the power of wind and thunder collected by the family disappeared. Everyone knew who did it, but even if they knew , the top disciples of the three families did not take any action, it seems that they have eaten up this hidden loss, but they are secretly fighting more hard against other families!
Half a month later, Shen Haoxuan slowly walked out of an ancient ruins. At this time, the clothes on Shen Haoxuan's body were completely torn, and there were many scars on his body. In some places, the blood hadn't dried up, and it was his own.

These ancient relics are full of dangers. Shen Haoxuan discovered more than a dozen ancient relics within half a month. Almost every day, he had to shuttle in various formations and all kinds of crazy ancient battle spirits. After a month, he experienced many battles. Countless, the original vain aura has been completely stabilized, and the strength has improved. Sure enough, fighting is the best way to improve strength!

"Calculating the time, the Fenglei Tower is about to open!" Shen Haoxuan wiped off the blood on his body casually, and turned his gaze to the huge thunder pillar in the distance. In a month, the thunder pillar has become bigger and bigger, and the scattered light is overflowing. The power of the wind and thunder that came was even more terrifying.

"Go back to Qingwei Mansion first, Ling Xuan is probably going to leave the customs too!" Shen Haoxuan withdrew his gaze, and with a flash of his figure, he rushed towards Qingwei Mansion.

When Shen Haoxuan arrived at Qingwei Mansion, he felt a powerful aura slowly waking up, and his face was happy at the moment, Ji Lingxuan finally came out, and this aura obviously broke through to the realm of Lingzun !

"Congratulations!" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but smile when he saw Ji Lingxuan coming out.

Ji Lingxuan was also full of joy. As long as she breaks through to the realm of the Spiritual Venerable, she will have room to negotiate with the family. If this is the case, the Mu family's conspiracy will not be able to succeed!


During the conversation between the two, a dull thunder suddenly exploded from the ancient battlefield. Under the loud noise, the entire ancient battlefield began to tremble violently, and a terrifying wind and thunder struck. Let the warriors in the ancient battlefield tremble.

Everyone hurried to the outdoors. At this time, the huge thunder column in the distance had completely exploded, and countless thunder lights continued to flash, which looked very spectacular.

"Fenglei Terrace, open!"

(End of this chapter)

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