Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1196 War Muxuan!

Chapter 1196 War Muxuan!

But just when Shen Haoxuan was about to leave, those genius disciples of the Mu Family jumped and surrounded Shen Haoxuan and Ji Lingxuan.

"Hmph, want to leave? Is it that easy?" Ji Yan snorted coldly. Now that Shen Haoxuan has offended the Ji family and the Mu family, the two most powerful families among the eight major families, how could Ji Yan let him leave!

Shen Haoxuan's face became gloomy at this time, Ji Yan actually united with the Mu family, and now his situation is very dangerous, let alone the talented disciples of the Ji family and the Mu family, even Ji Yan and Mu Yan, Shen Haoxuan can't help it Solve it, these two are both strong in the Holy Realm!

However, no matter what this time, Shen Haoxuan will take Ji Lingxuan away. With such a Ji family, Shen Haoxuan will not let Ji Lingxuan go back again!
"Ji Lingxuan, you should know the strength of the eight major families best. Do you think you have a chance to escape today?" Ji Yan looked at Ji Lingxuan and said coldly.

"Patriarch, I didn't expect that you would bow your head to the Mu family and become the subordinates of the Mu family? Have you forgotten that my Ji family was once the head of the eight major families?" Ji Lingxuan also knew Ji Yan's intentions at this time, Ji Yan Giving himself to the Mu family was nothing more than wanting to form an alliance with the Mu family, to be precise, to be attached to the Mu family. Ji Yan completely left the honor and dignity of the Ji family behind!

"Hmph, Ji Lingxuan, do you know why the Ji family can end up in this situation? It's because of your pedantic father, what is the so-called dignity, the so-called reputation, in this world, those are of no use, only interests, interests It is the foundation of everything, the Mu family can give me everything the Ji family wants, so why not join hands with the Mu family? And you are the most important pawn, this is the arrangement of the Ji family, you have no right to refuse!" Ji Yan looked at Ji Lingxuan, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

"Then what if I must take her away today!" Shen Haoxuan stared at Ji Yan firmly, a domineering aura erupted from his body, making the genius disciples of the shepherds around couldn't help but back away go.

"It's just you? A little Spirit Emperor powerhouse!" Ji Yan smiled disdainfully. He had never seen a Spirit Emperor dare to provoke him in front of a saint realm powerhouse!

"A strong man in the holy realm!" Shen Haoxuan clenched his fists tightly, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of nails piercing into his flesh. Facing the strong man in the holy realm, he was indeed powerless. The gap between the two was really too big. up!
"Uncle Ji, you don't need to take action against a small Lingdi powerhouse!" At this moment, Mu Xuan let out a sinister smile, and walked out from the crowd. Just now on the Fenglei Terrace, Shen Haoxuan relied on the strength of others to surpass him. He, this made him very upset, now he finally has a chance to vent, he will let Shen Haoxuan know that in the face of absolute strength, all crooked ways are false!
"Haha, that's natural. With Muxuan's nephew's strength, it must be easy to kill him, so I'll leave this prey to you!" Ji Yan laughed loudly, and then gave way to Muxuan.

Mu Xuan walked out slowly, looking down at Shen Haoxuan from a high position, a look of contempt flashed in his eyes, as long as he used some tricks to break through the wind and thunder, it was possible to get the first place, but in a real battle, these tricks were not enough. Doesn't work in the slightest.

"Shen Haoxuan, as I said, you alone are not qualified to stand here. If I'm in a good mood today, if I don't kill you, I'd better get out, otherwise, you will die on the spot today!" Mu Xuan snorted coldly , a powerful aura erupted from his body, Hao Ran had already reached the rank of Spirit Venerable!
Shen Haoxuan's face was as plain as water, but the killing intent in his eyes had become more and more intense, and had even become real. He couldn't deal with the powerhouses of the Holy Realm, but Mu Xuan, Shen Haoxuan was still sure!
"Wait for me!" Shen Haoxuan shouted to Ji Lingxuan who was beside him, and then stepped onto the Fenglei Terrace again, looking at Muxuan indifferently. Since Ji Yan wanted to betroth Ji Lingxuan to Muxuan, Shen Haoxuan would abolish this today. Mu Xuan, let the Ji family and the Mu family take a look at the consequences of angering yourself!

"Ji Lingxuan is not something you can get your hands on, but you want to die. After you die, I will love her very much!" The corners of Mu Xuan's mouth curled up, revealing a sinister smile.

Mu Xuan's words completely ignited the anger in Shen Haoxuan's heart. As soon as his words fell, Shen Haoxuan's figure flashed and disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he came in front of Mu Xuan. That huge fist carried a howling wind and hit Mu Xuan's face directly!

Mu Xuan's reaction was very quick, and he also swung out a punch, directly blocking Shen Haoxuan's punch, and the strength visible to the naked eye spread around the two of them.

"What? Angry? It's just a woman, just a plaything. A person like you is destined not to be able to touch the threshold of the strong!" Seeing the anger in Shen Haoxuan's eyes, Mu Xuan sneered and said contemptuously.

"Hmph, the reason why a person becomes stronger is because there is something in his heart that he wants to protect. This kind of feeling is something that a cold-blooded animal like you can't feel!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, the veins on his arm burst violently, The power blasted out again, directly throwing Mu Xuan's body into the air!
"What!" Feeling Shen Haoxuan's sudden surge of power, Mu Xuan's face changed slightly, and then golden spiritual power burst out from his body, turning into countless sharp swords and stabbing at Shen Haoxuan's body.

"Xuanwu Shield!" With a thought in Shen Haoxuan's mind, a huge turtle-shaped rune flashed around him, blocking all the golden spiritual power, and at the same time he took a step forward, approached Muxuan, and started crazy attack!
Mu Xuan, who was thrown into the air by Shen Haoxuan, had no power to fight back at all. He could only shield his hands in front of his chest, defend passively, and endured Shen Haoxuan's crazy attack!
Seeing Mu Xuan who fell into a disadvantage from the very beginning, the faces of the top disciples of the eight major families couldn't help but change. Shen Haoxuan's strength was even beyond their expectations.

Ji Yan and Mu Yan raised their brows slightly, and a look of displeasure flashed across their faces. As the number one genius of the Eight Great Families, it's a bit embarrassing to be suppressed by a student from the Three Great Schools!

However, the brows of Ji Yan and Mu Yan were quickly stretched. From their point of view, Mu Xuan hadn't used half of his strength, and Shen Haoxuan seemed to have already used all his strength. When it erupts, that is when the winner will be determined!

Under Shen Haoxuan's berserk attack, Mu Xuan was punched several times in the face, and the anger in his heart rose up at the moment, a burst of shouting sounded from his mouth, and a violent storm of spiritual power erupted from his body Come out and force Shen Haoxuan back!

"Congratulations, you have successfully angered me!" Mu Xuan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and a cruel smile appeared on his face...

[ps: I recommend two books from friends, "Chaos Heavenly Emperor Jue" and "Emperor Overlord". If you are short of books, you can go and read it...]

(End of this chapter)

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