Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1197 The spirit of heaven and earth shows its power!

Chapter 1197 The spirit of heaven and earth shows its power!

Shen Haoxuan flipped around a few times in the air, and landed lightly on the ground. Seeing Mu Xuan's expression became ferocious, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Mu Xuan is about to show his true strength!" Seeing Mu Xuan's increasingly powerful aura, the warriors of the eight major families all showed a hint of fear on their faces.

Ji Yan and Mu Yan also sneered. After all, Shen Haoxuan has forced out Mu Xuan's true strength, but that's good too. End the game early and save time here!

At this moment, on Mu Xuan's body, a strand of pitch-black mist seeped out of his body, soon covering his entire body, and the originally golden spiritual power was also eroded by the black mist. It turned into a dark golden color, and an extremely cold aura rushed towards him, making Shen Haoxuan feel a chill all over his body, and his brows were also furrowed.

"The breath of extraterrestrial demons!" Shen Haoxuan was all too familiar with this aura. Isn't the dark mist lingering around Mu Xuan's body at this moment the unique energy of extraterritorial demons?

"It's no wonder that Muxuan knows that there is a demon god sealed in the inheritance of the Sword God. He must have obtained the inheritance of an extraterrestrial demon, or an extraterrestrial demon has appeared beside him!" Shen Haoxuan thought in his heart.

However, the extraterritorial demon can indeed improve its own strength, and the cold aura will also affect the opponent's spiritual thoughts and weaken the opponent's strength. It couldn't cause any damage, but Shen Haoxuan's Chaos Divine Body, the three spiritual species in his body, and the power of Chaos are all the nemesis of the extraterrestrial demons. It can be said that Mu Xuan completely hit Shen Haoxuan's gun!

"You are the first one who can force out my full strength!" Mu Xuan's aura finally stabilized, and then he slowly straightened his body. At this time, there were also dark lines on Mu Xuan's face. Although the texture looks a little shallow, it also looks extremely hideous.

"I keep saying that I want to use my real strength, and I don't bother to use crooked methods. It seems that I'm just talking about it!" Shen Haoxuan said calmly, his expression unchanged.

"Hmph, as long as it can be used by me, that is my real strength, as long as it can kill you!" Mu Xuan snorted coldly, then clenched his fist, and there was a burst of popping beans.

"Kill me, I told you, you don't have the qualifications yet!" Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, and then his eyes became sharper. The three spirits of heaven and earth also appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan, and finally turned into three streams of light, merging into Shen Haoxuan's body.


A muffled sound sounded, and Shen Haoxuan's arms also swelled up. The unicorn arms and the dragon claws were also revealed now. A jet-black arm with crimson lines, a dark blue arm with golden lines, a wave from the prehistoric The aura is also emanating from Shen Haoxuan's body, echoing the aura of this Fengleitai!
"It seems that you are not as weak as you imagined!" Mu Xuan felt the aura coming from Shen Haoxuan, and immediately licked his lips and said, but it is more interesting to play this way!
Shen Haoxuan's body was shining with three-color spiritual power, his body was slightly heavy, and he waved at Mu Xuan, directly provoking him!
"Hmph, looking for death!" Seeing that Shen Haoxuan dared to provoke him, Mu Xuan snorted coldly, then stepped on the ground suddenly, and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan like lightning.

Looking at Mu Xuan rushing towards him, Shen Haoxuan's face was indifferent. When Mu Xuan approached him, Shen Haoxuan's palm pressed down suddenly, and the yellow spiritual power burst out from his body, wrapping the space around Mu Xuan .

"Fall!" Shen Haoxuan let out a low voice, and Mu Xuan, who had rushed in quickly, sank all over, and fell directly from mid-air. His body was so heavy that it was difficult for him to move.

"It's Shen Haoxuan's spiritual power!" Mu Xuan looked at the yellow spiritual power surrounding him, and instantly realized it.

"Get out!" Mu Xuan yelled, and the tyrannical energy burst out, blowing away the yellow spiritual power around him, allowing the gravity in the space around him to slowly recover, and his body could move again. He wanted to charge towards Shen Haoxuan again.

Seeing that Mu Xuan had released the gravitational bondage, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised a slight arc. With a thought, a green ray of light appeared in the dragon's claws. The next moment, countless vines suddenly emerged from Mu Xuan's feet, directly He tied up Muxuan and pressed him firmly to the ground, unable to move!
"Damn it!" Mu Xuan yelled angrily. He had seen this move in the sword mound of the God of War Sword. Although it would not cause him any harm, it was extremely annoying!

Mu Xuan wanted to break free from the shackles of these vines, but before he could do it, he felt a hot breath rushing towards him, and then he looked up, and saw a pitch-black fire dragon descending from the sky, rushing towards him roaring, the fire dragon Wherever it passed, the surrounding space was shattered.


Before Mu Xuan could break free from the shackles of those vines, he was hit hard by the fire dragon. There was a deafening roar, and the pitch-black sea of ​​flames swept away instantly, engulfing the nearby open space, and it took a long time to dissipate. .

Shen Haoxuan looked indifferently at the center of the sea of ​​flames, the gravitational suppression of the earth spirit Xuanming, the deadly blockade of the wood spirit Qingxuan, and the violent blow of the fire spirit Obsidian. Shen Haoxuan used the abilities of the three kinds of heaven and earth spirits to the fullest. The power of the spirit is also fully erupted at this time, even if Mu Xuan is not dead this time, he will have to retreat!


A gust of violent wind blew past, and the scorching sea of ​​flames was blown away directly. In the depths of the sea of ​​flames, a figure surrounded by dark golden spiritual power walked out slowly. Xuan.

At this time, Mu Xuan's clothes had disappeared, his hair became messy, and his whole body was scorched black. Obviously, he was seriously injured by Huo Ling Obsidian's berserk blow!
However, Mu Xuan's aura not only did not decrease, but increased even more, because on his forehead, a dark golden rune appeared, which was the family crest of his Mu family. Bao, had to open the family pattern and forcibly improve his strength!
"I'm going to kill you! I'm going to kill you!" Mu Xuan had completely gone berserk at this time. He thought he would easily deal with Shen Haoxuan with all his strength, but before he could do it, he was almost seriously injured by Shen Haoxuan At this moment, all the darkness in his heart was aroused, and his eyes turned red, like a beast.


Mu Xuan let out a roar, and then turned into a bolt of lightning, charging towards Shen Haoxuan. The violent aura shook the wind and thunder platform under his feet into cracks, it was very powerful, and Shen Haoxuan's expression became serious at this time , because the real battle only begins now...

(End of this chapter)

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