Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1199 Futu Pagoda Refining!

Chapter 1199 Futu Pagoda Refining!
Shen Haoxuan kept retreating in the air, the strong wind seemed to tear his whole body apart.

Forcibly stopping the retreating figure, Shen Haoxuan looked at the summoned God of Mu, his eyes were full of fear, he really did not expect that a divine sense of the ancestor of the Mu family would be so terrifying!

"The shepherd god of the Mu family is still so powerful and invincible. Summoning the divine sense of the ancestors of the Mu family is already an unsolvable bloodline skill!" The warriors of the eight major families said in a deep voice.

Other families cannot use the bloodline magic skill of summoning the ancestors' divine thoughts like the Mu family. The reason why the Mu family can do it is that the ancestors of the Mu family fused their own spiritual thoughts into their bloodlines before they died. The means, the ancestors of other families did not have.

Looking at the illusory figure, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, this is the divine sense of the ancestors of the Mu family, even if there is only a trace of divine sense, it is not something he can contend with, and now he has only the last way to deal with it.

"Butu Pagoda, come out!" Shen Haoxuan shouted lowly, pinched the seal in his hand, and then a jet-black streamer burst out from between his brows, and came to the midair.

At this time, everyone also wanted to know how Shen Haoxuan should deal with the arrival of Muxuan's God of Muxuan, and they all cast their gazes there, but when they saw the small black pagoda with seven orifices floating above Shen Haoxuan's head, they couldn't recover. Could it be that Shen Haoxuan wanted to Use this little black tower to fight against Muxuan's coming of the Mu Shen?
Just when everyone was shocked, the small pitch-black tower swelled against the wind, and after a while, it turned into a huge giant tower that covered the sky and the sun. The spiritual power overflowed from it, distorting the surrounding space in shock. Without a doubt, this is at least a treasure of the divine weapon level!

"Suppression!" Shen Haoxuan shouted angrily, and then waved his hands down.

Upon receiving Shen Haoxuan's order, the Futu Pagoda was also shaken violently, and began to fall towards the place where the God of Mu is located below. The huge pagoda body was like a shooting star, erupting a powerful coercion, giving people an extremely Strong sense of impact.

The huge pagoda is like Mount Tai pressing down on the top. The heavy momentum makes the warriors of the eight families below a little breathless, but everyone can't help but cast their eyes on the huge pagoda. They want to know, Shen Haoxuan's Can the attack destroy Muxuan's Mu Shen's descending!
"Hmph, ignorant boy, do you want to suppress me with this?" The shepherd looked at the fallen pagoda, snorted coldly, and then waved his hand, a powerful divine sense burst out towards the pagoda The tower went away.


There was a crisp sound of the steel street crossing, and the God of Mu Shen and Shen Haoxuan's pagoda bombarded together, and the vigor visible to the naked eye spread out from this center, and the terrifying power shattered the surrounding space, inch by inch. It collapsed, revealing the dark chaotic space.

The divine sense bombarded the pagoda, which shocked the pagoda, which was descending rapidly, and stopped immediately, and the whole pagoda began to tremble violently.

Looking at the pagoda blocked by the divine thoughts, Shen Haoxuan's face turned cold, and then with a thought, a huge power of chaos erupted from the pagoda, instantly entangled the divine thoughts of God Mu.

The power of chaos is too heavy for that divine sense. The moment the power of chaos clings to the divine sense of the Mu Shen, that divine sense collapses inch by inch, and the pagoda begins to fall again. With the blessing of the power of chaos, the speed is even faster!

Seeing that his divine sense was destroyed, a hint of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the Mu Shen. He didn't even evade, but rushed towards the pagoda. Since there is no way to break through the pagoda from the outside, the only way is to enter the interior. The inside of the artifact is the most vulnerable!
Seeing that the Mu Shen not only didn't dodge, but rushed towards the pagoda, Shen Haoxuan was stunned for a moment, did the Mu Shen lose his mind?Doesn't he know that the pagoda has the effect of refining spiritual thoughts and spiritual thoughts?

"Boom..." The Buddha Pagoda finally fell, suppressing the God of Mu in it.

"Shen Haoxuan, you are really ignorant. At the level of my ancestors, the divine weapon has no effect on the divine sense. On the contrary, your divine weapon will be destroyed by my ancestor's divine sense. You just wait to lose your wife and lose your army! " Mu Xuan saw Mu Shen rushing into the pagoda by himself, and immediately understood the meaning of Mu Shen, and then said to Shen Haoxuan with a big laugh.

"Oh, is it?" Hearing Mu Xuan's words, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth rose slightly. It seems that Mu Xuan didn't know the effect of the Buddha Pagoda. If so...

"Refinement!" Shen Haoxuan sneered, and at that moment the three major spiritual species burst out from the body and rushed directly into the pagoda. A similar breath came from the pagoda.

"Hmph, ordinary artifacts are naturally unable to refine divine thoughts, but with the addition of the three great spirits of heaven and earth!" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, a hint of sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

"What!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Mu Xuan's expression finally changed, and he wanted to tell Mu Shen immediately, but at this moment he found that the connection between himself and Mu Shen had disappeared!

At this time, inside the pagoda, the four-color dragon formed by the three great spirits of heaven and earth and the power of chaos is surrounding the God of Mu, and on the top of the pagoda, the power of chaos is constantly oozing out, locking the God of Mu to death. In the same place, he couldn't move at all, and let the four-color fire spirits refine and refine.

At this time, Mu Shen's face also showed a trace of fear. He had heard of the divine weapon that could refine the soul in his time, but that kind of divine weapon had long since disappeared with his master. How could it appear here? ?

"The Buddha Pagoda is actually a Buddha Pagoda!" Feeling the powerful purifying power around him, Mu Shen's expression was finally no longer calm, and he felt extremely regretful at the moment. If he had known this was the legendary Buddha Pagoda, even if it was He didn't dare to come in even though he had all his divine sense, let alone only a trace of it now.

But it's too late to regret now, the four-color fire dragon carried a huge purification power, directly devoured the body of the God of Mu, and began to refine it crazily. After a while, the God of Mu was completely refined!

The God of Mu was originally summoned by the power of the blood in Mu Xuan's body. Now that the God of Mu has been refined, the blood in Mu Xuan's body has also been severely injured. The next mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face instantly turned pale. It is also sluggish.

"It's now!" Seeing Mu Xuan's weakness, the Suzaku wings on Shen Haoxuan's back shook violently, and he came in front of Mu Xuan in an instant, punching him directly in the chest, and the scarlet pattern on the unicorn's arm shone It was extremely dazzling, and the berserk power was completely poured on Mu Xuan's body, causing Mu Xuan's body to hit the ground like a cannonball...

(End of this chapter)

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