Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1200 Brazen Shepherd!

Chapter 1200 Brazen Shepherd!


A muffled sound sounded, and Mu Xuan's body slammed fiercely on the Fenglei Terrace. The huge force made the Fenglei Terrace viciously tremble. Come and count the pitch-black Nine Heavens Divine Thunder.


Seeing this scene, those warriors who originally thought that Shen Haoxuan was about to be beheaded could not help but gasp, completely unaware of what happened.

God Mu took the initiative to sneak into the black giant tower. He thought it was a big move, but he didn't expect Mu Xuan to vomit blood immediately after, which made Shen Haoxuan seize the opportunity and hit him hard. Could it be that Shen Haoxuan really relied on Has this huge black tower cracked Muxuan's God of Mu?
Shen Haoxuan can't control so much now, although Mu Xuan received a punch from himself in a weak state, but Shen Haoxuan can still feel the weak momentum, Mu Xuan is not dead yet!
Thinking of this, the Vermilion Bird's wings behind Shen Haoxuan trembled again, and he rushed towards Mu Xuan, the so-called killing requires blood, and cutting weeds requires rooting out, Shen Haoxuan will not let go of any chance to kill Mu Xuan!

Shen Haoxuan punched Mu Xuan on the Fenglei Platform, and the severe pain in his chest made him want to die. Not only that, but the meridians in his body seemed to be broken, and the blood vessels seemed to be on fire. Desperate to die!

Mu Xuan wanted to do it, but the severe pain in his body could only make him lie on the ground.

But when Muxuan caught a glimpse of Shen Haoxuan who was rushing towards him from the corner of his eyes, his expression changed drastically, and a chill flowed from his feet directly to his head. This was the first time he felt the taste of fear. In Shen Haoxuan's eyes, he saw the god of death waving to him!
Mu Xuan was terrified in his heart. Shen Haoxuan had cracked the strongest and most incomprehensible God of Mu Shen. This was the first time since he was born that he felt so vulnerable. The strong self-confidence he had built up over the past ten years It collapsed at this moment, and the threat of death made him feel cold, and he even peed his pants!

"Help me!" Mu Xuan couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted at Mu Yan, the Patriarch of the Mu family, he didn't want to die here!
At this time, Mu Yan had already left before Mu Xuan called for help. Mu Xuan was the hope of his Mu family, so he would not let Mu Xuan die here!
"Looking for death!" Mu Yan snorted coldly, a ferocious energy of the Holy Realm level burst out from his body, and struck towards Shen Haoxuan like lightning, and caught up to Shen Haoxuan in an instant!

Sensing the ferocity behind him, Shen Haoxuan's face changed slightly. A blow from a strong man in the holy realm was not something he could bear, but now that Mu Xuan was right in front of him, Shen Haoxuan would not let this opportunity pass by!

Thinking of this, a flash of determination flashed in Shen Haoxuan's eyes, he gritted his teeth, ignored the fierce wind behind him, and rushed towards Mu Xuan as before, it seemed that he had to kill Mu Xuan today!


Mu Yan's blow hit Shen Haoxuan's back, and the ferocious force directly caused the flesh and blood on Shen Haoxuan's back to burst open, scarlet blood sprayed out, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and his face turned pale.

However, Shen Haoxuan resisted the churning qi and blood in his body, and after Mu Yan's blow, he came to Mu Xuan's side in an instant, and the three-colored spirits of heaven and earth gathered together in his hand, and a lifelike little unicorn appeared in his hand .

"Death!" Shen Haoxuan roared angrily, and then directly pressed the little unicorn in his hand to Mu Xuan's chest, and the next moment, the three-color Yanyang burst exploded directly.


The three-color spiritual power storm swept away, throwing Shen Haoxuan directly, and his body fell on the wind and thunder platform, smashing a deep hole, and finally stopped after scratching hundreds of meters, the mouthful of blood seemed to be free Normally when it is spit out from the mouth, the aura also becomes extremely sluggish, and it has withstood the blows of the strong man in the holy realm and the spiritual power storm of Yanyang Explosion, even if Shen Haoxuan has a chaotic divine body, he can't bear it!

However, as long as Mu Xuan was killed, the injury would be worth it!
The terrifying three-color spiritual power storm raged for a while before it slowly dissipated. When the storm dissipated and the smoke was about to dissipate, everyone turned their attention to it. Did Shen Haoxuan's blow really hit Mu Xuan? killed!
The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, and at this time, a figure walked out of it slowly. When seeing this figure, all the warriors present couldn't help but take a deep breath, and Shen Haoxuan's pupils also tightened suddenly. His face became gloomy again.

The figure walking out of the smoke and dust was none other than the head of the Mu family, Mu Yan, and in Mu Yan's hands, Mu Xuan was lifted by him like a dead dog. Apart from the damage it caused, there were no other scars, that is to say, the triple flame explosion that Shen Haoxuan used desperately just now did not have the slightest effect!

"How... this happened!" The eyes of the warriors of the eight major families were full of disbelief, but they soon discovered the reason. At this time, there was golden spiritual power flowing on Mu Yan's body, and his forehead was also shining. The golden runes, in order to save Muxuan, Mu Yan directly opened the family pattern!

"Shen Haoxuan will have no regrets even if he dies if he can force a strong man in the holy realm to activate his clan pattern!" Seeing the golden pattern on Mu Yan's forehead, all warriors from the eight major families couldn't help but take a breath, and murmured murmur said.

At this time, Mu Yan's face was ashen, and he was so gloomy that he could drip water. He was a strong man of the Holy Realm, but was forced out of the family mark by a warrior of the Spirit Emperor. If this matter was revealed, Where is his face?
"You actually want to kill my Mu family members, today, I'm going to kill you!" Mu Yan looked at Shen Haoxuan, with a real murderous intent in his eyes!
"Hehe, did the old one come out to take revenge after beating the young one? You Mu family members, that's all you can do!" Shen Haoxuan sarcastically said that he wanted Mu Xuan to kill him, but Mu Xuan was almost beaten by him. Dead, now that Mu Yan is about to attack again, the members of his Mu family really think they are easy to bully?

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the corners of Mu Yan's mouth couldn't help twitching. He thought that Mu Xuan could easily kill an eighth-level spirit emperor, but who would have thought that Shen Haoxuan not only almost killed Mu Xuan, but also forced himself into a holy realm? The strong man opened the family pattern, if Shen Haoxuan is not killed now, what is the majesty of his shepherd family?
"Hmph, no matter what, you're going to die today!" Mu Yan said cheekily, the potential and talent shown by Shen Haoxuan had already shocked him. A great enemy!

Hearing Mu Yan's words, Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, struggling to get up from the ground, but the pain coming from his whole body made him feel a little bit more than he could do, so he smiled wryly at the moment, it seems that he is really going to fall here today ...

(End of this chapter)

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