Chaos hegemony

Chapter 135 Conspiracy smashed!

Chapter 135 Conspiracy smashed!

In the mourning hall, shattered coffin sawdust were flying all over the sky, and an old figure stood on the mourning table, looking coldly at the crowd, with arrogance scattered all over his body, not angry but majestic!
Seeing this figure, everyone in the mourning hall screamed, their faces full of disbelief!
"Old... old village master!"

And that Chao Fei had an expression of seeing hell, and his body that was rushing towards Shen Haoxuan also froze suddenly. Looking at Yang Zhentian, he said with horror on his face: "No...impossible! How is this possible!" He obviously checked it himself. Yang Zhentian's life signs, Yang Zhentian is indeed dead, why is he standing in front of him alive now?

"Surprised, aren't you? It's all thanks to Nephew Shen, otherwise, my old life would have been ruined in your hands!" Yang Zhentian said coldly.

Time, back to five days ago, in Yang Zhentian's palace.

Shen Haoxuan and Yang Zhentian sat cross-legged in the poisonous fog-shrouded room, discussing plans.

"Since Chao Fei wants you to die, then let's make a plan and show him to die!" Shen Haoxuan said.

"Dead? You want me to pretend to be dead? But Chao Fei is also a fine person, so it's hard to fool him by pretending to be dead!" Yang Zhentian frowned slightly. He had known Chao Fei for many years and knew Chao Fei's temperament very well.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan smiled mysteriously, then took out a pill from the storage ring, and said: "This is the Turtle Breathing Pill, it can temporarily put you into a state of suspended animation, I added something to it, which greatly strengthens your health." With the properties of the medicine, taking it can even deceive your own body, let alone Chao Fei!

Chao Fei is cautious by nature. This is his strength and weakness. He only believes in himself. As long as we fool his eyes, he will firmly believe that you are dead, and then he will attack Heifengzhai without any scruples. That's when you'll show your feet!When he shows his fox tail, it's also time for us to fight back! "

"Since Chao Fei dared to attack, he naturally made all-out preparations. I'm afraid most of the people in the village will be turned against him!" Yang Zhentian still said worriedly.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan shook his head and said: "Old man, do you know what is the most difficult thing in this world? It's not fate, but love! Over the years, you have treated those people in the village well, even if Chao Fei instigated rebellion. They are nothing more than coercion and lure, one relies on love to win people's hearts, and the other relies on profit to buy people's hearts, the final result is obvious! You still have a lot of status in the hearts of those people!"

Speaking of this, Shen Haoxuan paused for a moment, then looked at Yang Zhentian strangely and said: "Master, I don't believe that you haven't cultivated your own power in these three years, and you certainly won't watch Heifengzhai fall into those who have evil intentions." hands of the people!"

Hearing this, Yang Zhentian looked at Shen Haoxuan in surprise, and then laughed loudly and said: "Haha, Nephew Shen is indeed extremely intelligent, he has insight into the details, I admire him!" The admiration in his tone was undisguised!

"Well, we'll proceed according to the plan, but Yu'er will suffer a lot these days." Yang Zhentian said with some guilt.

"Those who achieve great things must go through tempering, don't they?" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

"Haha" The grandpa and grandson looked at each other and smiled, as if they had met each other and hated it!
Thus, the plan unfolded like this, Chao Fei successfully entered the set, and finally showed his fox tail!
Hearing Yang Zhentian's words, Chao Fei looked up to the sky with a long smile: "Haha, Yang Zhentian, you are so scheming, I didn't expect you to see clearly my three years of preparation!
But what if you knew?This Black Wind Village is now full of my people, your general situation is over, what do you have to fight with me?Is it just your dilapidated body? "

Hearing this, Yang Zhentian frowned, looked around, the pressure of the Linghuang powerhouse dissipated, and everyone who was swept by Yang Zhentian's eyes felt a mountain pressing down on their hearts, and they couldn't even breathe !

"You all, have you made your choice?" Yang Zhentian asked, his voice was cold and emotionless!
Asked by Yang Zhentian, the coercion on the people in the mourning hall became even more terrifying. At this time, everyone was like a light on their backs, and their clothes were instantly soaked in cold sweat!

"I know that many of you have been blinded by Chao Fei, and you are all thinking of the village! If you turn around, I can let the past go, but if you are stubborn, don't blame me for not remembering the old love!" Yang Zhentian said coldly.

"Old village master, we..." Hearing this, many people lowered their heads in shame, not daring to look directly into Yang Zhentian's eyes.

Seeing someone retreating, Chao Fei yelled sharply: "What a bunch of cowards, what are you afraid of? He is just a loner now, and he is no longer the former Yang Zhentian! What can you get by following him? You can't get anything, why not?" Follow me, the cultivation resources that Yang Zhentian gave you before will be doubled for you now!"

However, not many people listened to Chao Fei's words. Seeing this, Chao Fei was furious: "You..."

"Enough! Chao Fei, do you really think I haven't done anything in the past three years? I'll let you see how ridiculous what you did today is!"

"Where is the Yang family army!" After Yang Zhentian finished speaking, he raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, the rolling sound waves blessed with spiritual power spread throughout the entire Black Wind Village in an instant!

A moment later, from every corner of Heifengzhai, figures soared into the sky. In the air, countless mourning clothes faded, and warriors in black costumes rushed towards the mourning hall. After a while, the entire mourning hall was surrounded !

"Yang's army is here! See the village master!" The uniform voice sounded, and the momentum was shocking!

Seeing the Yang family army in front of him, Shen Haoxuan was extremely amazed!Looking around, Yang's army is full of powerful generals, the aura is natural, the aura of the whole team is as if exuded by one person, this is an army, it belongs only to Yang Zhentian's army!Shen Haoxuan expected that Yang Zhentian would have a backhand, but he didn't expect that his backhand would be so powerful!
When everyone in the mourning hall saw Yang Jiajun, their hearts were even more shocked!They originally thought that Yang Zhentian had just retreated to heal his wounds in the past three years, but they didn't expect that he was also secretly cultivating his own power!

Chao Fei's face was even more ashen. He thought everything was under his control, and his three-year preparations had been seamless. Unexpectedly, Yang Zhentian had already seen through his intentions!I didn't expect that.I still fell into his hands!

Why is this happening?Why?Chao Fei was unwilling, today was supposed to be the day he took control of the Black Wind Village!

Suddenly, Chao Fei cast his eyes on Shen Haoxuan: "Yes, it's him. If it wasn't for him, Yang Zhentian would have died in the palace long ago! If he hadn't given Yang Zhentian advice, Heifengzhai would have been taken by him long ago. Now My three years of hard work have all been in vain, and the culprit of all this is because of him!" Chao Fei's eyes became vicious, and he stared at Shen Haoxuan like a poisonous snake!
"Chao Fei, let's capture him!" Yang Zhentian said coldly!

"Oh, it's impossible to catch him without a fight!" After Chao Fei said that, he attacked Shen Haoxuan without warning...

(End of this chapter)

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