Chaos hegemony

Chapter 136 comes to an end!

Chapter 136 Come to an end!

The sudden change made everyone unable to react for a while!Chao Fei had already been very close to Shen Haoxuan before, and when he exploded with all his strength, he came in front of Shen Haoxuan in just the blink of an eye!
"Go to hell!" Chao Fei shouted with a ferocious face, and slapped Shen Haoxuan's chest with his palm!The fierce wind made the robe on Shen Haoxuan's body rattle!

Chao Fei, who has the cultivation of the Spirit King, moves so fast that Shen Haoxuan can't even react!And the only one in the audience who reacted was Yang Zhentian!

"You dare!" Yang Zhentian roared angrily, and slapped Chao Fei with the same palm!

However, Chao Fei didn't pay attention to Yang Zhentian's attack, he only had eyes on Shen Haoxuan, the person who made him lose everything!
"Boom...", "Boom..." Two muffled sounds!At the same time that Chao Fei hit Shen Haoxuan, Yang Zhentian's palm also slapped Chao Fei's back fiercely, and then, two figures flew away in response!

Shen Haoxuan's figure was like a cannonball, it directly smashed through the wall of the mourning hall, and shot into the cottage behind, splashing a burst of dust, life or death is unknown!And that Chao Fei's body fell to the square outside the mourning hall, and the next moment he staggered to his feet, gave Yang Zhentian a sinister look, turned around and flew out of the village!

It turned out that Chao Fei took advantage of Yang Zhentian's attack to escape from the siege of the crowd!What an old fox!
"Yu'er, go and rescue Nephew Shen! Yang Jiajun, leave this place to you. I don't want to see Chao Fei's accomplices still here! I'll go after him!" Yang Zhenyu quickly conveyed the order, and then, The shape exploded and shot out, chasing towards the direction where Chao Fei was escaping!

After receiving the order, the Yang family's army moved quickly, and Chao Fei's subordinates were taken down before they even had time to resist, while Yang Yu ran towards the direction where Shen Haoxuan flew out.

After Yang Yu came to the cottage, he looked at the human-shaped pothole on the stone wall, and his face darkened instantly!This Chao Fei is really ruthless, he knows that he is asking for softness, Shen Haoxuan is just a spiritual disciple, under his full blow, I am afraid it will be more dangerous than good!
Thinking of this, Yang Yu cursed Chao Fei fiercely in his heart. Shen Haoxuan's kindness to Heifengzhai was as great as a mountain. Although he didn't know how he saved his father and even acted in a play with his father, but he He really saved the life of Heifengzhai, he is the benefactor of Heifengzhai!
Yang Yu tried to pull Shen Haoxuan out of the hole, but just as he was about to make a move, there was a coughing sound from the hole, and then, a dusty hand stretched out from the hole !
"Ahem..." Shen Haoxuan wobbled out of the humanoid hole, his face pale as paper!

Although he has been staring at Chao Fei, he also knows that he is going to attack him, but the difference in strength is too great. Even if he knows Chao Fei's movements, it is difficult for this dull body to react. For himself, Chao Fei's palm would directly kill him!

"Damn it!" Shen Haoxuan cursed secretly, Chao Fei's palm almost hurt his bones!
"Brother Chen, are you alright..." Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was still able to move around, Yang Yu acted like a ghost!Chao Fei's palm, even if he endured it himself, would lose half his life, and now Shen Haoxuan just hurt his blood, did Chao Fei release the water?This is simply impossible!

"Cough... bah!" Shen Haoxuan coughed lightly, spat out the blood stains in his mouth, and said, "It's okay, what about Chao Fei, who is not dead?" died?
"I escaped, but my father has already gone to chase him. He was seriously injured and he couldn't run far. Brother Shen, are you... sure you're okay?" Yang Yu said.

"I'm fine! That old bastard wants to kill me, but it's too late!" Shen Haoxuan responded lightly, and then sat down cross-legged to calm down the vibrating blood in his body.

After a while, Shen Haoxuan finally recovered, except that his face was still a little pale, there was nothing serious!

"Brother Yang, let's go to the mourning hall!" After recovering, Shen Haoxuan and Yang Yu rushed to the mourning hall again.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan reappearing in front of everyone unscathed, the people in the mourning hall were full of disbelief!They all felt Chao Fei's terrifying palm. It was definitely a blow from the Spirit King with all his strength, and Shen Haoxuan took it with the strength of a spirit disciple?

"He definitely has a body protection spirit weapon!" Everyone thought in their hearts, "Could it be that this is a child from a certain big family who came out to test?" Thinking of this, everyone looked at Shen Haoxuan differently, and they were able to ignore the terrifying poisonous poison Fog, and the body-protecting spiritual weapon that can withstand the full blow of the Spirit King, this is indeed the standard equipment for the children of the big family!

Shen Haoxuan didn't know, but his image instantly became taller in the hearts of everyone in Heifengzhai. He just wanted to know if that old bastard Chao Fei was dead!

After a while, Yang Zhentian's figure appeared in everyone's sight.Soon fell into the mourning hall.

"Father, where's Chao Fei?" Yang Yu hurriedly stepped forward and asked.

"He escaped!" Yang Zhentian said angrily.But then he thought of something, and quickly asked, "By the way, where is Nephew Shen, is he okay?"

"Thanks to you, the kid is fine!" Shen Haoxuan said as he walked out clasping his fists.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan standing in front of him intact, Yang Zhentian couldn't help taking a breath. From his perception, Shen Haoxuan was not in any serious trouble except that his qi and blood were a little blocked.

Yang Zhentian looked at Shen Haoxuan carefully. In fact, when Shen Haoxuan was about to be hit by Chao Fei just now, Yang Zhentian felt a terrifying power erupting from Shen Haoxuan's body. The power was so powerful that Yang Zhentian felt a little palpitating. Shen Haoxuan blocked Chao Fei's attack by relying on that power!

"This kid is really getting more and more mysterious!" Yang Zhentian thought to himself.But Yang Zhentian feels lucky that he and he are friends and not enemies!
In Yang Zhentian's heart, Shen Haoxuan has already been labeled as a peerless genius!Extraordinary talent, keen insight, tenacious will, almost all the good qualities of Yang Zhentian can be seen in Shen Haoxuan. If such a genius does not die young, he will definitely be a giant in the future, and Shen Haoxuan, no matter how you look at it Like someone who died halfway!

For Yang Zhentian's gaze, Shen Haoxuan did not dodge it, just looked directly into his eyes, a tacit understanding spread between the old and the young.

"It's fine! Yu'er, take nephew Shen down to rest, and thank nephew Shen face to face after I finish handling the matter here!"

The next moment, Yang Zhentian's aura changed and he became majestic. At this moment, he is the head of the Black Wind Village. Next, there are still many things for him to deal with!
Yang Yu led Shen Haoxuan back, and they don't need to intervene in the next matter, Yang Jiajun and Yang Zhentian can handle it by themselves!Shen Haoxuan has also completed his deal with Yang Zhentian, and he is waiting to get thousands of magic chalcedony. After that, he will be able to hit the rank of Spirit General!

Thinking that I will be able to break through to the spirit general soon, I am very excited: "Ling Xuan, wait for me!"...

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(End of this chapter)

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