Chaos hegemony

Chapter 15 The 2-year appointment!

Chapter 15 A Two-Year Covenant!

In the sky, a spirit crane was hovering in the sky, and soon it was suspended in front of everyone.On the back of the spirit crane stood a young man.

The young man was dressed in a white robe, standing with the wind, and the strong wind blew his robe to the sound of hunting!The most eye-catching thing is the crane logo on his clothes. The crane is so lifelike that it seems to fly out at any time!

"Hey, it's quite lively today!" The white-robed youth looked around and said cynically.

Hearing the white-robed young man's words, Mr. Shen cupped his fists and said, "Today is the day of my Shen family's assessment. I don't know if the Spirit Crane Sect is here. What's the use of it!"

Seeing that Mr. Shen was so polite to a young man, the people around were surprised, but when they heard the name "Spirit Crane Sect", everyone's surprise turned into shock!

The Spirit Crane Sect, one of the three major sects protecting the country of the Purple Flame Empire, got its name because of the countless spirit cranes raised in the sect. The disciples in the sect are powerful, and all of them are dragons among men and geniuses!The strength of the sect belongs to the overlord level in the entire southern region!But everyone was puzzled, how could such a tyrannical sect come to this small Qingshan City?
"Oh, the family assessment?" Hearing what Mr. Shen said, the young man looked down.Seeing a group of immature teenagers in the audience looking up at him, the young man smiled contemptuously and said, "Huh, it's just a family that doesn't reach the top, and the family assessment? It's pretty decent!"

Although the young man's voice was low, the people in the chief stands were not weak, and their hearing was also extraordinary. Naturally, they heard this sentence.Hearing the young man's defiant words, everyone was furious!

The Shen family is already considered a big family around Qingshan City, but now they are degraded by young people as a low-ranking family, so what are these forces that are as powerful as the Shen family, or even weaker than the Shen family?

But due to the strength of the Spirit Crane Sect, everyone could only swallow their anger, and pretended not to hear such humiliating words.

"Heh, although the sparrow is small, it has to have all the five internal organs. This small assessment doesn't need to bother my little brother. Let me tell you why you are here!" Old Master Shen said angrily.

The young man heard the dissatisfaction in Mr. Shen's tone, but he didn't care at all, and said slowly: "I am Zuo Chuan, the direct disciple of the third elder of the Linghe Sect, and I am here today to inform you that the three major sects will be held in Qingshan City in two years' time. The hunting competition is here to select sect disciples, please prepare as soon as possible!"

Hearing Zuo Chuan's words, everyone on the field erupted, even Mr. Shen was taken aback, obviously unable to react.Needless to say, the status of the Spirit Crane Sect and the other two major sects in the Purple Flame Empire, the name alone can make many talented people want to join.

Now that these three major sects actually want to set up an enrollment point in a small Qingshan City, how could they not be excited.If one can enter these three sects, the future will be bright!Because the cultivation materials that can be obtained in the big sect are far from what a small family can provide!

Zuo Chuan looked at the excited crowd and snorted coldly: "Hmph, a bunch of bumpkins!" Then he made a downward motion with his palm, trying to take back his saber and leave here.

But Zuo Chuan found that his saber hadn't returned to his hand for a long time. He looked down and found that his saber was being held in the hands of a young man covered in scars.

That's right, Zuo Chuan's saber is now in Shen Haoxuan's hand!It turned out that Shen Haoxuan stopped the sword flying back, and then wrapped the sword with chaotic spiritual power, cutting off the connection with Zuo Chuan.

Feeling that he had lost contact with his saber, Zuo Chuan frowned slightly, and when he was about to get angry, he suddenly noticed Shen Linger standing beside Shen Haoxuan, and his eyes lit up!
At this time, Shen Ling'er was standing beside Shen Haoxuan, her small face was full of anxiety and worry, and she looked lovable.He had never seen a girl as innocent as Shen Linger, her eyes were straightened in an instant!
"It seems that this trip was not in vain!" Zuo Chuan thought in his heart.He tapped the crane's back with his toes and jumped down.

Seeing Zuo Chuan jump onto the competition stage, everyone's eyes gathered again.I saw Zuo Chuan walking slowly towards Shen Ling'er, and said in a self-assured manner: "This beauty, I think you are talented and talented, are you interested in going back to the Spirit Crane Sect with me? I can introduce you to me." Master, let you be my junior sister, how about it?"

After Zuo Chuan finished speaking, he stood there confidently waiting for Shen Linger's answer.In his opinion, the offer to join the Spirit Crane Sect is a temptation that no one can refuse!Shen Ling'er will definitely agree, and then, when it comes to the Spirit Crane Sect, isn't it...!Thinking of this, Zuo Chuan's saliva almost flowed out.

Shen Ling'er looked at the person who almost hurt Shen Haoxuan, she didn't show any good looks, she just replied lightly: "Not interested!" Then she continued to care about Shen Haoxuan.

"Not interested?" Zuo Chuan was taken aback. This was different from what he thought. In his imagination, Shen Linger should happily agree, crying with excitement, but in reality, Shen Linger just refused so lightly!

"This is joining the Spirit Crane Sect and directly becoming the elder's direct disciple!" Zuo Chuan said again.

"I said I'm not interested, are you annoying?" Shen Ling'er said impatiently, in her eyes, there is nothing that can compare with Shen Haoxuan, even joining the Spirit Crane Sect!

Hearing Shen Linger's impatient words, Zuo Chuan's face darkened, and he said, "Huh, no one can refuse me. Since you don't listen to good advice, don't blame me for forcing it!" After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to Shen Linger grab it!

"Swipe!" Just as Zuo Chuan grabbed Shen Ling'er, there was a sound of piercing through the air, and the sharp sword light directly slashed at Zuo Chuan's arm.

Feeling the sudden sword light, Zuo Chuan's arm immediately moved back, but he was still a step too late, a piece of his sleeve was cut off by the sharp blade!
Seeing the torn off robe on the ground, Zuo Chuan's face was gloomy, he turned his head to look at Shen Haoxuan who had been ignored by him, and shouted: "Do you want to die?"

It was Shen Haoxuan who drew the sword, and his relatives were Shen Haoxuan's Nilin. This Zuo Chuan not only almost killed Ling'er, but now he even harbored ill intentions towards Linger. How could Shen Haoxuan make him proud!
Looking at the furious Zuo Chuan, Shen Haoxuan didn't care about his threats at all, and said indifferently: "I've heard that Linghe Sect disciples like to punish rape and eradicate evil, and are willing to help others. They are righteous people. Seeing you today, you really deserve your reputation!"

Zuo Chuan heard that Shen Haoxuan's words were full of sarcasm, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed. Since he became a disciple of the Spirit Crane Sect, no one has ever made him lose face like this!Immediately, his whole body exploded with momentum, and the power of the sixth-level spirit apprentice shrouded Shen Haoxuan.

Feeling Zuo Chuan's aura, everyone was startled: "Sixth-level Lingtu, worthy of being a disciple of the Linghe Sect, with such a cultivation level at such an age!"

"Shen Haoxuan actually dared to provoke the disciples of the Linghe Sect, it's a bit daring!"

"Hmph, he is also worthy of being called a disciple of the Spirit Crane Sect. He insulted our Shen family first, and then he wanted to rob Sister Ling'er. It really disgraces the Spirit Crane Sect!" Someone said dissatisfied.

"That's it!" People slowly began to lean towards Shen Haoxuan.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan's situation is not optimistic. After receiving Zuo Chuan's oppression, he was already injured, his face became paler, his body wobbled, and he was about to fall backward. Seeing this, Shen Linger hurried forward to help superior.

Old Man Shen on the stage saw that Shen Haoxuan's situation was not optimistic, so he appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan in a flash, and blocked Zuo Chuan's pressure for him.

"Brother Zuo, please respect yourself!" Old Master Shen said in a deep voice.

"Hmph, this kid insulted my sect, I naturally have to seek justice for my sect!" Zuo Chuan said cheekily.

"Hey..." Just as Zuo Chuan finished speaking, a burst of sighs came from the venue.

"It's okay to say, I'm not ashamed!"

"Exactly!" Seeing how thick-skinned Zuo Chuan was, everyone couldn't bear it anymore and began to spray.

Hearing everyone's comments, Zuo Chuan's face became more and more ugly. Today he lost all face!Then he looked at Shen Haoxuan resentfully, all this was his fault!

"Boy, don't hide behind others if you have the ability, come and fight!" Zuo Chuan said to Shen Haoxuan.

"Hey, Huan Linghe Sect's elder personally passed on his disciples, didn't you see that he was injured? Could it be that he would bully the disabled?"

"Maybe he can only beat the disabled!" I have to say, the spray paper is really lawless when it is sprayed, and now they are not afraid of the revenge of the Spirit Crane Sect.

"Brother Zuo, my grandson was seriously injured, I hope you don't bully others too much, otherwise, I'm not a vegetarian!" After old master Shen said, Ling fully released his aura and forced Zuo Chuan back two steps.

"You guys!..." Zuo Chuan was angry.

"Wait!" At this moment, Shen Haoxuan spoke. He came to Zuo Chuan and said, "Since you want to fight me so much, let's make an agreement!"


"Yes, I'm just a young man in the spirit quenching stage. Even if you win, I will be accused of bullying the weak. Why don't we agree to a life-and-death battle in the hunting competition two years later? , leave it to fate!" Shen Haoxuan said.

After setting a two-year agreement, Shen Haoxuan also has his own plans. If a villain like Zuo Chuan is so careless today, he will definitely take revenge secretly. Now the Shen family is still very weak and cannot bear the spirit. For He Zong's revenge, the two-year agreement was just a plan to slow down the troops.

As for the appointment two years later, it can be regarded as finding a goal for myself and putting a little pressure on myself. After all, there is pressure to be motivated!

"Okay, two years will be two years!" Zuo Chuan replied, the current situation is indeed not suitable for directly tearing up the face.

"I have another condition, that is, during the two years, you must not take revenge on the Shen family, including every flower and grass of the Shen family. If I find out that you are not good for the Shen family, believe me, I will It will also make the entire Linghe Sect restless!" At this moment, Shen Haoxuan was like a demon from hell, making people feel fearful.Zuo Chuan did not dare to doubt the authenticity of Shen Haoxuan's words!
"Hmph, I swear by the reputation of the Spirit Crane Sect, and I hope you won't break your promise!" Zuo Chuan snorted coldly.

"A word is settled!"

"It's a deal! Let's go!" After finishing speaking, Zuo Chuan jumped onto Linghe's back and left Qingshan City.

(End of this chapter)

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