Chaos hegemony

Chapter 16 Shen Haoxuan's Plan!

Chapter 16 Shen Haoxuan's Plan!

After Zuo Chuan left, Mr. Shen said with some concern: "Haoxuan, is your decision too impulsive? Zuo Chuan is a genius disciple of the Spirit Crane Sect. Now you are two realms behind him. In two years, you have Are you sure you can catch up with him?"

"No!" Shen Haoxuan shook his head and said honestly.It is true that two years is a bit short, and Zuo Chuan is not mediocre, and his strength will definitely improve within two years, but in order to save the Shen family, this is the only way to go!
"Oh. I'm sorry for you. The resources of the Shen family are at your disposal for the past two years. We will do our best to help you improve your strength!" Old Man Shen said with a sigh.

Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, it seemed that he was planning for the future.

Afterwards, Old Master Shen ordered Ling'er to carry Shen Haoxuan down to recover from his injuries. Now that Shen Haoxuan's strength has been fully recognized by everyone, there is no need to participate in the family assessment.

It didn't take long for the subsequent assessment to be useless. After Zuo Chuan's tossing, everyone lost interest. After the assessment, they immediately returned to their homes and began to prepare for the hunting competition two years later. The opportunity of the three major sects is very precious.


Time passed day by day, and today is the sixth day after the assessment.

On this day, Shen Haoxuan was sitting in the courtyard, with his hands in seals, in a state of indulging in cultivation and couldn't extricate himself.During these six days, Shen Haoxuan's injury healed at an extremely fast speed, which shocked everyone in the Shen family including him, but Elder Yan curled his lips and said, "What a fuss, quick recovery is just the most basic function of the Chaos Divine Body!"

Shen Haoxuan was secretly happy about this, with such an abnormal recovery ability, he would not be afraid of getting hurt in the future!But before he was happy for 2 minutes, Yanlao poured a pot of cold water: "Don't think so beautiful, if you exceed the range of recovery ability, you will die!" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan could only give Yan The old middle finger.

The time in training always flies by quickly, the sky darkened in the blink of an eye, and Shen Haoxuan slowly opened his eyes.However, Shen Haoxuan, who had practiced for a day, was not only not excited, but also a little worried, his brows were wrinkled into a well.

"Did you find the problem?" Old Yan asked when he saw Shen Haoxuan's appearance.

After feeling himself carefully, Shen Haoxuan said: "Well, there is indeed something wrong, I feel that the spiritual power in the body is a bit vain!"

"Nonsense, you have broken through the fifth step in less than half a month, and you haven't stabilized it by actual combat. It's no wonder that the spiritual power in your body is not in vain!" Yan Lao said.

It turned out that during the battle with Shen Cheng during the family assessment, too much spiritual power was squeezed out of the spirit pills in his body. These spiritual powers were filled in Shen Haoxuan's meridians and bones, although they were consumed in the confrontation with Shen Cheng. Most of it was lost, but there was still a lot left in his body. During these six days, Shen Haoxuan refined this spiritual power and then made a breakthrough in strength, reaching the eighth level of quenching spirit!

It is also because of successive breakthroughs that Shen Haoxuan's current spiritual power in his body is too vain. If he continues to practice, something big will happen to him!

"Old Yan, what should I do!" Shen Haoxuan hurriedly asked, he believed that this old monster Yan Lao must have a solution.

"It's not impossible to solve it. This practice is like laying a foundation. It must be solid layer by layer. Since you have already established the internal shape and can't do it, you can only rely on external force!"

"Relying on external force?" Shen Haoxuan didn't understand.

"That's actual combat! And it's the kind of life-and-death actual combat!" Yan Lao said. "Actual combat is the best way to practice. Flowers in the greenhouse will never be strong. Only at the edge of life and death can they break through themselves!"

"Oh, but who would fight to the death with me?" Shen Haoxuan was troubled.

"How can you be so stupid? Who stipulates that you are not a human, but spirit beasts are also allowed, and it is the best choice for a fighting rookie like you to be a spirit beast!" Yan Laobai said with a glance at Shen Haoxuan.

After listening to Yan Lao's words, Shen Haoxuan became a big deal.Looks like it's time to get out and practice.

Now that he has decided on his future plans, Shen Haoxuan did not procrastinate, and explained clearly to Aunt Xue that night.Aunt Xue heard that Shen Haoxuan was going to go out for training, she agreed after a while reluctantly, after all the child is grown up, it is time to go out for a walk.

Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan found Old Man Shen again. After hearing Shen Haoxuan's plan, the old man was relieved for a while, and immediately agreed.Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan gave the old man a list, all of which were prepared by Mr. Yan, and the old man Shen immediately sent someone out of the warehouse, and also gave Shen Haoxuan a storage ring!Although Shen Haoxuan had the Lingzhu and didn't need a storage ring, but after all it was Mr. Shen's wish, so Shen Haoxuan had no choice but to accept it.

The next day, as soon as it was dawn, Shen Haoxuan got up and set off, and he didn't disturb anyone.

"Boy Shen, don't you intend to say goodbye to your little Linger? The time to go out this time is probably not short." Yan Lao joked.

Shen Haoxuan shook his head with a smile and said: "No need, if that girl Ling'er knows, she will definitely follow, it's better not to tell her."

"I have a feeling in the dark that you will definitely hook up some little sisters and come back from this trip!" Yan Lao said with a smile.

"Okay, old guy, no seriousness, let's go!" Shen Haoxuan reluctantly took a look at the Shen family's gate, turned and left.

What Shen Haoxuan didn't know was that after he left, a beautiful figure appeared at the gate, and it was Shen Linger who came.

Shen Ling'er looked at the gradually walking back with tears in her eyes, and said: "Brother Haoxuan, I will definitely work hard to cultivate, and I won't hold you back!" After finishing speaking, she walked back.

Shen Haoxuan; after leaving Shen's house, the only son walked on the country road.

"By the way, Old Yan, where are we going?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"Keep heading east, to Tianwu City!" Yan Lao said.

"Tianwu City?" Shen Haoxuan said he had never heard of it.

"Tianwu City is an ancient city in the eastern part of Xingluo Continent, so you've never heard of it."

"East! Why are we running so far?" Shen Haoxuan was puzzled.

"I'll give you a gift, but before that, you must break through to the Supreme Spirit!" Yan Lao said mysteriously.

"A gift, that's kind!"

In this way, one person, one spirit, walked eastward on the rising sun, and a new adventure began!

(End of this chapter)

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