Chaos hegemony

Chapter 160 Fatty, chapter head, do it!

Chapter 160 Fatty, turn around and do it!

Although the fat man looked obese and had a strange running posture, his speed was not as fast as usual, and afterimages appeared behind him.It's hard to imagine that this 280-jin fat man can run at such a speed!Moreover, judging from the aura exuded by the fat man, this guy turned out to be an eighth-level spirit general!

Glancing at the dark devil tiger who was chasing after him, Shen Haoxuan suddenly had the urge to scold his mother. The devil tiger seemed to have regarded him as the fat man's accomplice, and did not intend to let him go at all. This is really lying down. Also shot!

Shen Haoxuan cursed inwardly, his foot speed accelerated again, and he caught up with the fat man in front.

Suddenly there was someone beside him, the fat man turned his head to look, and greeted Shen Haoxuan: "Brother, what a coincidence, how come we meet again!"

Seeing the fat on the fat man's face that was constantly trembling due to his rapid running, Shen Haoxuan was speechless for a while: "What a coincidence, I don't want to see you, okay? Why did you provoke such a big guy!"

Hearing this, the fat man also gave a wry smile and said: "It's hard to say, run away, this guy is already crazy!"

After the fat man finished speaking, his speed increased again, Shen Haoxuan could only speed up and rush forward when he heard the roar behind him!
In this way, among the lush mountains and forests, two figures ran wildly in front of them, followed by the dark devil tiger, and the smoke and dust filled the sky as they passed, turning the originally quiet mountains and forests upside down. This movement also aroused countless spirits. However, after feeling the aura of the fifth-order spirit beast, the Dark Demon Tiger, they all hid aside with their tails between their legs.

The two ran wildly, and the fat man looked at Shen Haoxuan beside him in amazement. He was an eighth-level spirit general, and he had the body skills to survive under the fifth-level spirit beast. Shen Haoxuan was only a first-level spirit general, and his speed He was a few minutes faster than himself, and he ran so fast for such a long time without even losing his breath. This kid is really weird!
Little did he know that Shen Haoxuan was also observing the fat man. Although the fat man looked out of breath, his breath was still strong and his speed didn't slow down. This fat man is very strong!
"Roar!" Just as the two of them were thinking, the dark tiger behind them let out a terrifying roar.When the two heard the reputation, their pupils suddenly shrank!

At this time, the black air on the Dark Demon Tiger's body was lingering, gray and white lines began to appear, and a more terrifying momentum erupted. The distance between Shen Haoxuan and the two of them has been shortened, and they are still getting closer!

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan and the fat man yelled in alarm, and did not dare to hide their clumsiness at the moment, and ran forward with all their strength, leaving afterimages behind them!
"Damn it, you fat bastard, what did you do to it, you didn't hesitate to use your blood talent to chase us!" Shen Haoxuan roared feeling the imposing manner behind him.

"I didn't do anything, I just wanted to drink milk and squeezed on it, who knew that this thing was chasing me like crazy!" the fat man said innocently.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan stumbled and almost fell from the tree. He looked at the fat man with black lines all over his face, and said speechlessly: "I really admire it. They say that a tiger's butt can't be touched. You're so lucky, don't touch it." Ass, instead milking the tigress, I have never seen such a weirdo like you!"

"It was fine at first, this guy was sleeping soundly, I squeezed it out, but its cub woke up and almost screamed, but fortunately, Fatty, my hand was fast, and I slapped it to death! Who knows, it still woke up This big guy!" The fat man said with a bitter face.

"Your sister!" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but swear, not only squeezed other people's milk, but also killed other people's cubs, no wonder the dark devil tiger chased the two of them like crazy.

"Roar!" Shen Haoxuan frowned as he felt the approaching pressure behind him.

"Fatty, if you go on like this, you will be caught up sooner or later!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice.

"Then what else can I do?" The fat man was about to cry. If he had known that he would not be so cheap, he was not married yet, and he hadn't found someone he likes yet. I don't want to just die like this!

"What should I do? Damn, don't run away, turn around and fuck him!" Shen Haoxuan said coldly, and then his running body suddenly stopped, the huge inertia made him wipe tens of meters away on the ground, and then Shen Haoxuan slammed With a single step on the ground, he went to kill the Dark Demon Tiger!
"Damn, you're really here!" Looking at Shen Haoxuan who shot out in a hurry, the fat man was stunned, and also stopped his running body!That's a fifth-order spirit beast, equivalent to a powerhouse at the peak of spirit waiting, Shen Haoxuan is a first-level spirit general, where does he have the courage!

But Shen Haoxuan didn't pay attention to Fatty, and used the Nine Heavens Shocking Cloud Step to the extreme, his existence could hardly be seen with naked eyes!
Looking at Shen Haoxuan who was rushing towards him, the Dark Demon Tiger roared and slapped it with its claws, the sharp blow made Shen Haoxuan's cheek hurt!
Seeing the huge tiger paw slapped towards him, Shen Haoxuan stepped on the ground suddenly, twisting his body forcibly, avoiding the blow, the sharp tiger claws only cut off the corner of Shen Haoxuan's clothes!
In a flash, Shen Haoxuan appeared beside the Dark Demon Tiger, gathered all his spiritual power, and ruthlessly hit its abdomen, which is the softest part of the Dark Demon Tiger's body!
At the same time, the Dark Demon Tiger missed a single blow, its thick tiger tail turned into a giant whip, and it whipped towards Shen Haoxuan with a fierce wind, at an extremely fast speed!

However, Shen Haoxuan didn't know about this, the Fire Spirit Obsidian turned into a pair of black armor to wrap his whole body, and Shen Haoxuan's body slammed into the belly of the Dark Demon Tiger fiercely!
"Heaven-shattering Kill!" Horrific power gushed out instantly like a flood bursting a bank, pouring into the belly of the Dark Demon Tiger, directly punching it out of a hole!
At the same time, the tiger's tail of the dark devil tiger also fiercely lashed at Shen Haoxuan's body, and the armor transformed into the fire spirit obsidian exploded instantly, and Shen Haoxuan's body flew out like a cannonball!

"Roar!" There was a loud noise, and the pain from the abdomen made the Dark Demon Tiger's eyes go dark, and he almost fainted.
And Shen Haoxuan's flying body directly hit the fat man who came to help, and the powerful impact brought the two of them flying backwards, knocking down dozens of towering ancient trees one after another before stopping.

"Oh, my old waist!" the fat man screamed.But when he saw the Dark Demon Tiger struggling to stand up, he couldn't help but take a breath.

"Damn it, this guy is really a Tier [-] spirit general, he can kill a Tier [-] spirit beast to the ground with one blow!"

"Ahem..." At this time, Shen Haoxuan climbed up from the fat man, feeling terrified for a while, if it wasn't for the fire spirit black yao and the fat man to block a lot of impacts for him, the whip of the dark devil tiger would directly seriously injure himself .

Looking at the Dark Demon Tiger slowly getting up, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help laughing wryly: "As expected of a fifth-order spirit beast, I can't do much damage to it with my full blow!"

(End of this chapter)

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