Chaos hegemony

Chapter 161 fierce battle!

Chapter 161 fierce battle!

The Dark Demon Tiger stood up staggeringly, its abdomen was still aching at this moment, its red eyes were staring at Shen Haoxuan and the two closely, and its cruel aura lingered around its body.

Looking at the enraged Dark Demon Tiger, Fatty smiled wryly and said, "It's over, I really can't run away now!"

Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, suppressed the churning blood in his body, and said coldly: "Then there is only war. Today, either it will die or we will die!"

Looking at the fearless Shen Haoxuan, the fat man couldn't help being moved, and then he said apologetically, "I'm sorry brother, I brought you into this for no reason. If we can escape today, you will be my Zimo's brother!"

"Zi Mo?! Are you Zi Mo?" Shen Haoxuan exclaimed when he heard the name.

", do you know me?" Fatty asked in doubt when he saw Shen Haoxuan's reaction.

Hearing this, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth twitched, and information about Zimo surged in his mind.

Zimo, ranked sixth in the dragon and tiger list, eighth-rank spirit general!A first-class disciple of Hoututang!Shen Haoxuan always thought that Zi Mo was an elegant and handsome man, after all his name was so poetic.And seeing this fat man today, it's really hard to imagine that he is Zi Mo!The gap between this person and his name is really too big!

While the two were talking, the Dark Demon Tiger made a move, and its huge body turned into a black shadow and attacked Shen Haoxuan and the other two!
Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan and Zi Mo's expressions became serious. The Dark Demon Tiger is not comparable to the Iron-armed Demon Ape. As a fifth-order spirit beast, its strength, speed, and intelligence are not weaker than those of the spirit-housing powerhouse. , want to kill it, it is as difficult as heaven!
"Fatty, you harass me, leave the main attack to me!" Shen Haoxuan shouted in a deep voice.

"Okay!" Zi Mo responded, although Shen Haoxuan only had the strength of a first-level spirit general, after seeing the blow just now, Zi Mo chose to trust Shen Haoxuan unconditionally.

"Go!" After Shen Haoxuan said, his figure flashed, and his body turned into an afterimage to meet the Dark Demon Tiger!
Seeing Shen Haoxuan rushing forward, Zi Mo let out a low growl, earth-yellow spiritual power surged out, and the drooping flesh condensed and turned into a pair of rock armor!
For others, fat may be a burden, but for Zi Mo, it is a natural defense!


Looking at Shen Haoxuan who was facing him, the Dark Demon Tiger roared, and the tiger's palm slapped him again, this time, the speed was more than twice as fast as before!
However, Shen Haoxuan didn't care about it, and his body bumped straight up. Just when the tiger's palm was about to hit Shen Haoxuan's body, Zi Mo, who had already been covered by rock armor, suddenly appeared, and met the tiger's palm abruptly. !


With a muffled sound, the tiger's palm was caught by Zi Mo, and the powerful impact directly smashed it into the ground. The rock armor on his body trembled, releasing most of the power to the ground.

Being able to become the fifth existence in the dragon and tiger list, Zimo naturally has his own abilities. Although this palm is terrifying, Shen Haoxuan believes that Zimo can follow!Sure enough, the next moment, Zi Mo's roar came from under the tiger's palm, he stood up, swung the Dark Demon Tiger directly, and threw it far away!
But at this moment, the empty door of the Dark Demon Tiger opened, and Shen Haoxuan's figure flashed, and he smashed towards that soft belly again!
"Aw!" The huge pain made the Dark Demon Tiger howl uncontrollably, but the Dark Demon Tiger is worthy of being a fifth-level spirit general. Up, but the attack power is limited, it can't cause very effective damage to the two of them!

The two of Shen Haoxuan who had been sent flying stopped, and rushed towards the Dark Demon Tiger again, not giving it a chance to breathe, and the Dark Demon Tiger roared angrily, and the three of them instantly fought as one!
"Boom... bang..." A loud sound echoed in the mountains and forests. Although it was the first time for Shen Haoxuan and Zimo to cooperate, the tacit understanding between the two was needless to say. Time was also tied with the Dark Demon Tiger!

The Dark Demon Tiger became more and more irritable as he fought. These two people were like ants in his eyes, but between attacking and defending, he was helpless!Moreover, these two people are like loaches, if they can beat them, they will go up, if they can't beat them, they will retreat. The Dark Demon Tiger's attack is like hitting cotton!
"Boom..." There was another muffled sound, the Dark Demon Tiger and Shen Haoxuan collided, and all three flew out backwards.

The dark devil tiger fell to the ground, and he looked very embarrassed at this moment, his abdomen had been torn open by Shen Haoxuan, the blood kept flowing out, and the hair all over his body was messy, especially behind the buttocks, the thick tiger tail , even disconnected!
The situation of Shen Haoxuan and Zi Mo is even worse. The rock armor on Zi Mo's body has been shattered, and three paw prints with deep bone can be clearly seen on the chest. The same is true for Shen Haoxuan, his face is pale, and his right arm is drooping weakly When he got down, his whole body was covered in blood, including his own and that of the Dark Demon Tiger!
"Huh...huh...this beast is really hard to deal with!" Zi Mo gasped and said, at this moment, he had already reached his limit!

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned, the state of himself and Zi Mo was exhausted, but the Dark Demon Tiger seemed to have some energy left!The situation at this time is not optimistic!
"Whew..." The Dark Demon Tiger struggled to get up, and as it moved, more blood gushed out from the wound on its abdomen.The crimson eyes of the Dark Demon Tiger were full of cruelty, and he was consumed to such an extent by two ants, a violent anger welled up in his heart.


With a terrifying roar, the black energy on the Dark Demon Tiger's body began to condense, the gray and white stripes that had covered its body began to dissipate, and a huge black tiger head appeared above the Dark Demon Tiger. The aura emanating from it made Shen Haoxuan and Zi Mo Feel the threat of death!

"Bloodline Martial Skill!" Shen Haoxuan and Zi Mo exclaimed in shock, they didn't expect this Dark Demon Tiger to know Bloodline Martial Skill!Their hearts sank, and they clenched their fists tightly as they looked at the tiger's head exuding the breath of death!

With the concentration of the tiger's head, the Dark Demon Tiger's aura languished, and the anger in his eyes dissipated a lot, but after seeing the despair in Shen Haoxuan's and Zi Mo's eyes, the Dark Demon Tiger raised his spirits again!

"Brother, this incident was caused by me, you go, I will buy time for you!" Looking at the black tiger head, Zi Mo took a deep breath, and stopped in front of Shen Haoxuan. Shen Haoxuan blocked the blow.

Looking at the broad back in front of him, Shen Haoxuan's heart warmed up, then he raised his left hand and placed it on Zi Mo's shoulder: "Oh, I, Shen Haoxuan, am not the kind of person who leaves my brother behind and runs alone!"

Zi Mo turned her head, looked at the still immature face, met Shen Haoxuan's eyes, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, looked at the black tiger head, and said in his heart: "It seems that we can only use Tyrant Tribulation!"

Thinking of this, the Fire Spirit Obsidian in his body began to riot, and a terrifying aura was about to erupt from Shen Haoxuan's body. However, just when Shen Haoxuan was about to forcefully use the secret technique, a black shadow flew out of his body, and then, a A huge mouth suddenly appeared in front of the condensed black tiger head of the dark devil tiger, and when the terrifying suction erupted, it directly swallowed the black tiger head!
Zi Mo and Shen Haoxuan were both stunned by the sudden change, and the Dark Demon Tiger also looked dull, as if he had seen a ghost!
"Damn it, what's the situation?"

(End of this chapter)

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