Chaos hegemony

Chapter 162: Breakthrough to Tier 2 Spirit General!

Chapter 162 Breakthrough to the second-order spirit general!

After the blood pot swallowed the Dark Demon Tiger's bloodline martial skill, it turned into a stream of light and flew into Shen Haoxuan's body, and then a stream of pure energy suddenly appeared in the dantian, injecting it into the exhausted spirit crystal among.

Shen Haoxuan also came to his senses at this time, that black shadow was exactly Long Mao!

The long-haired body is the gluttonous beast, and the gluttonous beast grows by devouring blood!The bloodline martial arts of the Dark Demon Tiger are gathered by the power of the bloodline, so it naturally suits Changmao's appetite!

And Shen Haoxuan and Changmao had a contract, more than half of the energy that Changmao swallowed and digested was injected into Shen Haoxuan's body, making his originally exhausted dantian come alive again.

On the other hand, the dark devil tiger, after being devoured by the long hairs, its whole body became wilted, and those tiger eyes stared at Shen Haoxuan in horror.At that moment just now, it felt a coercion from the depths of its soul, and that coercion made it want to kneel down and worship!

At this moment, the Dark Demon Tiger wanted to retreat, it felt that if it continued to fight, it would die here!
Seeing the dark devil tiger wanting to escape, Shen Haoxuan's body burst out, and the momentum of his whole body began to condense!You can't let this dark devil tiger escape, this kind of spirit beast recovers very quickly, if you let it leave, you are really letting the tiger go back to the mountain, once it regains its strength, you and Fatty will be in danger!
The blood power in the Dark Demon Tiger's body was extracted, and his weak speed was naturally inferior to Shen Haoxuan's. In just a moment, Shen Haoxuan came to the top of the Dark Demon Tiger!

The Dark Demon Tiger looked at Shen Haoxuan and knew that he couldn't run away, so he turned around and ran towards him with all his strength!

Seeing the dark devil tiger rushing towards him, Shen Haoxuan closed his eyes expressionlessly.

At this time, Shen Haoxuan's mind was ethereal, he felt that he was the vast ocean, where no one could stop him, a terrifying aura emerged from Shen Haoxuan's body!

The next moment, Shen Haoxuan's originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and the terrifying coercion fluctuated accordingly.

"Kowloon steps on the sky!"

Shen Haoxuan let out a loud shout, and stepped towards the rushing dark devil tiger. At this moment, a strong wind surged, and the sky and the earth seemed to start to tremble!

With a loud bang, the Dark Demon Tiger that had pounced on him disappeared in an instant. A terrifying air wave splashed under Shen Haoxuan's feet, and even the purple ink behind him was blown away, and stopped when he hit the tree behind him. All of a sudden, smoke and dust rose everywhere.

Zi Mo looked at the dust stirred up in front of him, his mouth was so wide that he could stuff an egg in it!

"Good... so strong!" Zi Mo was shocked, the power just now made Zi Mo feel palpitations, he looked at Shen Haoxuan's back, his heart was full of disbelief!

"Is this really an attack that a first-order spirit general can unleash?"


Shen Haoxuan knelt down on one knee, panting continuously, with this blow, Shen Haoxuan exploded all the strength in his body, and his body was hollowed out again!
Zi Mo jumped to the side of Shen Haoxuan, looking at the bloody and bloody Dark Demon Tiger not far away, his eyes couldn't help jumping, this attack is really powerful!
"Let's go, it's not suitable to stay here for long!" Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice, such a strong smell of blood will definitely attract many spirit beasts. Before, there was a dark devil tiger to frighten them. Now that it has fallen, no spirit beast will be afraid of the two of them. What's more, now that both of them are running out of energy, any third-order spirit beast can take care of them!
"Okay!" Zi Mo responded, and then picked up Shen Haoxuan on his back, and within a few jumps, he was far away from the battlefield.

After the two left, the mountains and forests fell into silence again, only the mess all over the ground showed that there had been a big battle here!

The sky gradually darkened. At this moment, in a cave, the Ye Mingzhu emitted a faint light, illuminating the dim cave with a glimmer of light. Zi Mo looked at Shen Haoxuan who was cultivating with his eyes closed beside him, his face full of tears. It is the color of envy.

It turned out that after the two escaped from the battlefield, Zimo led Shen Haoxuan to find a cave.After settling down, Shen Haoxuan took out a pair of healing medicines that made Zi Mo jealous from the storage ring.

After the two of them stabilized the injuries on their bodies, Shen Haoxuan felt the spirit crystal in his body tremble. This is the rhythm to break through!
Shen Haoxuan had already reached the peak of a first-order spirit general in the Xuan-level training room of Tianyuan Hall, and now with the spiritual power fed back by the long hair, he has reached the limit of breakthrough!

Sensing the movements in his body, Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed, he hurriedly explained a few words to Zi Mo, then pinched the Yin Jue, and began to practice, preparing to break through the second-order spirit general!

"Huh la la..." There was a soft sound, and countless spiritual powers turned into torrents, pouring into the spiritual crystals in Shen Haoxuan's dantian, and with the infusion of spiritual power, the spiritual crystals emitted fluorescent lights, slowly began to grow.

"Hoo hoo..." As the breakthrough progressed, the spiritual power of the outside world seemed to be drawn, and began to gather towards Shen Haoxuan, and a small spiritual power vortex appeared in the cave.

Seeing this, Zi Mo jumped out of the cave. Although the movement Shen Haoxuan made was not big, it might attract spirit beasts. Zi Mo couldn't let other things disturb Shen Haoxuan's cultivation!
And Shen Haoxuan's breakthrough lasted for three days!Zi Mo stood outside the cave, frowning tightly: "It's been three days. It stands to reason that it shouldn't take so long to break through a small step. Is there something unexpected?"

But feeling the momentum in the cave was still growing slowly, Zi Mo couldn't go in and disturb it hastily, so he could only worry outside.

However, what he didn't know was that the spiritual crystals in Shen Haoxuan's body were very picky about spiritual power. The outside world seemed to pour in countless spiritual powers, but after being refined by the fire spirit obsidian, the spiritual power of the thick arms was finally refined into the thickness of a thumb Only then can it be poured into the spirit crystal, so the time to break through is much longer than that of ordinary people!
And after three days of accumulation, Shen Haoxuan finally erupted, the spirit crystal in his dantian erupted with a dazzling light, and immediately, a powerful aura burst out from Shen Haoxuan's body, and the robe on his body was automatic without wind!The originally closed eyes suddenly opened, and two real lights flashed!
The spiritual power in his body swelled for a long time before it fell silent. Shen Haoxuan clenched his fists, feeling the continuous sense of power coming from his body, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Finally broke through!"

"Swipe!" A figure flew in from outside the cave, Zi Mo looked at Shen Haoxuan who was in front of him, and congratulated him: "Brother Shen, congratulations on breaking through! I really envy you!"

"Thanks to Brother Zi for guarding me!" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan smiled, and he also knew that Zimo had been guarding him for the past few days, and Shen Haoxuan will always remember this friendship in his heart.

"Haha, it's just a matter of raising your hand!" Zi Mo laughed loudly.

"By the way, Fatty, how many days have I been practicing?" Shen Haoxuan asked, he was still used to calling Zimo Fatty.

"It's been three days, what's wrong?" Zi Mo replied.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan lowered his head and pondered, suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and shouted: "No, there is one more important thing today!"

"Fatty, I'm going back to the sect first!" After Shen Haoxuan finished speaking, he ran towards the Five Elements Sect in a flash. Today is the date of his duel with Su Xing. Looking at the time, he seemed to be late!

"Hey, wait for me, I'll be with you!" Zi Mo shouted, and also chased after her.

(End of this chapter)

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