Chaos hegemony

Chapter 169 Getting better!

Chapter 169 Getting better!

Looking at the several clusters of elixir essence floating in the pill furnace, Old Yan nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Yes, although the purity is not very high, it's very good to be able to achieve this level for the first time."

It seems that there is no benefit in learning the art of alchemy later, at least the basics can be mastered quickly.

"The next step is the most important step in alchemy, condensing alchemy! Different spiritual power essences are very repulsive, and you need to find the most delicate balance point to condense them into alchemy, which takes a long time. It can only be done with strong spirituality and the ability to control the flames! Try it!" Yan Lao said to Shen Haoxuan.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan sank his mind into the Dao pill furnace, separated out the essence of two groups of elixir, one red and one green, and controlled the Fire Spirit Obsidian to let it approach slowly.

"Chi..." The two balls of elixir essence just touched together, a blue smoke rose, and with a slight sound, the two balls of elixir essence turned into a ball of black residue, which was excreted from the alchemy furnace. out of the mouth.

"Uh..." Seeing this scene, Shen Haoxuan was stunned, he didn't do anything yet, why did he fail?

"The temperature of the two elixir essences is different. You need to ensure that they are at the same temperature, and keep their activity levels consistent, so that the fusion will be easier." Yan Lao explained.

After listening, Shen Haoxuan nodded, and took out two balls of elixir essence again. This time, Shen Haoxuan kept adjusting the temperature of the two, trying to keep them at the same level. At the same time, he tried to make the two touch each other. , looking for a balance between the two.

"It's now!" At a certain moment, Shen Haoxuan's spiritual thoughts seemed to resonate with the two groups of elixir essence, feeling the frequency from them, Shen Haoxuan squeezed them together, slowly, one red and one green The two groups of elixir essences began to fuse together, and finally turned into an orange elixir essence!

After success, Shen Haoxuan continued to manipulate other groups of elixir essence, and fused them into a gray-brown elixir essence according to the method just now.

"Okay, the last step, Wen Chengdan!" Yan Lao continued.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan's spiritual thought moved, and the fire spirit Obsidian turned into a giant black flame dragon, devouring the mottled elixir essence in one gulp!Then the temperature in the pill furnace suddenly rose, and a faint black mist floated out from the essence of the elixir, which was the impurity formed after the fusion of various elixir.

As those impurities were stripped out, the originally mottled essence of the elixir began to become crystal clear, and the state gradually changed from liquid to solid!
After a while, the essence of the elixir in the pill furnace had been completely refined by Shen Haoxuan, and a light blue elixir was spinning above the pill furnace.

"Successful!" Shen Haoxuan exclaimed happily as he looked at the mellow pill.

With a move by the veteran Yan, the Shuiyun Pill flew out.Looking at this elixir, Yan Lao smiled and said: "Yes, the quality of the elixir has also reached the middle level, much better than my first alchemy!"

After finishing speaking, Old Yan put this Shuiyun Pill into a jade bottle and threw it to Shen Haoxuan.Shen Haoxuan quickly caught it, and opened it carefully. This is his first alchemy, no matter what the quality is, it is very meaningful, okay?

"With your current strength of spirituality, you can easily refine a first-grade elixir with just a little practice. In addition, since you want to provide Yaomen with a lot of resources, you have to refine elixir in batches. It is a good choice to have a prescription." After saying that, Old Yan took out a prescription from the storage ring and handed it to Shen Haoxuan.

"Second-grade elixir, Qingming elixir!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the introduction on the elixir recipe, his face beaming with joy.

Although Qingming Dan is a second-grade elixir, its efficacy is really good. After taking it, it can speed up the circulation of spiritual power in the body, thereby increasing the speed of cultivation. Although it can't reach the terrifying increase of several times, it is better than It can be taken multiple times, unlike other elixir, resistance will develop in the body after taking one pill.

In addition, the types of elixir needed by Qing Ming Dan are not too many, and most of them can be easily collected, suitable for batch refining. Yan Lao really gave himself a big gift!

But this Qingming Dan is a second-grade elixir, it seems that I should seize the time to improve my refining level!
Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan devoted himself to alchemy again.

However, two days later, Shen Haoxuan encountered an extremely embarrassing problem, that is, he had no elixir to store!For these two days of alchemy, which he forgot to sleep and eat, he squandered all the elixir he picked in the Chiyan Mountains.

Fortunately, with Shui Ruolan, this problem was quickly resolved.

"The disciples of the Zongmen have a huge demand for pills. You can release the news to refine pills for them and let them bring their own elixirs! In addition, you will naturally have to collect rewards for refining pills for them. These rewards can be Treasures of heaven, material and earth, elixir and spiritual weapon, and gold coins for elixir, in this way, not only will you solve the problem of your lack of elixir, but you can also raise funds for Yaomen, killing two birds with one stone!"

It has to be said that girls are born to do business, and Shui Ruolan's method also made Shen Haoxuan's eyes shine.Then he asked Long Zhen to release the news. In order to convince the disciples in the sect, Shen Haoxuan distributed all the pills refined in the past two days for free!
With these free elixirs as introductions, the results were pretty good. Many disciples came to Shen Haoxuan for alchemy, and every time Shen Haoxuan refined the elixirs, they were of the highest quality, inferior to the quality of alchemy elders in the sect. Be tall, slowly, this incident spread throughout the sect, countless disciples came to seek pills, and the originally quiet and desolate Chiyan Peak became the busiest mountain in the Five Elements Sect!
Shen Haoxuan looked at the endless stream of elixir, and laughed from ear to ear!Yanlao made a portion of these pills, and all the others were materials for his practice!
It has to be said that alchemy is really a profession that burns money. Shen Haoxuan didn't know how much elixir was wasted when he was promoted from a first-rank alchemist to a second-rank!But fortunately, now he can easily refine Qingming Pill!

After being promoted to the second-rank alchemist, Shui Ruolan also used the resources given by those disciples who came to seek alchemy to exchange for a large amount of elixir, which are the materials for refining Qingming Dan.

On the other hand, with the efforts of Long Zhen and Su Xing, Yaomen's disciples expanded from six to a hundred at once. These 100 people were all selected by Su Xing himself. Although the superficial strength is a bit unsightly, the strongest First-level spirit generals, but their character is absolutely passable, and their talents are not bad. With the support of Shen Haoxuan's elixir, they will soon become the backbone of Yaomen!

Long Mo and Zi Mo also obtained the elixir refined by Shen Haoxuan during this period, and both of them had a further breakthrough in strength, which made Yaomen's strength even more stable!
It's all going in the right direction...

(End of this chapter)

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