Chaos hegemony

Chapter 170 Ouyang Chen's Anger!

Chapter 170 Ouyang Chen's Anger!
At this time, Ouyang Chen was sitting at the head of the sword forest on the back mountain of Jinyang Hall, looking coldly at the kneeling figure in front of him.

This figure is exactly Xue Gong. At this moment, Xue Gong felt Ouyang Chen's gloomy and cold aura, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he didn't dare to look up at Ouyang Chen who was seated in the first place.

"Tell me, what's going on with Shen Haoxuan?" Ouyang Chen asked lightly.

Today, it was that one month period, Xuegong had promised to let Shen Haoxuan disappear in this sect after one month, now a month has passed, and the news I heard is that Shen Haoxuan's Yao Sect was established!

"Young Master Chen, don't you think that instead of letting him die happily, it would be more enjoyable to play him to death slowly?" Xue Gong replied in a low voice.

"En?" Ouyang Chen frowned when he heard Xue Gong's words, and said softly.

"Since he founded Yaomen, let's destroy it bit by bit, let Shen Haoxuan watch his hard work go to waste, this will make him more painful than killing him!" Xue Gong quickly explained.

Hearing this, Ouyang Chen's aura slightly restrained.

After feeling the killing intent on Ouyang Chen subsided, Xuegong heaved a sigh of relief, but before he could rejoice, a black shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, and a light palm was printed on his chest. The next moment, Xuegong Gong's body flew out like a cannonball, scraping through the sword forest for dozens of meters before stopping.

In the sword forest are all the spiritual weapons collected by Ouyang Chen. Xue Gong's body passed by, and countless cracks burst out, and the blood instantly dyed his snow-white clothes red!

Ouyang Chen looked at the fallen Xue Gong, clapped his hands lightly, and said lightly: "Although what you said is very reasonable, but your task is still not completed, then you should be punished!"

Looking at the miserable Snow Palace, Gou Shi and the others trembled in their hearts, their whole body was chilled, and they dared not look directly at Ouyang Chen's back.

"How is Yaomen's situation now?" Ouyang Chen turned around and asked with a faint glance at Xuegong.

"Yao Sect is developing rapidly. In just half a month, there are more than a hundred disciples. However, the strength of these disciples is not strong. Most of them are between spirit disciples and first-level spirit generals. The core members include Long Mo, Long Zhen, Zi Mo, and Su Xing, and besides..." Gou Shi paused as she said this.

"En? Why didn't you say it?" Ouyang Chen frowned.

Seeing Ouyang Chen's displeasure, Gou Shi quickly said: "In addition, Shui Ruolan, the leader of Ruo Shui Army, directly gave up her position as the leader and went to Yaomen to become the head of the logistics department!"

"Boom..." As soon as Gou Shi's words fell, a terrifying aura erupted from Ouyang Chen's body, and a faint black air lingered around him, causing the bluestone slabs under his feet to explode!
Feeling the overwhelming anger erupting from Ouyang Chen, Gou Shi knelt down in front of him, and said in a trembling voice: "Young Master Chen, this is not my fault, what I said is the truth!"

Gou Shi is so scared, mainly because he knows that Ouyang Chen has invited Shui Ruolan to join the Chen League several times, but was rejected. Ouyang Chen can't accept it, if Ouyang Chen blames this on himself, then he will suffer!

"Shen Haoxuan, good, good!" Ouyang Chen laughed back angrily, Gou Shi's hair was trembling when he heard the gloomy voice.

"What else?" Ouyang Chen asked coldly.

"Also, Shen Haoxuan is also an alchemist. He publicized it in the sect, and many disciples went to him to make alchemy. Originally, he took away a lot of business from my Chenmeng! But he can only refine alchemy. To produce a second-grade elixir, I think it is just a second-grade alchemist!" Gou Shi quickly replied.

"Alchemy?" Ouyang Chen snorted softly and then fell into silence, not knowing what he was thinking about.

"Go and call Guan Zhi!" A moment later, Ouyang Chen's voice sounded, startling Gou Shi.

But when he heard that Ouyang Chen just asked himself to call someone, Gou Shi heaved a sigh of relief and ran out of the sword forest in a hurry.

After a long while, a young man with disheveled clothes and disheveled hair appeared in the gazebo, with a rotten aura coming from his body, as if he had just finished a relationship between men and women...

This young man is Guan Zhi, Chenmeng's chief alchemist, a fourth-rank alchemist!

"Young Master Chen, did you call me?" Guan Zhi asked after straightening his clothes.

Ouyang Chen looked at Guan Zhi, and frowned: "How many times have I said, don't bring the female disciple you tricked into the alchemy room, do you take my words as a deaf ear?"

Hearing this, Guan Zhi smiled awkwardly and said: "Young Master Chen, those female disciples are all hungry and thirsty. I am just helping them. I promise, there will be no next time!"

"Hmph!" Ouyang Chen snorted coldly.

"Young Master Chen, what did you call me?" Guan Zhi asked, Ouyang Chen usually didn't have time to care about what he was doing, why did he suddenly mention himself today?
"I give you a task to completely destroy Yaomen's alchemy channels!" Ouyang Chen said coldly.

But Guan Zhi was confused: "Yaomen? What Yaomen?"

"Go out and find out by yourself. A new force has recently risen. Their alchemy channels have snatched away all the customers of our Chenmeng. However, their alchemist is only a second-rank alchemist, and it is easy to solve!" Gou Shi replied on behalf of Ouyang Chen.

Hearing this, Guan Zhi nodded: "Don't worry, Young Master Chen, he's just a second-rank alchemist, it's a piece of cake!"

"Hmph, if you can't solve it, I will take your life!" A cold light flashed in Ouyang Chen's eyes, and Guan Zhi was so frightened that he clamped his legs tightly.He left the sword forest as if he had escaped.

"Shen Haoxuan, you can't bear the consequences of offending me!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Ouyang Chen's mouth, and the cold breath suddenly dropped the surrounding temperature!


At this time, Shen Haoxuan was walking between the mountain paths in the Five Elements Sect with a sad face.

These days, under the pile of countless elixirs, Shen Haoxuan's level of alchemy has improved by leaps and bounds, and he can already pick up second-grade elixir.

With the growth of everyone's strength, Qing Ming Pill's effect is getting lower and lower. Therefore, Shen Haoxuan asked Yan Lao for the formula of Huiyuan Bone Shaping Pill.

Huiyuan Bone Shaping Pill is a third-grade elixir. Shen Haoxuan tried it a few times, but he quickly mastered it. However, it is difficult to refine it in large quantities, because the main drug Xueyanzhi is hard to find in the Chiyan Mountains. Shen Haoxuan interrogated him several times, and finally learned from Elder Huo that there was Xueyanzhi cultivated in the alchemy hall of the sect.

It's just that Elder Huo said that the person in Dantang has a bad temper, and it's hard to get something in his hands, so you must be prepared to bleed!
For this, Shen Haoxuan is also helpless, for the cultivation of the disciples in Yaomen, Shen Haoxuan can only bite the bullet and go to the alchemy hall!
However, now that Shen Haoxuan has nothing to worry about, he really doesn't know what he can do to impress the one in Dantang.

"It doesn't matter, let's go and talk!"

After several twists and turns, Shen Haoxuan finally came to the outside of the main hall, looking at the two flying characters on the main hall, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help sighing: "Is this the alchemy hall?"

(End of this chapter)

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