Chapter 19
After Shen Haoxuan left the shop, he walked around the street a few times before finding a hotel to stay in.After making sure that no one was following him, he rushed into the room and hurriedly took out the broken holy vessel.

Only now did Shen Haoxuan see clearly the true appearance of this sword!Since the sword body has been broken, it is not clear how long the sword is, but it must be at least three feet!The body of the sword is covered with rust and dust, but it can still be seen clearly that many unknown spirit beast patterns are engraved on it, especially on the hilt, a lifelike giant beast is entrenched there, looking down like the king of all beasts The spirit beast below.

Seeing this ferocious beast, Shen Haoxuan seemed to feel that his spiritual thoughts would be swallowed by it, so he bit his tongue lightly to wake up, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"Old Yan, come out quickly and take a look at this sword!" Shen Haoxuan hurriedly called for Elder Yan to come out and study this strange broken sword.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's call, Yan Lao floated out and observed carefully around the broken sword. When he saw the giant beast emerging from the hilt, his figure also trembled, and then he exclaimed: "Spiritual beast gluttony!"

"Spiritual beast gluttony?" Hearing this term for the first time, Shen Haoxuan looked at the giant beast curiously, but he immediately averted his gaze after only one glance, because he felt that his spiritual thoughts seemed to break apart again. Out!
Seeing Shen Haoxuan's embarrassment, Boss Yan laughed and said: "Haha, this is a beast beast, how dare you stare at him like that!"

"Old Yan, don't be fooled, what's going on with this giant beast?" Shen Haoxuan asked suspiciously.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's question, Old Yan put his hands behind his back and began to popularize knowledge to Shen Haoxuan: "As we all know, spirit beasts are divided into nine levels, and now level nine spirit beasts are the pinnacle of spirit beast evolution! But in ancient times, the spirit beasts of level nine There are more powerful existences in the world! That is the holy beast and the legendary beast! And the glutton is the best among the beasts, which is all due to his innate skill, devour!

It is rumored that when the gluttonous talent evolves to the extreme, it will not be a problem to devour the entire world.However, Taozhen's temperament is unstable and self-willed, which provoked many powerful enemies. In the end, all the gods and beasts attacked him and suppressed all of his clan!I didn't expect to see the legendary gluttonous rice here. "

"Can you see the glutton? Isn't this just a picture?" Shen Haoxuan said.

"Hmph, maybe a picture will make my heart palpitate. The sword spirit of this sword was probably born with Tao Tiao's spiritual origin as an introduction!" Yan Lao said affirmatively.

"Ah! Old Yan, what do you mean is that the spirit of this glutton is still sealed in this sword?" Shen Haoxuan said with a somewhat unnatural expression.

"That's right, I don't know who the owner of this sword is, but it's really a big deal to use the origin of the Taobao's spirituality as an introduction to guide the birth of the sword spirit!" Yan Lao sighed.

Then Yan Lao turned his head to look at Shen Haoxuan, only to find that he was looking at the sword with a sad face, and then said: "Hey, I said brat, what are you doing with such a stinky face after getting such a treasure?"

"Old Yan, you say that this sword is still sealed in a glutton, which proves that the sword spirit still exists. Doesn't that mean that the famous sword has an owner? How can it be mine!" Shen Haoxuan said unwillingly.

"You are stupid. The history of this sword must be at least five or six thousand years old. After all these years, the glutton has already fallen into a deep sleep, and the spiritual wisdom of the sword spirit has probably been worn down. As long as you and It can re-conclude the contract!" Yan Lao scolded with a smile.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan's eyes lit up, and asked: "Really? Didn't you say that the sword spirit recognizes the master? How can I conclude a contract with him?"

Hearing this, Yan Lao pointed to the Feng Lingzhu on Shen Haoxuan's neck and said: "Use this, don't underestimate this Feng Lingzhu, it's very useful! I can use it to temporarily block the sword spirit's response to the original owner, When the time comes, just look at the right time to sign the contract!"

"Okay, then what should I do." Hearing that there is a way to subdue the sword spirit, Shen Haoxuan asked impatiently.If he really subdued this sword spirit, it means that he has obtained a holy weapon. Although it is broken now, it will definitely be able to restore its original appearance after slowly warming up in the body for a period of time!

"Relax your mind, I will guide your spiritual thoughts into the sword spirit space of this sword, and after finding the sword spirit, you can conclude a contract depending on the time." Yan Lao said.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan closed his eyes, and slowly emptied his mind. After a period of trance, Shen Haoxuan opened his eyes and found himself in a dark space.

"Is this the sword spirit space?" Shen Haoxuan looked around and began to look for traces of the sword spirit.

But Shen Haoxuan found nothing after searching for a long time, the surroundings were still dark except for the darkness, not even a chicken feather, let alone a sword spirit.Slowly, Shen Haoxuan began to get irritable, and there was also news from the outside world that Mr. Yan said that he couldn't last long, let him speed up!

Just when Shen Haoxuan was about to give up and withdraw from the sword spirit space, a bright light flashed far away, although it was very faint, it was extraordinarily dazzling in this dark space.

"Sword Spirit!" Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed, and ran towards the bright light.

With all his strength running, Shen Haoxuan quickly caught up with the bright light.And the bright light stopped after being chased by Shen Haoxuan, the halo on his body gradually dissipated, and a white-haired old man appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan.

"Is this the sword spirit?" Shen Haoxuan looked at the old man curiously, and walked towards him slowly.But after walking two steps, he suddenly saw the little furry beast in the old man's arms. From this little beast, Shen Haoxuan felt the threat of death!

"This is gluttonous food!" Thinking of this, Shen Haoxuan hurriedly backed away.Yan Lao said that the sword spirit was born from the origin of the spiritual thought of the glutton, and that the glutton should be incompatible with the sword spirit. Now that the two get along so harmoniously, it is definitely tricky!

The moment Shen Haoxuan stepped back, the old man suddenly opened his closed eyes, looked at Shen Haoxuan and said with a smile: "Little baby, don't go, don't you want to refine me? If you refine me, then you will Get a peerless artifact that can grow infinitely!"

The old man's seductive words kept echoing in Shen Haoxuan's ears, but Shen Haoxuan kept his mind on, and kept calling Yan Lao in his heart to take him out, because Shen Haoxuan had already determined that this old man was not a sword spirit, but the spirit of gluttony!
But Shen Haoxuan called Yan Lao for a long time, but there was no response at all, and his connection with the outside world was broken!Shen Haoxuan was shocked in his heart, cold sweat kept breaking out on his forehead, in front of him was the legendary beast gluttonous!
"Don't pretend to be a glutton, I know it's you!" But Shen Haoxuan quickly calmed down, and the glutton used the sword spirit to lure himself to show that he might not be sure to keep him, which gave Shen Haoxuan a glimmer of hope of escape.

"Oh? You know my existence!" Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the old man was taken aback for a moment, and then he spoke.

"I know, not only that, I also know that the sword spirit of this sword was born through your spiritual source!" Shen Haoxuan said calmly.

"Don't mention that old man, I've swallowed him long ago, and that bastard Li Zhantian took advantage of my serious injury to forcibly deprive me of my source of spiritual thought to condense the sword spirit for him, if he hadn't died early , I will definitely tear him to pieces!" Shen Haoxuan's words seemed to have hit the sore spot of Taozhen, a shocking anger erupted from the little beast, and the surrounding space became distorted, as if it was shivering. Trembling, Shen Haoxuan was also oppressed by this momentum and couldn't breathe.

Fortunately, Tao Thao's anger came and went quickly, and the surroundings quickly returned to calm, but the old man disappeared, leaving only the little beast.

Shen Haoxuan looked at the little beast with lingering fear, and kept thinking about the way to escape.

"Don't waste your energy, I've sealed the space here, you can't escape, I haven't tasted the taste of spirituality for a long time, let me eat meat today!" Taobao seemed to see through Shen Haoxuan Inner thoughts, said with a laugh.

"Hmph, try it, I don't think you are sure to beat me, otherwise you wouldn't have used the sword spirit to tempt me before!" Shen Haoxuan said.

"Oh, is it? Then you try it, don't forget that this is my place, a little Quen Ling boy, I can't handle it?" Taobao said, and spread it directly!

"Oops!" Sensing the aura of Taozhen's body, Shen Haoxuan's heart sank immediately, and he still underestimated him!

(End of this chapter)

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