Chaos hegemony

Chapter 20: Gluttony Recognizes the Lord!

Chapter 20: Gluttony Recognizes the Lord!

"Oops!" Shen Haoxuan exclaimed, he was still too naive, he thought that the glutton turned into a sword spirit to tempt him because it was not sure to eat him, who knew that it just wanted to use the simplest and most labor-saving method to kill him. Take yourself down!

It seems that I still have a lot to learn!But the premise is that he can survive in the hand of the gluttonous beast... Shen Haoxuan couldn't help crying and laughing in his heart when he looked at the aggressive little beast, it was really difficult to survive the ancient mythical beast Taoyan's hand!But no matter how difficult it is, Shen Haoxuan will try his best to try!
While Shen Haoxuan was thinking, the little beast transformed into a glutton slammed into Shen Haoxuan like a bolt of lightning.Naturally, Shen Haoxuan would not just sit still, he tapped his toes lightly on the ground, and quickly retreated backwards.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan retreating, a humane smirk appeared on the corner of Xiaoshou's mouth, and then Shen Haoxuan felt that the space around him was frozen, and his body could not move!

"Oops! It's been tricked!" Shen Haoxuan's heart sank in an instant.

"Boom!" Shen Haoxuan was frozen, and the little beast bumped into Shen Haoxuan's chest in an instant.

The speed of the little beast was so fast that it hit Shen Haoxuan and was sent flying more than [-] meters away!It's also fortunate that it is in the sword spirit space, Shen Haoxuan exists in the form of spiritual thoughts, if the body is here, he will probably be directly pierced by the little beast!

But even if it was a spiritual thought, Shen Haoxuan still felt uncomfortable, he felt dizzy in his mind, and his reaction became much slower.One must know that Shen Haoxuan's spiritual power after awakening the Chaos God Body can be compared to a martial artist of the eighth or ninth rank of the spirit disciple, but he still can't resist the attack of the little beast, which shows how powerful the attack power of the gluttonous little beast is!
The little gluttonous beast did not take advantage of the victory to pursue after the first blow. Instead, it opened its mouth wide, and a suction burst out, sucking the shattered spiritual molecules on Shen Haoxuan's body into its mouth.

As soon as the spiritual elements entered the mouth, the little beast suddenly became agitated, and swallowed the spiritual thoughts in its mouth before it even had time to chew, and then its eyes lit up, staring at Shen Haoxuan and shouting: "It's too pure, it's too pure!" It's pure, I've never eaten such a pure spirit since I was born, haha!"

Looking at the little gluttonous beast with green eyes, Shen Haoxuan suddenly had an ominous premonition.Sure enough, the next moment Shen Haoxuan felt his body being imprisoned again, and then the little beast's head hit his chest, and this time the little beast didn't give Shen Haoxuan a chance to breathe, it kept hitting him one after another, and every time it hit to the same location!
"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" In the sword spirit space, there were continuous impact sounds, and finally stopped after a dozen times.

After the little beast stopped hitting, Shen Haoxuan floated in the sword spirit space, his whole body lost all strength, his body became extremely blurred and transparent, and might even dissipate at any time!Around Shen Haoxuan, there are countless light spots floating around, these are the spiritual elements that the little beast knocked off Shen Haoxuan's body!

Looking at these light spots, the little beast salivated, and then opened its mouth that was many times larger than its body, sucking the spiritual molecules into the mouth and swallowing them.

"Haha, it's so delicious. It's been a long time since I've been so excited!" the gluttonous little beast said happily.

Shen Haoxuan looked up at the crazy little beast, opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't make a sound, then lowered his head again, and said bitterly in his heart: "Old Yan, where are you? I was hurt badly by you! "

What Shen Haoxuan didn't know was that Old Yan was also worried at this moment!It turned out that not long after entering, Shen Haoxuan encountered a small gluttonous beast, and then was attacked, and his spirit was damaged!After his spiritual thoughts were damaged, Shen Haoxuan's physical body also trembled, and his face turned pale.Seeing the changes in Shen Haoxuan, Old Yan knew something was wrong!Sure enough, in the next few minutes, Shen Haoxuan's physical body trembled more and more, the color on his face was gone, and his vitality was also crazily passing away!
Seeing this happening, Yan Lao immediately rushed to the sword spirit space, but was stopped by a mysterious force!However, it is related to Shen Haoxuan's life and safety, Yan Lao immediately wants to forcibly break through the blockage of this mysterious force to rescue Shen Haoxuan.Just when Yan Lao was about to succeed, a dazzling golden light erupted from the Sealing Orb floating above Broken Sword, and then a burst of energy that made Yan Lao palpitate poured out, wrapping Broken Sword in it.

While the golden energy was pouring down, Yanlao immediately pulled back, because this energy made Yanlao feel that even he in his heyday might not be able to resist this energy, let alone the one who was not strong enough now. One percent!
As soon as Yan Lao retreated, he completely lost the chance to rescue Shen Haoxuan, and he could only look at the broken sword wrapped in golden light and worry about it.

But the good thing is that after the golden light appeared, Shen Haoxuan's physical body no longer trembled, and his vitality no longer passed away, so Old Yan heaved a sigh of relief.At this moment, looking at the dazzling golden light, Yan Lao suddenly realized something, and hurriedly used his spiritual thoughts to cover up the movement in the house.

Shen Haoxuan and the gluttonous little beast in the sword spirit space had no idea what happened outside. After the little beast devoured all of Shen Haoxuan's spiritual elements, his figure became extremely solid. On the other hand, Shen Haoxuan still looked like he was about to dissipate .

"I didn't expect your spiritual thoughts to be so pure, I would be reluctant to kill you." The little beast licked his mouth and said.

"Hmph, don't pretend to be a good person in front of me, kill me if you have the ability!" Shen Haoxuan said weakly.If the gluttonous little beast kept him in captivity, it would be more uncomfortable than killing him!

"Don't worry, I will do what you wish, but for the sake of making me so excited, I will give you a good time!" After finishing speaking, the gluttonous little beast opened its mouth wide, and a suction force wrapped around it. Shen Haoxuan sent it to the little beast's mouth.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the mouth of the little gluttonous beast, Shen Haoxuan was full of unwillingness: "Are you going to die here today? I'm sorry father, mother, my child is not filial, I can't take you away from the flames, and I can't let our family reunite Farewell! Goodbye, Grandpa, Linger!" Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan's eyes darkened, and he completely lost consciousness!

After Shen Haoxuan lost consciousness, two drops of golden liquid dripped out of the external Sealing Orb and penetrated into the sword spirit space.The golden liquid that saved Shen Haoxuan's life when he awakened the Chaos Divine Body reappeared!
After the golden liquid penetrated into the sword spirit space, it appeared above Shen Haoxuan in an instant, and then one drop of it merged into Shen Haoxuan's spiritual thoughts, turning into a ball of golden light that enveloped Shen Haoxuan's spiritual thoughts, and the other drop kept changing in the sky, It slowly turned into a mysterious character, floating in the sky above the little gluttonous beast.

After Shen Haoxuan's spiritual thoughts were wrapped in the golden light ball, the devouring power of the gluttonous little beast completely lost its effect. The sudden change made the little beast startled, and then looked at Shen Haoxuan. With the aura emanating from it, a familiar figure flashed in the brain of the gluttonous little beast.

"Impossible, how could you appear here!" Seeing that familiar figure, the gluttonous little beast screamed, and then it stopped caring about Shen Haoxuan, and immediately turned around and fled, as if seeing something terrible!
But at the moment when the gluttonous little beast turned around and ran away, the mysterious characters made of golden liquid floating in the sky were imprinted on the little beast's eyebrows like lightning, and then gradually disappeared.

"No...!" The little gluttonous beast screamed, then fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Within the sword spirit space, a person and a beast are wrapped in golden light, and the golden light flickers with breathing, which is very mysterious.


In the sword spirit space, he couldn't feel the passage of time, and he didn't know how long it had passed. Shen Haoxuan finally regained consciousness. When he slowly opened his eyes, he found himself in a world of golden light.

"Where is this? Heaven?" Shen Haoxuan said in a daze.

"Heaven doesn't look like this!" Just as Shen Haoxuan finished speaking, a voice full of resentment sounded.

Hearing that there were still people here, Shen Haoxuan jumped back like a conditioned reflex. After seeing the people around him, Shen Haoxuan exclaimed in shock: "Grandma! Why are you here?"

"Where can I be if I'm not here?" The gluttonous little beast rubbed its paws and said.

"Did you eat yourself too?" Shen Haoxuan was puzzled.

"You..." Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Tao Tie stared at him angrily, but then seemed to think of something, with a bitter face, and said: "If it's back to the master, I can't eat my own!"

"What? What do you call me? Master?" Shen Haoxuan was dumbfounded after hearing Taobao's address. When did he become the master of Taobao?
(End of this chapter)

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