Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1978 Xiao Ke'er!

Chapter 1978 Xiao Ke'er!
"Don't pretend, we all understand!"

"Just watch, she will come out later, will you admit it when you see it!"

Shen Haoxuan was at a loss as to what the disciples around him said.

What's happening here?I haven't come back for more than a month, what happened to Sen Luodian?
"Come out, the fairy is out!"

Just as Shen Haoxuan was thinking, cheers erupted from the crowd, and everyone's eyes were focused on Xuanwu Peak.

Shen Haoxuan followed the gazes of everyone, and in the forest of Xuanwu Peak, a beautiful figure was slowly walking out of it.

Soon, this beautiful figure appeared in Shen Haoxuan's sight. She was wearing a long white dress, her skin was more snowy, and her eyes were like clear water. She was photographed, ashamed of her appearance, and dared not blaspheme, but her aloofness and agility were quite seductive, and people couldn't help being haunted. During the walk, lotuses grew every step of the way, like a fairy falling from the sky to the mortal world.

Shen Haoxuan has seen many beauties, such as the cuteness of Senluo Saintess, the holiness and glamor of Li Fei, etc., the qualities of these beauties seem to be vividly reflected in the woman in front of him.

This time, even Shen Haoxuan lost his mind and didn't know what words to use to express it.

Sen Luodian, when did such a beautiful and temperamental beauty appear?

When everyone marveled at the woman's appearance, the woman's clear eyes swept across the disciples under Xuanwu Peak, and then she sat on the stone tablet of Xuanwu Peak, shaking her jade legs, and looked into the distance, as if waiting for something people.

"What is she doing?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"I said it, wait for you, you're still pretending!" A disciple next to him wished he could eat Shen Haoxuan.

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan was speechless. Could this be what they said, his fiancée?
Shen Haoxuan came under the stone tablet of Xuanwu Peak, he, Liu Qing, and Hong Haonan were the only ones who could enter Xuanwu Peak. Of course, there was such a woman now.

"Are you waiting for Shen Haoxuan?" Shen Haoxuan raised his head and asked softly.

The woman glanced at Shen Haoxuan, but did not reply.

"I am Shen Haoxuan!" Shen Haoxuan continued.

Hearing this, the woman jumped down from the stone tablet, stood in front of Shen Haoxuan, and looked at it seriously.

"Grandpa Hong said, Shen Haoxuan is very weak!" After a while, the woman finally spoke, her voice was like the sound of nature, but the content made Shen Haoxuan sound uncomfortable. What does it mean that he is weak?

However, after hearing the woman's words, Shen Haoxuan knew the origin of the woman.

Come to think of it, this woman is the disciple Hong Haonan brought out from the Emperor's Domain using the Grandmist Stone.

"I'm really Shen Haoxuan, the one who took the Hongmeng Stone!" Shen Haoxuan spread his hands helplessly and said.

After hearing the three words Hongmeng Stone, the woman's eyes flashed a gleam of light, Shen Haoxuan was the only one who knew about Hongmeng Stone.

Thinking of this, the woman threw herself on Shen Haoxuan's body and hugged Shen Haoxuan tightly.

"Shen Haoxuan, you bastard!",

"The girl let go, let me!"

"I want to kill Shen Haoxuan, don't let anyone stop me!"

Seeing the woman hugging Shen Haoxuan, the disciples under Xuanwu Peak burst into a loud commotion, such a beautiful girl threw herself into Shen Haoxuan's arms, it's really abominable!
Shen Haoxuan was also taken aback, and wanted to break free from this woman's embrace, but he unexpectedly discovered that his own strength was not as good as this woman's.

The noise from below became more and more intense, Shen Haoxuan was speechless, so he could only hold the woman and ran towards the top of Xuanwu Peak.

When they came to the top of Xuanwu Peak, Liu Qing and Hong Haonan were sitting in the small courtyard. The breath on Liu Qing's body, Hao Ran also reached the fairyland.

"Junior Brother Shen, you're back?" When he saw Shen Haoxuan, a look of surprise flashed across Liu Qing's face.

But when he saw the woman lying on Shen Haoxuan's body, Liu Qing couldn't help laughing. When he first came back, he was also hugged by this woman like this. It was only later that he found out that this woman had been waiting. It was Shen Haoxuan!
"Ahem, Junior Brother Shen, this..." Liu Qing coughed dryly, unable to speak.

Shen Haoxuan gave Liu Qing a blank look, and then looked at Hong Haonan who was drinking tea leisurely.

"Old man Hong, what's going on? Hurry up and get it down!" Shen Haoxuan was speechless.

The woman lay on Shen Haoxuan's body like an octopus, motionless.

"This is the little princess of the imperial domain, you've made a lot of money!" Hong Haonan said without raising his head.

"What little princess, can you put her down first!" Shen Haoxuan pointed to the woman on his body, he couldn't just take him with him like this, besides, he didn't even know him yet!
"My name is Xiao Ke'er, you can call me Ke'er from now on!" the woman whispered.

"Ke'er said, if you save her from the imperial domain, she will be your fiancee!" Hong Haonan said with a smile showing his old yellow teeth.

"Then you didn't say it clearly before?" Shen Haoxuan gave Hong Haonan a hard look, and then quickly pulled Xiao Ke'er off Shen Haoxuan.

But Xiao Ke'er seemed to be afraid that Shen Haoxuan would escape, and grabbed Shen Haoxuan's clothes tightly.

Shen Haoxuan could only let her hold on, and began to ask Hong Haonan about Xiao Ke'er's identity.

In the end, Shen Haoxuan finally knew the identity of Xiao Ke'er.

In the imperial domain mentioned by Hong Haonan, there are four major domain masters who manage the land in all directions. Each domain master is the most powerful existence in the imperial domain, and Xiao Ke'er is the daughter of the northern domain master. She is also the little princess of the Northern Territory.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the four major domain masters were murdered by traitors, and the family of the domain masters were all slaughtered. Xiao Ke'er was rescued by Hong Haonan desperately, and was hunted down by his enemies in the end. The seal of the world.

Unexpectedly, he was lucky, spending his cultivation as the price, and passed the seal.

Xiao Ke'er was hidden by him, and he took her over after he found the Grandmist Stone in the Holy Realm of the Divine Realm.

"So, she is a second-generation official?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Xiao Ke'er, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"How strong is she?" Shen Haoxuan asked, just now it seemed that Xiao Ke'er's strength was much greater than his.

"Before entering the sacred realm of the gods, it was only the realm of the immortal emperor. Now, at most, it is the realm of the immortal!" Hong Haonan shook his head and said.

"Immortal Emperor! Are you still an Immortal Emperor?" The corners of Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing's mouths couldn't help twitching. This little girl, who seems to be only in her twenties, has already achieved the realm of an Immortal Emperor?
What the hell is that imperial domain?

(End of this chapter)

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