Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1979 VIP!

Chapter 1979 VIP!

Looking at Xiao Ke'er who stood silently at the side, Shen Haoxuan's eyes also flashed a touch of sympathy.

The family was destroyed, and she had to flee everywhere. Although her strength had reached the realm of the Immortal Emperor, she was always a little girl who had endured things she shouldn't have endured in this grade.

However, although Shen Haoxuan sympathized with Xiao Ke'er, it was not an option to let her follow him all the time!

"Just let her follow you, no matter how you say it, she is also a strong person in the Immortal Venerable Realm, and she will not drag you back!" Hong Haonan persuaded.

Xiao Ke'er experienced major changes when she was young, and felt very insecure in her heart, even though she was very powerful.

Now in this barren land, Hong Haonan no longer intends to continue wandering around, but Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing are young and frivolous, so Hong Haonan can rest assured if Xiao Ke'er is handed over to them.

"This... alright!" Shen Haoxuan could only reluctantly agree in the end.

A strong man in the realm of Immortal Venerable, in this middle barren land, is already considered a strong man standing at the pinnacle. Even the master of the Senluo Palace, the suzerain of the Xiaoyao Sect, or the head of the Wuji Sword Sect, his strength is no more than It is the peak of Immortal Venerable Realm.

Even if Xiao Ke'er is the opponent of these three first-class forces at the helm, it is not that simple for the three of them to keep Xiao Ke'er, let alone Xiao Ke'er's training is all in the imperial domain. martial arts!

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's agreement, Xiao Ke'er showed a happy smile on his face, becoming the most beautiful scenery in this barren courtyard.

"Grandpa Hong, it's bad!"

While Shen Haoxuan and the others were talking, a cry of exclamation came from under Xuanwu Peak, and immediately after, the figure of Senluo Saintess flew into the courtyard.

When she saw Shen Haoxuan was there, the panic on Sen Luo's face disappeared instantly, and she became extremely astonished.

"When did you come back?" Senluo Saintess asked.

"Just now!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the expression of Senluo Saintess, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Hmph, I said why didn't you come to me when you came back? It turns out that you have a better-looking female companion!" Senluo Shengnv glanced at Xiao Ke'er who was holding on to Shen Haoxuan's clothes, and said with a coquettish snort.

Hearing the sour words of Senluo Saintess, Liu Qing and Hong Haonan couldn't help but want to laugh, but because of face, they could only hold back.

Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes, can he be blamed?As soon as he came back, he was hugged by Xiao Ke'er, so he couldn't take Xiao Ke'er to see the saint of Senluo like that, I'm afraid his end would be even worse!
"It's not what you think!" Shen Haoxuan wanted to explain.

"I don't know you yet? First, Li Fei from Shencheng City Lord's Mansion, and then this one. It's all because of your own charm!" Sheng Luosheng said angrily.

After listening, Shen Haoxuan shook his head helplessly, how could he think of reasoning with women?
"Ahem... Sen Luo, didn't you say something happened? What's going on?"

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Hong Haonan gave a dry cough and quickly changed the subject.

Senluo Saintess gave Shen Haoxuan a hard look, and then said in a deep voice: "People from the Xiaoyao Sect and Wuji Sword Sect are here to make trouble, and they want us to hand over Shen Haoxuan!"

Shen Haoxuan, Hong Haonan and the others frowned upon hearing the words of Senluo Saintess. What does it mean that the people from Xiaoyaozong and Wuji Sword Sect came here?
And you want Shen Haoxuan by name?

"You killed Qi Feiyang on the top of Kunlun Mountain, and you forgot so soon? Men are really big pigs!" Senluo Shengnv snorted arrogantly.

"What about the Wuji Sword Sect? Junior Brother Shen has given the Wuji Sword Sect enough face, otherwise, they wouldn't even get a spot!" Liu Qing said in a deep voice.

"Who knows? Fortunately, Shen Haoxuan is back, let him hide for a while, I will go with my father, and send those two evil spirits away!" Senluo Saintess gave Shen Haoxuan a glance, turned around and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

However, Shen Haoxuan stopped Senluo Saintess.

"Since they're here, how can we let them go so easily?" The corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised a sneer.

Qi Feiyang is looking for death by himself, no wonder he is, as for the Wuji Sword Sect, he gave them a spot for nothing, and now he is avenging his kindness?
"What do you want to do? The suzerain of the Xiaoyao Sect and the head of the Wuji Sword Sect are here. You still have to go out, don't you want to die?" Sen Luo Shengnv knew what Shen Haoxuan wanted to do, and immediately refused.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the heads of Xiaoyao Sect and Wuji Sword Sect came for Shen Haoxuan's life. If Shen Haoxuan goes out, even the master of Senluo Palace may not be able to keep him!
Senluo Saintess would not let Shen Haoxuan take risks.

"Don't be afraid, I have my own way, you gather all the disciples of Senluo Palace outside the main hall, and arrange them according to this formation!" Shen Haoxuan handed a formation map to Senluo Saintess, and said slowly.

"I'll go meet those two immortals!" Shen Haoxuan pulled Xiao Ke'er and walked towards the main hall.

Looking at Shen Haoxuan's back, Senluo Saintess stomped her feet angrily, and then she could only follow what Shen Haoxuan said, and went to gather the disciples at the entrance of the four main halls and the inner hall.

At this time, in the main hall, Lord Senluo was confronting the suzerain of the Xiaoyao Sect and the head of the Wuji Sword Sect.

"Master Senluo, your palace Shen Haoxuan killed my direct disciple, do you want to give me an explanation?" Li Qiushui, the lord of the Xiaoyao Sect, looked at the first seated Master Senluo, and said in a cold voice.

"That's right, do you want to give me an explanation for pushing my Wuji Sword Sect out of the Immortal Spring?" Jian Fengchen, the head of the Wuji Sword Sect, also echoed in a cold voice.

The first Lord Senluo closed his eyes slightly, as if he didn't hear the two shouts at all.

"Master Senluo, do you want to start a war?" Seeing that the master of Senluo did not show the slightest expression, Li Qiushui, the lord of the Xiaoyao Sect, burst into anger, and a powerful aura also erupted from him, shaking the hall. All his disciples were forced to retreat.

At this moment, Lord Sen Luo finally opened his eyes slowly.

"Li Qiushui, I welcome you to my Senluo Hall as a guest. If you come to make trouble, the door is behind, so walk slowly!" Said the Master of Senluo Palace with no expression on his face.

Li Qiushui's face gradually became gloomy seeing that the master of Sen Luo Palace didn't enter the oil and salt.

"Master Sen Luo, do you really think that my Xiaoyao Sect won't do anything?" Li Qiushui narrowed his eyes slightly, and a icy light flashed across them.

"Then do you also think that I, Senluo Hall, will be afraid?" The master of Senluo Hall also stood up, confronting Li Qiushui tit for tat.

For a while, the smell of gunpowder in the hall became extremely strong.

"Hehe, Sect Master Li is so majestic!" Just as the two confronted each other, a sneer came from outside the hall.

Li Qiushui and Jian Fengchen turned their heads and saw a handsome young man leading a fairy-like girl into the hall slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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