Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1987 Tobu Son!

Chapter 1987 Tobu Son!

Fengxing City, inside the martial arts arena.

The dazzling golden light dissipated quickly, and the figures of Shen Haoxuan and Qi Hong reappeared in the realization of everyone.

In front of Shen Haoxuan, the golden paper flashed past and disappeared into his body, while Qi Hong still kept firing his gun.

However, everyone found that Qi Hong's unstoppable momentum had disappeared at this moment, and even the golden spear in his hand had become dim.

"What's going on?" Everyone said that their eyes were focused on Qi Hong.


A slight but crisp sound of steel breaking resounded in the silent martial arts arena, and then everyone saw a scene that made them feel unbelievable.

A crack appeared in the golden spear in Qi Hong's hand, and then, the crack spread to the entire gun body like a spider web, and finally shattered!
"The artifact... is broken!" Everyone looked at the fragments of the spear, their eyeballs almost protruding.

The thing in Qi Hong's hands is a divine weapon, so vulnerable to a single blow. What is that golden light used by Shen Haoxuan, which can crush the divine weapon!
"'s possible!" The artifact was shattered, and a trace of blood was left on the corner of Qi Hong's mouth.

The blow just now shattered not only the artifact in his hand, but also the viscera in his body received a severe impact.

But now Qi Hong could not feel the pain in his body at all, he stared at Shen Haoxuan in disbelief, his eyes full of unwillingness.

Why?Why is he not yet Shen Haoxuan's opponent after breaking through in strength and obtaining the artifact! ?

Obviously, Shen Haoxuan doesn't seem to be anything special, why can't he beat Shen Haoxuan?
"Everything I have is obtained with my own hard work, but you have sold your own soul to gain power, after all, it was only given to you by others!" Shen Haoxuan looked at Qi Hong who was full of unwillingness, and said lightly .

"Pfft!" After Shen Haoxuan's words fell, Qi Hong spat out a mouthful of blood, his body fell straight backwards, and his eyes slowly turned black.

Sell ​​your soul?The power given by others?maybe……

Qi Hong fell to the ground and never got up again, and the vitality in his body also dissipated little by little.

The warriors watching around the martial arts field all became silent at this moment.

In the fairyland, Qi Hong, who was also holding a divine weapon, couldn't even resist Shen Haoxuan's move. Who the hell is this Shen Haoxuan?
Shen Haoxuan's gaze swept over the warriors present coldly, without the slightest emotion in his eyes.

These people are all in order to gain strength by any means, and they still want to be the servants of the Tobu Son?It's ridiculous!
"Who will follow me to find Dongwu Shengzi?" Shen Haoxuan said loudly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, those warriors were stunned for a moment, and then they immediately understood.

"It turns out that he is also a person who wants to be a servant of God!"

"No wonder you have to challenge Qi Hong. It seems that this is for Dongwu Shengzi. It's a good idea!"

"I thought he was so noble, but he also wanted to be someone else's lackey!"

The sound of ridicule suddenly sounded again.

Shen Haoxuan was silent about this, just looking at those warriors.

"Let's read and accompany you!" Soon, there was an echo from the crowd, and almost all warriors wanted to take Shen Haoxuan to find Dongwu Shengzi.

They want to see how Shen Haoxuan became a servant of God!
For a moment, a group of warriors in Fengxing City led Shen Haoxuan to the distance of Fengxing City.

Leaving Fengxing City, the deeper you go, the more powerhouses from the imperial domain are sleeping above your head. Slowly, Shen Haoxuan also felt a sense of oppression, and immediately frowned slightly.

After running for half a day, everyone finally stopped.

"Holy Son of Dongwu, just ahead!" A martial artist pointed to a mountain in the distance and said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan looked up, and there seemed to be a figure sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain connecting the sky and the earth.

Shen Haoxuan jumped up and ran towards the mountain top, while the other warriors behind him looked at each other in blank dismay, not daring to step forward, not everyone can set foot in the domain of God.

But seeing Shen Haoxuan's back without hesitation, everyone gritted their teeth and followed.

The closer they got to the top of the mountain, the more they could feel the tyrannical oppression.

Finally, when everyone came to the top of the mountain, they seemed to be able to touch the powerhouse of the imperial domain who was sleeping in the air by raising their hands.

Shen Haoxuan locked his eyes on a young man, because that young man was looking down at him at this time, and he was what those warriors said... the Holy Son of Dongwu!
Seeing the handsome Dongwu Shengzi, all the warriors present did not dare to take a breath, and stood respectfully in the distance.

"You killed my god servant?" Dongwu Shengzi looked at Shen Haoxuan with a pair of indifferent eyes, and asked slowly.

"You're talking about Qi Hong, right? I killed him!" Shen Haoxuan replied flatly.

"Although Qi Hong is useless, he also went out under my name. If you kill him, you are disrespecting me! Do you know what the consequences will be?" Dongwu Shengzi said coldly, a powerful breath also came from him. The eruption in the body, through the seal of Shenwu, came to suppress Shen Haoxuan.

"However, you seem to be more useful than Qi Hong, so you can become my servant of God, it's a redemption!" Shengzi Dongwu looked Shen Haoxuan up and down again, raised his head, and said proudly.

"Haha!" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help laughing.

"God's servant? Just you, are you worthy of being called a god?" Shen Haoxuan sarcastically said.

The last time he saw the strong man from the Emperor Domain in the Phantom Forest, he was many times stronger than the Holy Son of Dongwu. He could kill a strong man in the Immortal King Realm with a single look, and this Holy Son of Dongwu was only a mere man if he died. Fairyland.

Now, he actually brazenly called himself a god?

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, the warriors behind them showed shock, didn't Shen Haoxuan come to be a servant of God?What did he mean by that?Insulting Tobu Son?

"Hmph, to you mortals, I am a god! Apologize to me now and become my servant of the gods, maybe I can spare your life!" Said Dongwu Shengzi still with an indifferent expression.

"Tch, for a god like you, I can hit ten of them, so I'm not a god among gods?" Shen Haoxuan sneered, and didn't give that Dongwu Shengzi any face!
"Arrogance is just a low-level villain in the mortal world. If I hadn't been blocked by this magical seal, killing you would be as easy as killing an ant!" Dongwu Shengzi finally showed his face when he heard this. angry look.

"Really? Then I will give you this chance right now!" Shen Haoxuan raised a wicked smile, and then took out a gray stone from the storage ring.

"Hongmeng Stone!"

(End of this chapter)

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