Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1988 Scam?

Chapter 1988 Scam?

"Hongmeng Stone!"

Seeing the gray stone in Shen Haoxuan's hand, Shengzi Dongwu outside the Shenwu seal was finally moved.

The formerly proud Saint Son of Dongwu is now like a pug, lying outside the seal of Shenwu, looking at Shen Haoxuan with hot eyes.

"Give me the Hongmeng Stone, and I can spare your life!" Dongwu Shengzi said quickly.

Shen Haoxuan played with the stone in his hand, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"You want it very much?" Shen Haoxuan looked at Shengzi Dongwu and said with a playful smile.

Dongwu Shengzi nodded fiercely, that is the Grandmist Stone, and if you get the Grandmist Stone, you will be able to come to the sacred world of the gods and find the legendary opportunity, which is the dream of countless powerhouses in the imperial realm!
"If you want it, it depends on what you exchange!" Shen Haoxuan continued.

Hearing this, Seiko Tobu understood something, and his face became gloomy.

"Boy, with this Divine Martial Seal, if it is not a divine weapon, there is no way to pass it. You give me the Hongmeng Stone, and when I come to the sacred realm of the gods, I will give you whatever you want!" Dongwu Shengzi said in a deep voice.

Shen Haoxuan pondered for a moment, then showed a harmless smile, and said, "Okay!"

Immediately, with a flick of his hand, Shen Haoxuan threw the Hongmeng Stone to Shengzi Dongwu who was outside the seal of Shenwu!
When the gray stone touched the Shenwu seal, ripples appeared on the seal, and the gray spiritual power gushed out, allowing the stone to pass the seal smoothly!
Seeing this scene, the smile on Dongwu Shengzi's face became even brighter, and a hot color flashed in his eyes.

This is the real Hongmeng Stone, and the one that can pass the seal of Shenwu must be the real Hongmeng Stone!
This inferior person in the mortal world really brought him a good thing, and when he descends to the sacred world of the gods, he will give that inferior person a happy one!

While Dongwu Shengzi was thinking, the gray stone finally got through the Shenwu seal and came in front of Dongwu Shengzi.

Impatiently grabbing the gray stone, a look of ecstasy appeared on the face of Shengzi Dongwu.

But then, Dongwu Shengzi took a look at Shen Haoxuan, and then carefully sized the stone in front of him, for fear of making any mistakes. After all, if he wanted to cross the seal of Shenwu, if he was a little careless, he would end up being destroyed physically and spiritually.

On the top of the mountain, Shen Haoxuan was expressionless, and looked at the Holy Son of Dongwu indifferently, but Liu Qing, who was behind Shen Haoxuan, had already seen Shen Haoxuan's drenched clothes. It can be seen that Shen Haoxuan now seems to be a bit difficult.

Dongwu Shengzi observed for a long time, and found nothing wrong. The gray stone in his hand was really the Hongmeng Stone.

He took a deep breath, looked at Shen Haoxuan, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

"Very good, I will give you a good time when I come to the holy world of the gods!" Dongwu Shengzi sneered.

"What? Didn't you say, give me everything you want?" Shen Haoxuan's complexion changed drastically, and he exclaimed.

"Humph, naive!" Dongwu Shengzi snorted coldly, then took the Hongmeng Stone in his hand, stepped out in one step, and walked towards the Shenwu seal.

And when Dongwu Shengzi just stepped into the Shenwu seal, Shen Haoxuan's originally panicked look disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a touch of evil spirit.

The change in Shen Haoxuan's face naturally did not escape the observation of Dongwu Shengzi. When he saw the evil smile on the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth, the hairs all over his body stood up, and the cold sweat soaked the clothes behind him instantly.


The next moment, the "Hongmeng Stone" in Dongwu Shengzi's hands immediately turned into powder under the terrifying pressure from the surroundings, and the power that broke out in the Shenwu seal all gathered towards Dongwu Shengzi!

"No!" Dongwu Shengzi ran back in a hurry, but that force still cut off both legs of Dongwu Shengzi, leaving only half of his body.

Seeing this scene, the martial artist on the top of the mountain couldn't help but gasp.

The sealing power of this Shenwu seal is really terrifying!

"What a pity!" Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er both heaved a long sigh and said with some regret when they saw that Dongwu Shengzi had only had two legs cut off.

Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er made a plan after learning that Dongwu Shengzi had awakened.

Dongwu Shengzi was a participant in the destruction of Xiao Keer's family, and Xiao Keer naturally wanted Dongwu Shengzi's life.

But if Dongwu Shengzi was hiding outside the Shenwu seal, Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er would have nothing to do with Dongwu Shengzi, so they came up with the idea of ​​tricking Dongwu Shengzi into the Shenwu seal, using the power of the Shenwu seal to kill Dongwu Shengzi.

What Shen Haoxuan gave him was indeed the real Primordial Stone, but it was used by Xiao Keer, and only a trace of Primordial Power remained, and Shen Haoxuan used the power of the World Tree to amplify that trace of Primordial Power, and deceived the Holy Son of Dongwu s eyes.

However, controlling the power of the World Tree through the Divine Martial Seal was too exhausting, and Shen Haoxuan almost couldn't control it.

" lied to me!" Dongwu Shengzi felt the severe pain from his lower body, and his whole face became ferocious.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, so he escaped the catastrophe, but his legs are disabled, which is worse than death!

"Don't you want to lie to me too?" Shen Haoxuan responded lightly.

"When I come to God's Realm to be holy, I will definitely make your life worse than death!" Dongwu Shengzi roared angrily!

"Then let's wait until you come down. If you can't come down, I can help you. I still have the Hongmeng Stone here!" Shen Haoxuan sneered.

"Roar! You are courting death!" Dongwu Shengzi roared angrily, wishing he could come down immediately and kill Shen Haoxuan.

Looking at the son of Dongwu whose lower body had been cut off, Shen Haoxuan shook his head. The current strong men in the imperial domain are just ferocious beasts locked in a cage. They can only shout loudly through the seal of Shenwu.

Ignoring the Holy Son of Tobu, Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er left the mountain. These people want to break through the seal of Shenwu, they can't pass it in a few years, and they still have room for improvement.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's gradually disappearing back, many warriors on the mountaintop also looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a moment.

I thought that Shen Haoxuan came here because he wanted to be the servant of the Holy Son of Dongwu, but who knew that Shen Haoxuan played tricks on the Holy Son of Dongwu, and even cut off the other party's legs, and then left in the air, it is really incredible!
"You... whoever cuts off Shen Haoxuan's head, I will accept him as a servant of the gods, go!" Dongwu Shengzi roared angrily at the remaining warriors.

Hearing the roar of Dongwu Shengzi, those warriors looked at Dongwu Shengzi contemptuously. The current Dongwu Shengzi looks extremely pitiful. Even Shen Haoxuan can't handle it. What qualifications do he have to be called a god?Still accepting servants?

Who wants to be his servant now?There is something wrong with your head!

One by one, the warriors spat at Dongwu Shengzi, and many warriors left without any regrets.

"Come back, you inferior people, come back to my Son!"

On the top of the mountain, only the unwilling roar of Dongwu Shengzi remained...

(End of this chapter)

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