Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1989 Disappeared?

Chapter 1989 Disappeared?
In Fengxing City, Shen Haoxuan did not choose to leave after playing with Dongwu Shengzi.

Li Fei rented a house in Fengxing City, early this morning, everyone gathered together.

"It is basically certain that among the ruins of the ten thousand races, the only awakened emperor warrior is the Saint Son of Dongwu!" Gu Wenxuan said in a deep voice.

In the past few days, he has been running around among the ruins of the ten thousand races, inquiring about the news about the warriors of the imperial domain.

"It seems that the seal of Shenwu is still very strong, and those warriors in the imperial domain also know that they won't waste their energy in waking up!" Li Fei said with a long sigh of relief.

In the past few days, feeling the strong pressure from above her head, she couldn't sleep well. Those are all powerful people above the Immortal Venerable Realm. If they are placed in the Divine Realm, these are all capable of becoming the overlord of a party. The presence!

"That's not necessarily true. The tomb of the living dead appeared in the ruins of the ten thousand races. This is the result of the loosening of the seal. The current seal should only have the last [-]-[-]% of its strength left!" Shen Haoxuan shook his head and said in a deep voice.

If the seal was still at its peak, the moment Dongwu Shengzi stepped into it, he would be burned into nothingness, and there would be no chance of escape!
"In less than two years, the Shenwu seal will be broken!" Xiao Ke'er also spoke, she had stepped into the Shenwu seal herself, and she knew more about the power of the Shenwu seal than Shen Haoxuan and the others.

"Then what should we do? If the powerful emperors come, with the current strength of the warriors in the holy realm of the gods, they can only be reduced to cannon fodder and slaves in the end!" Liu Qing also said with a frown.

For God's Domain, the situation is no longer optimistic!

"We can, first receive some trustworthy powerhouses from the imperial domain!" Shen Haoxuan said suddenly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, everyone was stunned for a moment, some couldn't react, so why not pick up some powerful people from the Imperial Domain?What does it mean?
The warriors of the Emperor's Domain are all wolves to the Holy Realm of the God's Domain. Isn't this leading the wolves into the sheep's nest?

"With the current strength of the sacred realm of the gods, if you want to fight against the warriors of the emperor's domain, you will hit the stone with an egg. If you want to solve the current predicament, the only way is to use the way of the other to fight against the other body. Use the warriors of the emperor's domain to come Fight against the warriors of the Imperial Domain!" Shen Haoxuan cast his eyes on Xiao Ke'er!

Behind Xiao Ke'er is the daughter of the former lord of the domain. Although the Xiao family was slaughtered, many of the subordinate forces of the Xiao family have also escaped. Use them to fight against the upcoming powerful emperor!
"You want to use my father's old department? The most loyal old department has already dedicated himself in that great war, and those left behind are all people who are greedy for life and afraid of death!" Xiao Ke'er saw Shen Haoxuan throwing himself at him. With the look in his eyes, he immediately knew what Shen Haoxuan meant.

Xiao Ke'er is now full of resentment towards those old ministries. Back then, her Xiao family was gone, and those old ministries scattered in all directions without a leader. Even Xiao Ke'er didn't care about such an old minion. It will never be used again!

"That's not necessarily the case. Whether those people can use them or not, and how effective they can be, still depends on the person!" Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised a wise smile.

Human desire can make him make rapid progress, but at the same time, it is also his biggest weakness.

What those powerhouses in the imperial domain desire the most is to come to the holy world of the gods. As long as they grasp this point, they can hold it in the palm of their own hands!
"Okay, I can help you find them!" Xiao Ke'er immediately agreed when she heard Shen Haoxuan's words.

"But I have a condition, I want them, and I'm the master!" Xiao Ke'er continued.

"Deal!" Shen Haoxuan laughed.

Those old departments originally belonged to the Xiao family, and Shen Haoxuan originally planned to let Xiao Ke'er control them. After all, they once surrendered to the Xiao family. In their bones, they must be full of slavishness towards the warriors of the Xiao family.

Listening to the deal between Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er, Li Fei on the side was full of surprise. Is it finalized?Is it really necessary to let the powerhouses of the Emperor's Domain come to the Holy Realm of the God's Domain in advance?
"But how did those strong men come?" Xiao Ke'er frowned slightly. If she wanted to break the seal of Shenwu, she could only use the Hongmeng Stone!
Moreover, the more powerful a warrior is, the more Hongmeng stones are needed for descending. One Hongmeng stone can only allow a warrior at the first level of the Immortal Exalted Realm to descend!
When Xiao Ke'er came down, he forcibly abolished his own cultivation of a great realm!
"The Grandmist Stone you are talking about... I know where it is!" Li Fei said weakly from the side.

As soon as Li Fei finished speaking, the gazes of Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Keer instantly focused on him.

"If the stone you took out earlier is the Grandmist Stone, I know where it is!" Li Fei said solemnly.

"After the appearance of the Shenwu Seal, many forbidden areas in the holy world of God's Domain were also opened. In the depths of the Kunlun Mountains, a forbidden area appeared. In addition, the same is true in the Eastern Wilderness, Western Wilderness and other regions. Among those forbidden areas, there are Quite a lot of what you are talking about... Grandmist Stone!" Li Fei explained.

Hearing this, both Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er had a look of joy on their faces.

In order to obtain a piece of Hongmeng Stone, Hong Haonan stayed in Senluo Palace for several years. If Shen Haoxuan hadn't appeared, perhaps he would have to wait longer for the realization.

Now in some ruins, Hongmeng Stone actually appeared, and it was not a piece, so they would have to find a way to find it!
"No, something happened!"

However, just when Shen Haoxuan and Xiao Ke'er were happy, an exclamation came from the courtyard.

A disciple of Shencheng rushed in and shouted out of breath.

"What's going on?" Gu Wenxuan frowned when he saw the flustered expression of the disciple of Shencheng.

"Disappeared, Saint Son of Dongwu...disappeared!" The Shencheng disciple took a breath and said quickly.

"What!?" Hearing the words of the disciple of Shencheng, Shen Haoxuan and others were shocked and stood up directly.

"Speak carefully!" Shen Haoxuan asked in a deep voice.

Outside the Shenwu seal, Dongwu Shengzi would not be able to move at will without the Hongmeng Stone, and he also broke two legs, how could he disappear?

"They... seem to have been picked up by two men in black robes!" the disciple of Shencheng recalled.

"The man in the black robe? Hongmeng Stone, the pitch-black chain?" Listening to the memory of the disciple of Shencheng, Shen Haoxuan instantly thought of who took Dongwu Shengzi away!
"Hall of Souls!"

Shen Haoxuan's fists were clenched tightly, he was really lingering, wherever he went, he would meet people from Soul Palace...

(End of this chapter)

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