Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1990 Chapter 1990: Plan!

Chapter 1990 Chapter 1990: Plan!
"Hall of Souls?" Li Fei also frowned.

"What exactly do these people want to do?" Li Fei was puzzled.

Since the establishment of the Soul Palace, the power it possesses is extremely powerful, but even so, the Soul Palace has never thought of competing for the position of the overlord of the Central Desolation, and has been hiding in secret.

But if it is said that the Soul Palace has no intention of competing for the overlord of the Central Wilderness, but they are secretly tampering with the major forces, and even their claws have extended to the Eastern Wilderness, Western Wilderness, etc. These marginal areas, who? I don't know what they want to do?
"This time, they even kidnapped the warriors from the Imperial Domain!" Gu Wenxuan was also puzzled.

Shen Haoxuan had some other thoughts in his heart.

Hong Haonan said that in the Soul Palace, there are strong men who descended from the Emperor's Domain hundreds of years ago. It seems that the Soul Palace wants to wake up the strong man who descended from the Emperor's Domain.

"It's really troublesome!" Shen Haoxuan cursed secretly in his heart.

He didn't know how powerful the strong man from the Emperor's Domain in the Palace of Souls was, but looking at the powers of the Palace of Souls, which had spent hundreds of years, they were all working hard on this matter. Or, how powerful it is!

"At least a strong man at the level of the gods!" Xiao Ke'er said through voice transmission.

Shen Haoxuan's heart became even heavier. If he is really a strong man at the level of the gods, then if the Soul Palace wakes him up, it will be a disaster for the holy world of the gods!
"Do you know any strong people at the level of the gods?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"You are a Chinese cabbage when you are a god-level powerhouse?" Xiao Ke'er gave Shen Haoxuan a blank look.

Even if there are god-level powerhouses in the imperial domain, they are all existences at the peak, and it is not so easy to see them.

"But if you want to look for it, I do know where a strong man in the divine realm is!" Xiao Ke'er murmured, as if thinking of something.

"Where?" Shen Haoxuan's eyes lit up.

"Think about it clearly, if you want a strong man from the God Realm to descend, the amount of Primordial Stones that will be consumed is not a small amount!" Xiao Ke'er stared at Shen Haoxuan with beautiful eyes, and said helplessly.

How many grandmist stones are there in the holy world of the gods?

If you want to let the gods come, you need at least tens of thousands of grandmist stones!
"It's always good to give some hope!" Shen Haoxuan said with a wry smile.

Otherwise, what else can we do?We can't wait, wake up the strong man from the Emperor's Domain in the Palace of Souls, and start attacking the Holy Realm of the God's Domain!

"The strong man in the divine realm I know is in the secret realm of Ziyun Taoist Temple!" Xiao Ke'er said.

"Purple Cloud Taoist Temple?" Shen Haoxuan and Liu Qing looked at each other, seeing the shock in each other's eyes.

Wasn't the old man in the purple-gold Taoist robe that the two met in the tomb of the living dead in the Phantom Forest before, from the Ziyun Taoist Temple?
"If you can collect enough Primordial Stones, you can make him come. He is my teacher!" Xiao Ke'er continued.

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan nodded his head, so he had some thoughts, but collecting the Hongmeng Stone is a bit difficult!
"Let's go back to Kunlun Mountain with you!" Shen Haoxuan looked at Li Fei. He wanted to take a trip to the secret place deep in the Kunlun Mountains!
Li Fei nodded, and immediately didn't plan to stay in the Wanzu ruins. After tidying up, she led Shen Haoxuan and his party towards the Kunlun Mountains.

And after Shen Haoxuan and his group left the Wanzu ruins, three figures slowly appeared at the exit of the Wanzu ruins.

These three people are Elder Xue, Old Xiezi from the Soul Palace, and Dongwu Shengzi who they brought down from the Shenwu seal.

Dongwu Shengzi's legs have been grafted by Elder Xue and Lao Xiezi using their secretaries.

Seeing the backs of Shen Haoxuan and the others disappearing, Dongwu Shengzi's face became extremely ferocious.

"Why don't you kill him!" Dongwu Shengzi roared in a low voice.

"Our mission is not to kill him, but to take you back!" Elder Xue gave Shen Haoxuan an indifferent look, with no intention of chasing after him.

In the final analysis, he is just a little martial artist who has just stepped into the fairyland. When the big event of their Soul Palace is completed, let alone one Shen Haoxuan, even ten Shen Haoxuan will be like ants in front of them!
"You really didn't lie to me? Evil God, are you in the sacred realm of God's Domain now?" Shengzi Dongwu cast his eyes on Elder Xue and Old Scorpion, and asked in a deep voice.

"If you go back with us, you will know it!" Elder Xue didn't say much, and disappeared in place in a flash.

The Holy Son of Dongwu groaned, and also followed.


A few days later, Shen Haoxuan and his party also returned to the Kunlun Mountains.

Just when I came to the foot of the mountain, I saw the warriors in Shencheng patrolling back and forth, and their faces became extremely solemn.


Seeing Li Fei coming back, those disciples all saluted respectfully.

"Well, is father there?" Li Fei asked.

"The city lord is waiting for you!" A disciple stepped forward and brought Li Fei and his party back to the city lord's mansion in Shencheng.

"Recently, there are frequent relics in the Kunlun Mountains. Many warriors from the outside world want to come to Kunlun Mountains to explore. Even with the reputation of my god city, they can't suppress it!" Li Fei looked at the puzzled expressions on the faces of Shen Haoxuan and the others. , explained immediately.

Shen Haoxuan nodded, compared to the last time, the spiritual power on Kunlun Mountain was much thinner, it seemed that it was all swallowed up by those so-called relics!
Not long after, the three of Shen Haoxuan came to the City Lord's Mansion under the leadership of Li Fei.

In the main hall, a middle-aged man somewhat similar to Li Fei came out. From that middle-aged man, Shen Haoxuan felt an extremely powerful sense of oppression. The suzerain, and the head of the Wuji Sword Sect, must be somewhat stronger!
"See the City Lord!" Without Li Fei's introduction, Shen Haoxuan knew the identity of this middle-aged man, the City Lord of Shencheng, Li Fei's father, Li Jiannan!
"You are Shen Haoxuan, right? I heard that Fei'er mentioned you, you are indeed a hero!" Li Jiannan glanced at Shen Haoxuan, and then locked his eyes on Xiao Ke'er who was following behind him.

Xiao Ke'er's strength in the Immortal Venerable Realm really surprised Li Jiannan. She seemed to be only about 20 years old, but she had already reached the Immortal Venerable Realm.

"The city lord was joking, it's just luck!" Shen Haoxuan said modestly.

"Hehe!" Li Jiannan just smiled lightly at this.

He knew that Li Qiushui, the lord of the Xiaoyao Sect, and Jian Fengchen of the Wuji Sword Sect, were deflated in Shen Haoxuan's hands. Who would dare to do such a thing in the entire Central Wasteland?

"Come in, I already know the purpose of your visit, we can talk about the ruins!"

(End of this chapter)

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