Chaos hegemony

Chapter 1991 Entering the ruins!

Chapter 1991 Entering the ruins!
Shencheng, in the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

Shen Haoxuan and others are discussing with Li Jiannan about how to enter the ruins of the Kunlun Mountains.

"You should also know that the Kunlun Mountains are the place where the gods live, and even I can't go deep into that ruins!" Li Jiannan sighed.

When the fairy spring was opened last time, he went to explore the ruins, but unfortunately he returned without success.

"It's okay, I still want to try it!" Shen Haoxuan said softly.

Regardless of whether it is the residence of the gods or not, Shen Haoxuan has explored countless ruins along the way, and he has not been timid enough to shrink back.

"I have another bad news to tell you. The Xiaoyao Sect and the Wuji Sword Sect will also come to enter the ruins. If they see you, I'm afraid they won't let you go easily!" Li Jiannan looked at Shen Haoxuan, wanting to see What kind of reaction will Shen Haoxuan have?

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan just smiled lightly, he was able to make Xiaoyao Sect's suzerain and Wuji Sword Sect's sect master crushed in his own hands, let alone a few disciples and elders!

"When are you leaving?" Shen Haoxuan asked directly, ignoring the fighters from the Xiaoyao Sect and the Wuji Sword Sect.

"If you want to go, you can do it now!" Li Jiannan replied directly.

"Then I'll check the situation first!" Shen Haoxuan nodded.

This time, Shen Haoxuan didn't take anyone with him, even Xiao Ke'er stayed in the city of God, and went to test the water by himself.

Although Xiao Ke'er is powerful, taking her can avoid more risks, but no matter what, the Kunlun Mountains are the residences of those god-level powerhouses in the sacred realm of the gods, and Xiao Ke'er descended from the emperor's domain Yes, if the ruins are hostile to Xiao Ke'er, then even Shen Haoxuan can't save her!

Following Li Jiannan to the depths of the City Lord's Mansion, although Li Jiannan didn't get anything in the ruins, he still built a transmission channel.

Without any hesitation, Shen Haoxuan directly stepped into the transmission channel and entered the ruins.

When Shen Haoxuan stepped out of the transmission channel, the surrounding scene had completely changed.

Looking around, there is white mist everywhere. Even with Shen Haoxuan's powerful power of soul, he has no way to detect the situation ten meters away. Here, he can only observe the surroundings with naked eyes.

Not only that, in this mist, Shen Haoxuan obviously felt that the spiritual power in his body was also suppressed, and when it started to function, there was a sense of blockage, which made Shen Haoxuan feel a little uncomfortable!

After taking a deep breath of the cold air and suppressing the surprise in his heart, Shen Haoxuan stepped up and slowly groped forward.

Unable to sense the danger around him, Shen Haoxuan didn't dare to rush too fast, so he just walked forward step by step.

After walking for an unknown distance, Shen Haoxuan suddenly felt a wave of heat rushing towards his face.


Shen Haoxuan walked forward quickly, and not long after, he came to the place where the heat wave came from.

When Shen Haoxuan saw the scene in front of him, he froze in place.

In front of him was a large wheat field...

Shen Haoxuan didn't know if it is correct to describe it as a wheat field, but there are indeed wheat growing here.

However, what is different from ordinary wheat is that the wheat in the wheat field is as high as three or four people, and above the malt, there is a raging flame burning. Looking at it suddenly, I thought it was a sea of ​​flames!

"What the hell is this?" Shen Haoxuan looked at the wheat field like a sea of ​​flames, his expression became strange.

"Food, those who are strong in the divine realm should eat these things!" The Heaven-swallowing Dragon flew out of Shen Haoxuan's body, looked at the wheat field in front of him, and said with a natural expression.

"Are you sure these things are edible?" Shen Haoxuan looked at the burning wheat with lingering fear, and swallowed.

The temperature of these flames is extremely terrifying. Even if you are yourself, if you get a little bit involved, it will be very dangerous, let alone eat them into your body!

"What's the fuss about?"

"In the final analysis, these are just cultivation resources, just like the divine stones or spirit crystals that you assist in cultivation! Compared to us, the Divine Phoenix family is also our cultivation resources!" The Heaven Swallowing Dragon gave Shen Haoxuan a blank look. , said.

Hearing this, the corners of Shen Haoxuan's mouth couldn't help twitching, the Divine Phoenix Clan, these are invincible existences in legends, but in the mouth of the Dragon Clan, they are just cultivation resources?

But for those who are strong in the divine realm, these flaming wheat fields are really just a kind of cultivation resource for them.

Because of the flames in the wheat field, the surrounding fog became much thinner.

Looking into the distance, Shen Haoxuan couldn't see how long the wheat field was. If he wanted to go around it, it would be unrealistic, so he could only cross it!

With a leap, Shen Haoxuan jumped directly into the wheat field.

But just as he entered the wheat field, a scorching hot wind blew by, and the flames on the malt above his head, as if being pulled by something, turned into fireballs one by one, smashing towards Shen Haoxuan!
"This wheat field can also be used as a defensive formation? Damn it!" Shen Haoxuan cursed inwardly, immediately mobilized the spiritual power in his body, and rushed forward.

The malt on the top of the head turned into shooting stars, as if they had eyes, chasing the pace of Shen Haoxuan, as if they wanted to submerge Shen Haoxuan in the sea of ​​flames.

Sensing the scorching breath coming from behind, Shen Haoxuan's face turned black.

That flame is not an ordinary flame, if it is hit, it will be dangerous.

Think about it, the suzerain of the Xiaoyao Sect, the head of the Wuji Sword Sect, and other powerhouses standing at the peak of the middle wasteland have nothing to do with Shen Haoxuan, but the few malts that fell today made him run away in embarrassment. How much should I lose face?
Stepping on the Dragon Control Art under his feet, Shen Haoxuan dodged back and forth among the falling malt, but fortunately the surrounding fog dissipated, and he could use his spirit power, otherwise the current situation would be extremely dangerous!
After running wildly for 10 minutes, Shen Haoxuan finally escaped from the flaming wheat field.

And after Shen Haoxuan left the wheat field, the flames of the original riot also subsided at this time, and the malt was no longer falling, as if nothing happened.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, Shen Haoxuan turned his head and planned to continue walking forward.

However, before Shen Haoxuan could go far, he felt the surrounding temperature drop suddenly, not only that, he also felt a violent thunder force, and a fierce storm force.

Shen Haoxuan walked forward quickly, and soon came to the source of those breaths.

When Shen Haoxuan saw the scene in front of him, he froze in place, and when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Am I... have I come to the vegetable garden of a strong man in the God Realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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