Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2 The Mysterious Old Man

Chapter 2 The Mysterious Old Man

Hearing the screams in the courtyard, Aunt Xue who lived in the side room immediately ran out, looked at Shen Haoxuan who was standing in the courtyard in a daze, and asked anxiously: "Master, what's the matter? What happened? "Aunt Xue has watched Shen Haoxuan grow up since he was a child. Since his parents disappeared, Aunt Xue has taken on the role of mother. She is also one of the few people Shen Haoxuan respects in this Shen family.

Seeing Aunt Xue's anxious expression, Shen Haoxuan's heart warmed up, and he said immediately: "Aunt Xue is fine, it's just that a stone hit her foot."

Hearing what Shen Haoxuan said, Aunt Xue shook her head helplessly, and said, "You child, why are you so worrying? Since you're fine, then go back to your room and sleep, it's getting late."

Shen Haoxuan scratched his head in embarrassment, and replied: "Understood Aunt Xue, you should go to bed earlier."

Seeing Aunt Xue who was going back to the house, Shen Haoxuan let out a long breath, hurriedly ran into the room, and covered the door.

"Come out!" Shen Haoxuan said to the empty room.

"Haha, boy, you are really timid, but well, your mentality is not bad, and you can calm down immediately." After a while, an old and blurry figure suddenly appeared in front of Shen Haoxuan.

Seeing the old figure floating in front of him, although Shen Haoxuan was not afraid, the corners of his eyes still couldn't help but twitch.He had never seen such a weird thing since he was a child.

"Are you a human or a ghost?" Shen Haoxuan couldn't help asking.

Looking at the vigilant Shen Haoxuan in front of him, the old man laughed loudly and said: "I am neither a human nor a ghost, just a spiritual thought."

"Spiritual thoughts?" Shen Haoxuan was startled. Although spiritual thoughts are innate, but to release spiritual thoughts outside the body, at least a level above spiritual appearance is required. Looking at the old man in front of him, he has existed for at least a hundred years, so what's the point? Strength!

"Then why do you exist on my body?" Shen Haoxuan was puzzled, since he possessed such a powerful strength, why would he exist on him.

"No, no, my remaining spiritual thoughts are only stored in the sealing pearl around your neck." The old man replied.

"Is this called Feng Lingzhu?" Shen Haoxuan took off the necklace around his neck, looked at the small black round bead in his hand, and asked curiously.It was a birth present from his mother, and it was the first time he had heard that it had a name!

"You don't seem to know his function." The old man looked at the surprised Shen Haoxuan and said.Immediately explained: "Sealing Lingzhu, as the name suggests, seals spiritual thoughts and spiritual power! The seal here is not unusable, but to seal the spiritual power and the breath in the spiritual thoughts. It is a good tool for escape and concealment!"

"No wonder those people didn't take you away." The old man murmured in a low voice.

"Back then? Those people? What do you mean?" Shen Haoxuan seemed to have heard some important information.

"Five years ago, a few powerful people came to your house and took your parents away. Because you carried Feng Lingzhu, they didn't find you." The old man recalled.

"Who? Why did they take my parents away? Where did they take my parents?" Hearing what the old man said, Shen Haoxuan asked anxiously.

"I don't know about that. I just woke up at that time, and I just heard about the Murong family. They thought they were doing a perfect job. Hehe, a few guys with a little strength want to snatch people in front of the old man quietly. What a shame! Naive!" The old man smiled triumphantly.

But Shen Haoxuan couldn't laugh. His parents who had been missing for five years had news again. Could he not be in a hurry?Looking at the proud old man, Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice: "Since you know, why didn't you stop it?"

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's question, the old man blushed and said: "At that time, I just woke up, and there was no strength in my body! I can't do anything."

Shen Haoxuan calmed down slowly. Indeed, the old man in front of him was only acquainted with him once, and he had no obligation to save his parents. Now that he knew the reason of his parents' disappearance, he would definitely spare no effort to save his parents!It's just that if you can quietly take away two warriors with spiritual general cultivation in the entire Shen family, the other party's cultivation will definitely not be low!Now he is still worrying about a small family assessment, when will he rescue his parents, Shen Haoxuan feels bitter.

"Are you thinking about how to save your parents? Let me tell you in advance, the few people who came five years ago, one spirit king, two spirits! Just you, a kid who is still hovering at the third level of Tempering Spirit , it's a bit difficult!" Looking at Shen Haoxuan with a bitter face, the old man said.

"However, I can help you, as long as you accept me as your teacher!" The old man continued.

Hearing what the old man said, Shen Haoxuan asked vigilantly, "What's your purpose?"

"Boy, don't think of people so badly. I want to live in your Fengling Orb now, and it's my reward. And it's because of you." The old man said.

"Myself?" Shen Haoxuan asked doubtfully.

"Do you know why your cultivation has not increased at all for five years?"


"Because of your physique, your physique is different. It is the legendary Chaos Divine Physique! It is said that as long as this system appears in the world, there will be chaos in the world. I really don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing!" said the old man.

"Then what does this have to do with my cultivation?" Shen Haoxuan continued to ask.

"The Chaos God Body, it needs a lot of spiritual power to awaken it! The Chaos God Body in the past either appeared in the ancient family or in the big sect, so they awakened easily. But this year's Chaos God Body has a little In such a small family, this is a bit of a surprise! The spiritual power absorbed by your body in the past five years is less than one-fifth of what is needed for awakening. If you want to save your parents without my help, you will have to go to hell It is." The old man explained.

Hearing what the old man said, Shen Haoxuan fell into deep thought. To save his parents, he must have great strength. If what the old man said is true, it doesn't matter to believe him, but why does he know so clearly?

The old man seemed to have heard what Shen Haoxuan was thinking, and immediately said: "Because I am the last person who possessed the Chaos Divine Body!"

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan was surprised, and looked at the old man in front of him again, and found that he was a little friendly.

After pondering for a long time, Shen Haoxuan made up his mind, if he can really bring strength to himself, it would be good to be his apprentice.

"Okay, I promise you!" Shen Haoxuan said.

"Well, my name is Yan Yang, you can call me Yan Lao, or Teacher, you can find a secluded place tomorrow, and I will awaken the Chaos Divine Body for you! Also, don't let anyone know of my existence, even you The closest person!" After Yan Yang finished speaking, he returned to the Feng Lingzhu.

Watching the night getting darker and darker, Shen Haoxuan swore secretly: "Father, mother, wait for me, I will come out with you!"

(End of this chapter)

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