Chaos hegemony

Chapter 3 Shen Linger

Chapter 3 Shen Linger

The next day, when the first ray of sunlight fell on Shen Haoxuan's face in the morning, his originally closed eyes slowly opened. After getting out of bed and moving his body, he took a shower before walking outside.

The reason why Shen Haoxuan was so excited was because Yan Lao wanted to awaken the Chaos Divine Body for himself today. From today on, he, Shen Haoxuan, would no longer be synonymous with trash, and he no longer had to act according to other people's faces!

After Shen Haoxuan went out, he found that Aunt Xue was still sleeping soundly, and he didn't bother her at the moment, leaving a note for her, then hurriedly walked towards the back mountain.Yanlao said that he wanted to find a secluded place, and there are many places like Houshan.

The Shen family was very quiet in the early morning. Except for some people who did their early work, there were no other people on the road. Shen Haoxuan was not noticed by others, so his speed was very fast. When he was about to enter the back mountain, the Old Yan's voice came: "Boy Shen, there are people following you, be careful!"

Hearing Yan Lao's words, Shen Haoxuan's heart skipped a beat, he noticed for a while, and found that there were indeed two auras following him all the time.At the moment, I was puzzled, I had been extremely low-key in the Shen family for the past five years, and I hadn't caused any trouble, so who would follow me in the early morning?

"Could it be Shen Cheng, Shen Yue and the others?" Shen Haoxuan could only think of the two of them, because he had conflicts with them in the Shen family!
"Hmph, follow me, then let me see who you are!" Shen Haoxuan immediately accelerated his speed and disappeared around the corner.

Just after Shen Haoxuan left, a figure quickened his pace and chased after him.As soon as she reached the corner, a pair of big hands grabbed her, and before the figure could react, she was caught!

These big hands belonged to Shen Haoxuan, but before Shen Haoxuan questioned the visitor, he was frightened by a sharp cry!


After the cry, Shen Haoxuan came to his senses and saw the figure standing in front of him clearly.This is a fourteen or fifteen-year-old girl, wearing a green shirt, with three thousand strands of hair loosely scattered behind her back, her exquisite facial features seem to be drawn out!
"Ling... Ling'er, why is it you?" Shen Haoxuan asked incredulously, he thought that the person following him was Shen Cheng and the others, but he didn't expect it to be Shen Linger!

This Shen Ling'er played with Shen Haoxuan since she was a child. When she was a child, she was like a follower all day long, following behind Shen Haoxuan with two snotty noses.Later, Shen Haoxuan's cultivation base was no longer diligent, and after she was called a waste, she was also prohibited from contacting Shen Haoxuan under the control of the family elders.But she still can't forget this brother Xuan, she always sneaks out to play with Shen Haoxuan and practice together!
Later, Shen Ling'er was discovered to be a genius in the family's cultivation. She reached the sixth level of tempering at the age of 12, and now at the age of 14, she has reached the peak of the seventh level of quenching!That's why he was locked up and trained by those old guys. Sometimes Shen Haoxuan didn't see each other for several months, but he didn't expect that she would come to follow him this morning!
"Xuan...Brother Xuan, your hand...Can you take your hand away?" Shen Linger looked at Shen Haoxuan and said with a flushed face.

"My hand?" Shen Haoxuan was puzzled, and when he lowered his head, he realized that his palm was on Shen Linger's little head!

"Uh... sorry, I didn't mean it!" Shen Haoxuan hurriedly withdrew his hand, but before leaving, he rubbed it shamelessly!

Shen Haoxuan's small movements naturally couldn't escape Shen Linger's eyes, and his face turned even redder immediately!

Looking at the shy Shen Ling'er in front of him, Shen Haoxuan was in a daze.Unexpectedly, the follower with two snotty noses has turned into a beautiful girl now!Really time has passed, things have changed!

"Ling'er, why didn't you do your early work early in the morning, why did you follow me furtively?" Shen Haoxuan pulled back his thoughts, and asked to break the embarrassment, as if he didn't do the shameless behavior just now.

"I...I want to send something to brother Xuan." Shen Ling'er obviously hasn't recovered from the ambiguity just now, and replied falteringly with a blushing face.After finishing speaking, he took out a small bottle from his bosom and handed it to Shen Haoxuan.

Shen Haoxuan took the bottle, and smelled a medicinal fragrance before opening it. "This is..." When he opened it, he saw five round Gathering Pills lying quietly in the bottle.

"This... this won't do, I can't have Ling'er, it's too precious!" Shen Haoxuan refused.One must know that it is extremely difficult for the Shen family to refine the Spirit Gathering Pill. The average child can only get two pills a month, and the direct descendants can only get four pills. A genius like Shen Linger can only get six pills a month!Now there are five in the bottle at once, it's like taking Ling'er's training materials for a month, how can this make Shen Haoxuan feel bad!

"However, the family assessment is half a month away. If Brother Xuan fails to reach the fifth level of Quen Ling, he will be kicked out of the Shen family!" Shen Linger said worriedly.

"Silly girl, brother, I will not be expelled from the family, don't you believe in brother?" Shen Haoxuan said.

"I believe it, but..."

"Okay, you take this back, brother, I can't take it, I..." Before Shen Haoxuan finished speaking, he saw Shen Linger's eyes reddened, and tears flowed down like a bank bursting.

"Brother Xuan doesn't want Ling'er? Huh..." Shen Linger cried loudly.

"Hey, Linger, don't cry, don't cry..." Shen Haoxuan comforted quickly.

"Okay, just accept it, Shen boy, maybe you can use it later!" At this time, Yan Lao said.

"Okay, okay, Linger, don't cry, brother accepts it!" Shen Haoxuan was helpless, since Lao Yan had already said it, he could only accept it, besides, if he didn't accept it, Linger would definitely not accept it. Will let it go.

Hearing that Shen Haoxuan said he would accept his gift, Shen Linger burst into tears and laughed happily.Looking at Shen Linger who was smirking in front of him, Shen Haoxuan said speechlessly: "Okay, hurry up and do the morning exercises. If the elders find out that you sneaked out, you should be punished. Brother, I'm going to practice too."

"Yeah, Brother Xuan, come on!" Shen Linger made a face at Shen Haoxuan, and then disappeared at the end of the path.

Looking at Shen Linger's back, Shen Haoxuan was even more anxious to awaken the Chaos God Body, not for himself, but for the loved ones around him, he must awaken successfully today!

After seeing Shen Linger leave, Shen Haoxuan turned around and stepped into the back mountain!The Chaos Divine Body is about to awaken!

(End of this chapter)

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