Chaos hegemony

Chapter 4 Awakening!Chaos divine body!

Chapter 4 Awakening!Chaos divine body!
Shen Haoxuan came to the back mountain, turned around and walked to a waterfall, and called Yan Lao out.

After flying out of Feng Lingzhu, Old Yan saw the surrounding environment and said with satisfaction: "Mmm, not bad, I found a good place indeed!"

"That's right, this is Ling'er and I's secret base when I was young!" Shen Haoxuan said proudly.

"Then, since the place has been found, Elder Yan will awaken me quickly!" Shen Haoxuan said impatiently.

Hearing about the awakening, Elder Yan immediately became serious. He looked at Shen Haoxuan and said in a deep voice: "Boy Shen, I don't want to hide it from you. The Chaos Divine Physique is one of the most powerful physiques in the world. If you want to Awakening has to pay a price, and the pain is not something everyone can bear! If the awakening fails, what is waiting for you is death!"

"Death..." Shen Haoxuan exclaimed.

"Yes, and, with your current tempering third-level physique, your chance of success is less than [-]%! In other words, you have an [-]% chance of dying! Do you still want to awaken?" Yan Lao didn't do it either. Concealed, asked directly.

Hearing Yan Lao's words, Shen Haoxuan fell into silence, his whole body seemed to tremble with fear.

Looking at the strange Shen Haoxuan in front of him, Yan Lao suddenly felt that he was a bit cruel.Shen Haoxuan is only a 15-year-old kid, he hasn't even finished one-fifth of his life, and it's really unreasonable for him to face death head-on!But the reality is so cruel. If you want to gain power, you have to pay a corresponding price. How to choose is up to him.

Time passed minute by minute, Shen Haoxuan was still silent, and Old Yan didn't bother him.But Yan Lao clearly felt that Shen Haoxuan's aura was slowly changing.It was a change from fear to confusion to determination!

At a certain moment, Shen Haoxuan suddenly raised his head and said to Yan Lao: "Yan Lao, I have decided, I want to awaken it!"

For Shen Haoxuan's decision, Old Yan felt that it was unexpected, but also reasonable.Looking at Shen Haoxuan's decisive eyes, he couldn't help asking again: "Are you sure?"

"Yes! The whole journey of cultivation is to survive from death. If I don't even have this awareness, how will I rescue my parents, how will I protect my beloved, and how will I reach the pinnacle of martial arts! My life, Shen Haoxuan, is up to me. Forget it, this little difficulty doesn’t frighten me!”

"Haha, good! As expected of the inheritor of the Chaos God Body, I admire this courage! Don't worry, even if it takes my life, the old man will help you awaken the Chaos God Body!" Yan Lao laughed and said.

"Come on!" Shen Haoxuan sat on the ground and responded.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was ready, Yanlao spit out a black ball from his mouth and handed it to Shen Haoxuan: "This is the panacea that I condensed with my spiritual power all my life before I died, even though the spiritual power in it has dissipated after so many years Not a lot, but enough spiritual power for your awakening!"

After receiving Yanlao's panacea, Shen Haoxuan threw it into his mouth and swallowed it without saying a word, and then said: "Yanlao, it's up to you next."

Old Yan didn't dare to neglect Shen Haoxuan's words, he manipulated the panacea to come to Shen Haoxuan's heart orifice, and stopped in front of a colorful barrier.

"This is the barrier to be opened by awakening the Chaos Divine Body, the process may be a bit painful, hold back!" Yan Lao reminded.

"Come on!" Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, signaling for Yan Lao to start charging.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan was ready, Old Yan didn't talk nonsense, and directly manipulated the black elixir to hit the barrier.

"Boom!" "Poof!"

The black elixir hit the barrier with a muffled sound, but the huge impact made Shen Haoxuan spurt out a mouthful of blood!

Old Yan ignored Shen Haoxuan, this was just the first collision, he could hold on.Then Yanlao continued to let the black elixir hit the barrier, again and again!However, every time it can only hit a ripple on the barrier, there is no real effect.But Yan Lao was not in a hurry, and just kept repeating the impacting action.

But it was a pain for Shen Haoxuan, the impact of each impact made him feel very uncomfortable, he vomited blood several times, and now his face has turned pale.

After an unknown amount of time, Shen Haoxuan's consciousness began to blur.At this moment, Yan Lao let him wake up with a cold shout: "Boy Shen, get ready, the barrier is about to be broken!"

Shen Haoxuan came back to his senses and looked at the barrier. The originally thick barrier now only had a thin layer, and it was full of cracks.Similarly, Yan Lao's black elixir has also become transparent at this time, presumably the spiritual power in it has been used up.

At this time, the almost transparent panacea was attacking the barrier for the last time!

"Boom..." With a loud noise, the originally broken barrier finally cracked!
The moment the barrier cracked, a wave of energy spewed out that made Yan Lao and Shen Haoxuan palpitate, and the always calm Yan Lao shouted in a panic: "Boy Shen, hurry up, eat the Ju Ling Pill and gather your spiritual power to protect it." Your meridians, if you let this energy destroy your meridians, you will surely die!"

Shen Haoxuan didn't dare to be negligent at this time, he took out the Juling Pill given by Shen Linger and stuffed it into his mouth, and then directly refined it, relying on the effect of the medicine to start absorbing the surrounding spiritual power to protect his meridians.At the same time, Yan Lao also squeezed out the remaining spiritual power in the elixir to protect Shen Haoxuan's heart.

However, they still underestimated the power of this energy.In front of this energy, the protection made by Yan Lao and Shen Haoxuan was as fragile as paper, and was torn apart in an instant!Then these energies penetrated into Shen Haoxuan's meridians and bones, and began to wreak havoc!
"Ah!" The piercing pain made Shen Haoxuan couldn't help crying out.At this moment, his body was in a mess, the meridians began to swell and burst under the filling of these energies, and the bones were directly crushed. The situation is very pessimistic!
Outside the body, Yan Lao looked at Shen Haoxuan, whose skin was cracked, his figure was distorted, and kept howling, and he was very anxious, and at the same time, he was very regretful.But in the face of this situation, he couldn't just intervene, Shen Haoxuan's body was in a mess now, if he infiltrated his spiritual thoughts again, Shen Haoxuan would explode and die directly!

"Is this the end?" Yan Lao could only watch Shen Haoxuan suffer, but he was helpless.

Just when Yan Lao was at a loss, a drop of golden liquid seeped out of the blood-stained Lingling Orb hanging on Shen Haoxuan's neck, and penetrated into Shen Haoxuan's body.It's a pity that this scene was not discovered by Yan Lao.

Once the golden liquid entered the body, it turned into a golden dragon, chasing after that powerful energy.And when that energy encountered the golden liquid, it was like encountering a natural enemy, and began to flee around, not caring about damaging Shen Haoxuan's body.

Chased by the golden liquid, this energy slowly gathered in Shen Haoxuan's lower abdomen.When all the energy gathered at this moment, the golden liquid actually began to suppress that energy, directly compressing it from a fist to the size of a mung bean, and finally burst directly!
After the golden liquid burst with that energy, a gray mist filled Shen Haoxuan's lower abdomen.After the fog cleared, a gray panacea spun slowly in the dantian, continuously spraying out gray energy to repair Shen Haoxuan's body.

Outside, Yan Lao, who knew nothing about Shen Haoxuan's inner body, was staring at Shen Haoxuan with wide eyes.Just now, Shen Haoxuan was screaming to death, but suddenly there was no sound at the next moment. Yan Lao thought that he couldn't hold on and died... But then Shen Haoxuan showed an expression of enjoyment, which made Yan Lao feel relieved, at least he knew Shen Haoxuan is still alive.

Later, Yanlao wanted to release his spiritual thoughts to check Shen Haoxuan's body, but found that he was blocked by a strange energy. "Did it really succeed in awakening?" Old Yan was puzzled.It seems that they can only wait for Shen Haoxuan to wake up and ask.

(End of this chapter)

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