Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2090 fierce battle!

Chapter 2090 fierce battle!
"You...are you not afraid of me?"

Seeing Shen Haoxuan standing on the spot without the slightest fear on his face, Guan Hai raised a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, then your flesh and blood should be more delicious!" Guan Hai laughed wildly, his piercing voice echoing in the empty hall.

The next moment, Guan Hai stepped into the sky, like an arrow that shot up into the sky, and appeared above Shen Haoxuan's head in a blink of an eye, standing in the air, spreading the magic power, like a demon god.

Shen Haoxuan could clearly feel the devilish energy coming from Guan Hai!
"call out!"

Suddenly, Guan Hai made a move, and a pitch-black magic staff appeared in his hand, smashing towards Shen Haoxuan's head, the fierce wind distorted the surrounding space!
If he was hit by this staff, even if Shen Haoxuan had nine lives, he would definitely die!

Fortunately, Shen Haoxuan's spirit has been very concentrated, the moment Guan Hai made a move, his figure exploded backwards.

At the same time, the Sword Heart Dao Seed appeared in his hands, rising against the wind, and finally turned into a translucent divine sword, which was cut out instantly.

Between thunder and lightning, Shen Haoxuan's sword energy disappeared out of thin air, and the flash of sword energy flew out at a very exaggerated speed, leaving no trace in the space.


The sword energy bombarded Guan Hai's staff, and the violent sword energy exploded, weakening the magic energy by half!

However, the power of the sword energy also dissipated at this moment, and when the two fought against each other, neither could do anything to the other!

Shen Haoxuan's face became serious a little bit, although he was not afraid of Guan Hai, but Guan Hai was once a god-level strongman who could push Bai Suzhen to a corner, even if his strength has declined now, he will not be so weak.

This is the first difficult opponent Shen Haoxuan has encountered since breaking through the realm of the Immortal Emperor!

A look of astonishment flashed in Guan Hai's eyes, he never thought that Shen Haoxuan, who looked so young, had also reached the realm of Immortal Emperor!

"Immortal Emperor Realm!" Guan Hai licked his chapped lips, the stronger Shen Haoxuan was, the more he could express the bloodlust in his heart!

"In the past, I have killed countless god-level powerhouses. If you kill yourself, maybe the pain will be less!" Guan Hai said with a sinister smile.

Regarding this, Shen Haoxuan sneered, swung the long sword in his hand, and the fierce sword energy left a sword mark on the bluestone board of the hall.

"Sorry, I have killed countless monsters like you!" Shen Haoxuan said lightly.

"The devil?!" This sentence seemed to stimulate Guan Hai, and the devilish energy in his body became stronger.

"Today, you will become my nourishment, die!" Guan Hai stopped talking nonsense, and with a flash of his figure, he charged towards Shen Haoxuan.

Facing the menacing Guan Hai, Shen Haoxuan's expression turned serious.

The sword heart in his hand was raised, and countless sword flowers were rolled up. Thousands of sword qi turned into sharp arrows and shot towards Guanhai. Each of these arrows was enough to kill a person. A warrior in the realm of Immortal Venerable!
"Puff puff……"

However, when Shen Haoxuan's sword energy shot at the black devil energy around Guan Hai, it was completely wiped out, and did not cause any harm to Guan Hai.

"Death!" Guan Hai's face was grim, and he approached Shen Haoxuan in an instant, with a pair of pitch-black claws, pointing directly at Shen Haoxuan's sky cap.

The moment Guan Hai made a move, the void with Shen Haoxuan as the center suddenly distorted and folded, looking from a distance, it was like ripples on a calm lake surface due to falling rocks.

"space bound!"

Without any hesitation, Shen Haoxuan directly used the method of controlling space to slow down Guan Hai's speed.

However, it was only a little slower.

"Hundred Birds Go to Court!"

Fortunately, that little time was enough for Shen Haoxuan to fight back. The next moment, with a thought in Shen Haoxuan's mind, the flame fruit on the World Tree in his body erupted, and a pitch-black flame rose from the Sword Heart Dao Seed in his hand .

Then, a resounding phoenix cry sounded in the hall, and the countless sword qi around Shen Haoxuan turned into flying birds and beasts, rushing towards Guanhai.

Feeling the scorching flames and sharp sword energy, Guan Hai didn't care about it this time, the devil energy on his body soared, turning into a giant shield, resisting in front of him.

The pitch-black flames and the pitch-black demonic energy eroded each other, and a violent storm of spiritual power raged all over his body.

"Falling blow!"

Forced to retreat from Guan Hai, Shen Haoxuan leaped forward, and the Sword Heart Dao Seed in his hand suddenly became larger, like a pillar of the sky, carrying a heavy coercion, and smashed towards Guan Hai's head.


One blow fell, as if it could smash the three thousand universes, making the entire hall tremble violently.

With a sword out, the world is cold...

Nothing more than this!
"Boom boom boom!"

However, Shen Haoxuan's heart hadn't relaxed yet, the Sword Heart Dao Seed began to tremble violently, and then was directly lifted up by a pitch-black figure.

At this time, under Shen Haoxuan's blow, most of the demonic energy in Guan Hai's body dissipated, and the blow from falling into the sky just now had already caused damage to Guan Hai.

However, this aroused the magic in Guan Hai's heart. After all, he was once a strong man in the God Realm, but today he was injured by a warrior in the Immortal Emperor Realm. This is simply a great shame!

An angry beast roar sounded in Guan Hai's throat. At this moment, bone spurs appeared all over Guan Hai's body, and he completely turned into a monster!
Guan Hai hugged the Sword Heart Dao Seed, and suddenly threw it up. Shen Haoxuan was directly picked up by the volley, and smashed hard on the ground.




Guan Hai seemed to be insane. If his body hadn't been baptized with the Weeping Blood God Fruit, he would probably have been smashed to pieces!

With a thought in his mind, Shen Haoxuan released the Sword Heart Dao Seed, and a fierce look flashed in his eyes.

If that's the case, let's fight hand to hand!

Shen Haoxuan's feet hit the ground suddenly, and his whole body was like a cannonball, heading towards Guanhai. The tyrannical energy of blood and spiritual power in his body vibrated with each other, erupting with tyrannical power.

Guan Hai also let out a roar, and the two people's bodies were like meteors, colliding with each other in mid-air, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye swept away like lightning!

Like lunatics, the two started the bloodiest and cruelest hand-to-hand combat. The violent physical power shot out, and the hall instantly became a mess.

Both Shen Haoxuan and Guan Hai's speed were extremely fast, only two afterimages could be seen in the hall, and the sound of hand-to-hand combat was endless!

Shen Haoxuan and Guan Hai clashed fists again, and the powerful counter-shock force caused their bodies to retreat backwards.

However, when Guan Hai retreated to a certain place, he suddenly heard a shrill scream, and white smoke rose from his back.

Seeing this scene, Shen Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, and a sneer sneered at the corner of his mouth. It turns out that Guan Hai's nemesis is this...

(End of this chapter)

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