Chaos hegemony

Chapter 2091 Obey!

Chapter 2091 Obey!

Behind Guanhai is the Tongtian Pillar of the Leifeng Pagoda.

When Guan Hai's body collided with the Tongtian Pillar, countless golden runes lit up, as if they were like holy light, burning Guan Hai's body!
Sure enough, the seal of Tongtian Tower is fatal to Guan Hai!

Thinking of this, the corner of Shen Haoxuan's mouth raised a sneer, the seal was left by Bai Suzhen, what if Bai Suzhen's natal snake scale was used?
With a thought, the white jade pendant appeared in his hand, and a faint divine power was released.

It seemed that it sensed the natal snake scales in Shen Haoxuan's hands, and the golden runes on the Tongtian Pillar became brighter, and the two echoed each other, making Guan Hai's complexion gradually ugly.

"Bai Suzhen's... natal snake scale! Who the hell are you!" Guan Hai growled in a low voice with a ferocious expression on his face.

At this moment, the anger in Guan Hai's eyes had almost erupted.

"Want to know? If you beat me, I'll tell you!" Shen Haoxuan waved at Guan Hai, with a wicked smile on his lips.


Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Guan Hai roared again, his body burst out, and he came in front of Shen Haoxuan in an instant.


The two fisted again, and this time, a layer of faint golden runes was attached to Shen Haoxuan's hand. When Guan Hai's fist touched this layer of runes, the power of the fist dissipated instantly.


A crisp bone breaking sound resounded in the hall, like the sound of firecrackers, rippling in the air.

Guan Hai's figure flew upside down and smashed hard on the Tongtian Pillar.

The golden runes lit up again, eroding the devilish energy on his body.

With almost one punch, Guan Hai was seriously injured, most of the demon energy on his body dissipated, and one arm was also broken by Shen Haoxuan!
"How is it possible!" Dark blood was left from the corner of Guan Hai's mouth, and his entire face became distorted.

Shen Haoxuan fell from mid-air and slowly came to Guan Hai.

"You are a disciple of Buddhism, and you are supposed to save all living beings, but because of the desire in your heart, you killed Sister Bai's younger sister, and wanted to devour her snake pill to transform the demon. Do you have anything to explain?" Shen Haoxuan's face was cold, asked indifferently.

Bai Suzhen let him enter the Leifeng Pagoda, probably not only to give him the Nine Transformations of the Holy Immortal, but also to deal with Guanhai by herself.

Ten thousand years ago, Bai Suzhen sealed Guan Hai here. At that time, she did not have the power to kill Guan Hai!
Now, Bai Suzhen's divine stature has reached great heights, and she is sleeping in the sacred realm of the gods, so the task of beheading Guan Hai can only be entrusted to herself!

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's questioning, Guan Hai suddenly laughed, the laughter was full of disdain and anger.

"Desire? What is desire? Bai Suzhen is a demon. Isn't the inner alchemy of a demon just for people to refine? What's wrong with me?" Guan Hai sneered.

Looking at Guan Hai who still has no repentance until now, Shen Haoxuan shook his head, and the trace of pity in his eyes gradually dissipated.

He reached out and lifted Guan Hai directly, and slammed into the Tongtianzhu behind him.


The golden runes lit up behind Guanhai, like water dripping into a frying pan, and wisps of white smoke rose up.


Corroded by the golden rune, even a strong man like Guan Hai couldn't help screaming, his face became extremely ferocious!

"Admit it or not!" Shen Haoxuan snapped.

Guan Hai's eyes flickered fiercely, he clenched his teeth, and the veins all over his body were exposed, looking extremely ferocious!
"I'll give you one last chance, admit it or not!" The killing intent in Shen Haoxuan's eyes became even stronger!

The demon energy in Guan Hai's body has become less and less, and his appearance has returned to that of the old monk before.

The rune on the Tongtian Pillar on the back became brighter under the urging of the natal snake scale in Shen Haoxuan's hand, and Guan Hai could already feel the smell of death!
"I...I know my mistake!" In the end, Guan Hai was still terrified!
Facing death, he was still afraid!
His Buddha heart was not perfect, otherwise he would not have gone astray because of his greed for power. Now under the erosion of the Tongtian Pillar, the devilish energy in his body has almost dissipated, and his original appearance has also been revealed.

Shen Haoxuan flicked his hand and threw Guan Hai aside, his back was already bloody.

"Today, I won't kill you because you are a Buddhist disciple. I will give you a chance to repent!"

"Let go of your sea of ​​consciousness, let me leave a mark on my soul!" Shen Haoxuan said coldly.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Guan Hai's complexion changed drastically, leaving a imprint of his soul, which meant that the right of life and death was handed over to Shen Haoxuan.

As long as Shen Haoxuan thinks about it, one thought can kill him!
He used to be a strong man in the divine realm, how could he give his life to Shen Haoxuan?He can be afraid of death, but he will never be a slave, this is his last pride!

"You said, you once robbed Bai Suzhen of the godhead of an ancient god?" Seeing that Guan Hai was unwilling, Shen Haoxuan asked lightly.

"Then, you should know this!" With a thought in Shen Haoxuan's mind, a small emerald green tree appeared in the palm of his hand, spinning around!

The moment he saw the small emerald green tree, Guan Hai's eyes suddenly constricted, and his body trembled violently.

"This... the World Tree! It turned out to be the World Tree!" Guan Hai couldn't help but exclaimed.

How could he not know him?Back then, the battle for the godhead of the ancient gods was extremely fierce, and the most illusory among them was the godhead of the World Tree. I thought it was just a legend, but now, it actually appeared in front of him!

"Now, are you willing?" Shen Haoxuan stretched out his hand, and the World Tree disappeared.

Guan Hai stared at Shen Haoxuan, with hesitation in his eyes.

The godheads of the ancient gods can only be inherited with the approval of the godheads. Shen Haoxuan's possession of the world tree godheads proves that he has been recognized!

Warriors who can be recognized by the World Tree...

"Okay!" Guan Hai no longer hesitated, and directly emptied his sea of ​​consciousness.

He wants to take a gamble, bet that Shen Haoxuan can lead him to become a true god!

"Don't worry, you won't regret your choice in the future!" A smile finally appeared on Shen Haoxuan's face.

Shen Haoxuan finally breathed a sigh of relief after putting the Imprint of Soul into Guan Hai's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

He didn't want to kill Guan Hai directly, Bai Suzhen still needed to decide whether Guan Hai's life or death.

"Is this Leifeng Pagoda really yours?" Shen Haoxuan asked curiously.

Now Guan Hai's life and death are completely in his own hands, so there is no need for him to be on guard against Guan Hai all the time.

"It is indeed mine, but Bai Suzhen forcibly erased the mark later!" Guan Hai was a little bit resentful.

But after being glared at by Shen Haoxuan, he could only curl his lips helplessly.

"Is there a way for me to go to the top floor?" Shen Haoxuan asked again.

Guan Hai pointed to the Tongtian Pillar in front of him.

"This is the passage to the upper floor. The natal snake scale in your hand is the key!"

(End of this chapter)

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