Chaos hegemony

Chapter 213 The real battle has just begun!

Chapter 213 The real battle has just begun!
The huge strength directly threw Shen Haoxuan's body into the air, and the remaining strength caused Shen Haoxuan's body to draw a long gully on the competition stage before stopping, lying motionless on the ground.

"Is it over? Shen Haoxuan is really not Ouyang Chen's opponent!" Looking at Ouyang Chen who was maintaining his punching posture, everyone couldn't help but regret.Shen Haoxuan, you can reach this step with the strength of a fourth-level spirit general, you are already very powerful, but he is unlucky, he met Ouyang Chen, if he didn't exchange bamboo sticks with Long Mo, maybe he would break into the top ten !

"Brother Shen!"

Looking at Shen Haoxuan who was lying motionless, everyone in Yaomen shouted worriedly, the power of Ouyang Chen's punch was too fierce, it was difficult for ordinary people to bear it!
"Don't worry, although Ouyang Chen's punch was terrifying, it is still a bit difficult to hurt Shen Haoxuan!" Zi Mo said with a solemn face, looking at Ouyang Chen with fear, and also worried in his heart: " Is Shen Haoxuan going to lose like this?"

In the arena, Ouyang Chen put away his fists, but there was no expression of victory on his face. Instead, he frowned and stared at Shen Haoxuan who was lying on his stomach not far away.With that punch just now, he felt that all his energy was resisted by the black flame armor. Even if the remaining energy hit Shen Haoxuan's body, it probably wouldn't cause much damage!

"Get up, stop pretending!" Ouyang Chen said indifferently, originally he thought that punch would end the battle, but it seems that he underestimated Shen Haoxuan.

Hearing Ouyang Chen's words, everyone in the auditorium was stunned for a while, and their minds were a little overwhelmed.

"Get up? Is Shen Haoxuan pretending?"

Sure enough, as soon as Ouyang Chen's words fell, Shen Haoxuan who was lying there moved, and then slowly got up, all the broken stones on his body fell down.

"Cough really hurts!" Shen Haoxuan looked down at the purple fist mark on his chest, feeling a little scared in his heart, if it wasn't for the flame armor transformed into the fire spirit obsidian that had put most of the fist strength for him, this One punch estimated that he was about to be seriously injured, and the Bahuang Liuhe fist used in conjunction with the God of War physique was really terrifying!

Seeing Shen Haoxuan standing up, everyone in the audience exclaimed again, Ouyang Chen's punch did not cause much injury to Shen Haoxuan?What kind of monster is this guy!

Above the stands, Elder Huo's face was also filled with joy, heaved a sigh of relief, then looked at Mu Feng and snorted coldly: "Elder Mu, is this the end of what you said? I told you a long time ago, until the end, don't Jump to conclusions!"

Hearing this, Mu Feng's face darkened, and he said coldly, "Hmph, it's just a dying struggle!"

In the martial arts arena, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath, suppressed the blood churning in his body, looked at Ouyang Chen solemnly, and murmured in his heart: "The strength is really flawed, the gap is a bit big, it seems that we can only use that Recruited!"

Thinking of this, the fire spirit obsidian in Shen Haoxuan's body slowly gushed out, and soon covered his body.

"Overlord Tribulation!"

Shen Haoxuan let out a low growl, and the fire spirit obsidian on his body suddenly surged, and the next moment, he withdrew from his body at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, a terrifying aura suddenly exploded and rushed straight into the sky!

There was a sound of breaking, and the gravel under the feet floated up, and the air kept trembling, and the next moment, it exploded and turned into a piece of dust.Under Shen Haoxuan's aura, the entire competition arena began to shake.

Feeling the aura of Shen Haoxuan, everyone in the audience was once again speechless in shock. This aura has completely caught up with Ouyang Chen, and it seems that Ouyang Chen is even stronger. Shen Haoxuan is not four Order Spirit General?Why did his aura suddenly increase so much? Could it be that he had been hiding his strength before?Everyone is asking wildly now.

On the stage, Ouyang Chen felt the oppressive aura, and his expression also changed. He looked at Shen Haoxuan in disbelief, and frowned. This aura has already caught up with him!
Shen Haoxuan breathed out a hot breath, clenched his fists, felt the continuous power coming from his body, licked his lips, looked at Ouyang Chen and said softly: "Now, the fun has just begun!"


As soon as Shen Haoxuan's words fell, his whole body turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place in an instant. The stones floating in the air all fell down in the blink of an eye, like a rain of gravel!
The moment Shen Haoxuan disappeared, Ouyang Chen's pupils shrank suddenly, and a sense of crisis came over him, causing the hairs all over his body to explode, and his body retreated subconsciously!

The moment he stepped back, a huge fist appeared in front of him, and Ouyang Chen's long hair was blown by the strong wind!

After missing a blow, Shen Haoxuan turned his fist into an elbow and turned to attack Ouyang Chen's chest!There was no stagnation in the connection this time, and Ouyang Chen had no time to counterattack, so he could only cross his arms across his chest, Shen Haoxuan's elbow at the moment!

There was a terrifying sonic boom between Shen Haoxuan's elbows, and it hit Ouyang Chen's arms fiercely. The terrifying force directly knocked him back, and his feet scraped tens of meters on the ground, constantly retreating back!

Every time Ouyang Chen took a step back, cracks were stepped on the bluestone slab under his feet. Finally, he stomped his right foot, abruptly stopped his retreating figure, and released the huge force. The last bluestone slab was also smashed into powder by that tyrannical force!

Seeing that Ouyang Chen was forced to retreat by Shen Haoxuan's blow, everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

Ouyang Chen looked at Shen Haoxuan with a gloomy face, his arms were numb from the huge force, and they were still trembling.

"Okay, very good!" Ouyang Chen's cold voice sounded, and the spiritual power surged in his body, soothing the numbness on his arm.

Unexpectedly, Shen Haoxuan, whom he had always regarded as a prey, was able to force himself to use all his strength, which made the killing intent in Ouyang Chen's heart even stronger. He stared at Shen Haoxuan coldly, and his momentum continued to rise. In the end, Reached the same height as Shen Haoxuan!

Seeing Ouyang Chen who was getting serious on the stage, a gleam of joy flashed in Mu Feng's eyes: "Ouyang Chen has activated the God of War bloodline, just watch, this battle will end soon!"

"You said that just now, aren't you afraid of being slapped in the face again?" Elder Huo said angrily, this wooden seal is too much nonsense!
"Hmph, Ouyang Chen, who has opened the blood of the God of War, can even fight against warriors of the Linghou rank without losing the wind, let alone a kid who relies on secret methods to improve his strength? Just wait and see the show!" Mu Feng Leng snorted.

On the competition stage, Shen Haoxuan twisted his neck, and there was a burst of explosion sound from the bones all over his body, and then he squatted his legs slightly, and assumed a fighting posture!

Ouyang Chen started to get serious, and the next step is the real battle!
(End of this chapter)

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