Chaos hegemony

Chapter 214 Victory?

Chapter 214 Victory?



Two explosions sounded, as if Shen Haoxuan and Ouyang Chen had agreed in advance, the two figures instantly disappeared in place, and the next moment, they collided fiercely in the center of the competition arena, and the energy ripples visible to the naked eye spread out. The bluestone slab that was originally full of cracks could no longer withstand this force, it exploded into pieces, and countless broken stones flew into the sky!


The two figures retreated at the touch of a touch, and then they collided again with the strength of each other, and started a crazy attack!
This time, the two men's blood was completely aroused by each other. During the battle, there was no intention of avoiding it at all, and they almost punched to the flesh.

"This... is this still a human being? With such a strong physique, he is almost as good as a spirit beast!" A disciple looked at the crumbling arena, swallowed, and murmured.

"It's okay for Ouyang Chen to have a strong physique. After all, he has the physique of an ancient god of war, but why is Shen Haoxuan so terrifying that he can even fight Ouyang Chen!" Everyone looked at Shen Haoxuan, who was on par with Ouyang Chen, and said in shock.


When everyone was shocked, there was a loud noise, and the competition stage was finally overwhelmed. Under the collision of Ouyang Chen and Shen Haoxuan, it collapsed, sending up a cloud of smoke!
Shen Haoxuan and Ouyang Chen have a Chaos God Body and a God of War Physique. Their physical bodies are already extremely strong. In addition to their accomplishments in melee combat, they are both absolute geniuses. The battles that broke out have completely surpassed ordinary fighters limit!


The martial arts stage collapsed, and two figures burst out from the smoke and dust, then stomped on the ground and rushed towards each other again.

At this time, the battlefield between the two has shifted from the competition stage to the entire land. The disciples sitting in the front row were afraid of being affected by the terrifying energy, so they all jumped onto the high stage, watching the increasingly fierce battle below in shock .


The battle gradually entered a fierce stage, and under the attack of the two, the ground was also shattered into countless small cracks, and waves of smoke and dust were stirred up, enclosing Shen Haoxuan and Ouyang Chen, blocking everyone's sight!

"What's going on? I can't see it!"

"Damn it, why did you lose the chain at the critical moment!" Seeing the thicker and thicker smoke and dust, the crowd in the audience roared dissatisfiedly, seeing the climax, but they couldn't see anything, they could only hear That dull sound came out from the smoke and dust continuously!
However, the eyes of Chen Yu and the others above the stands were extraordinary, and they could clearly see the situation in the smoke and dust. These people were all frowning, and Mu Feng was even more shocked. The fighting power shown by Shen Haoxuan was too great It's terrifying, he was able to suppress Ouyang Chen!
"Boom boom boom..."


Suddenly, after a series of explosions, two figures shot out of the smoke like cannonballs. Seeing this, everyone quickly cast their gazes over!

After seeing the state of the two, everyone in the audience couldn't help but take a deep breath, trying to suppress the shock in their hearts!
At this moment, Ouyang Chen and Shen Haoxuan, who were facing each other, were half bowed, panting continuously.

At this moment, Ouyang Chen has long since lost the indifference before. There is a purple fist mark on the left face, a trace of blood hangs from the corner of his mouth, and the clothes on his body are in a mess. Fluttering.

Shen Haoxuan's condition is not much better, there is also a trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth, there is a clearly visible footprint on his lower abdomen, his left arm droops weakly, a trace of blood drips down his fingertips, his body is swollen and painful due to the tyrant The meridian is also a little overwhelmed at the moment, and there are some faint cracks appearing on the meridian wall.

Ouyang Chen's strength is still beyond Shen Haoxuan's imagination, he is indeed the master who has been occupying the first place in the dragon and tiger list!

Ouyang Chen's face was gloomy, except for the adult in the cave, no one had ever injured him so badly, let alone this clown who he has always despised!

Fury surged in his heart, the little spiritual power left in his body slowly gathered, a huge fist of spiritual power condensed out, and smashed hard at Shen Haoxuan!

"Bahuang Liuhe Fist!"

This time, the Bahuang Liuhe Fist, which was unleashed by Ouyang Chen with all his strength, was several times stronger than before. The huge fist carried an oppressive wind, descended from the sky, and smashed towards the top of Shen Haoxuan's head!

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan gritted his teeth tightly, resisting the pain coming from his body, his figure flashed, and appeared in the midair, the aura all over his body burst out suddenly, and he stepped on the huge fist of spiritual power fiercely!
"Kowloon steps!"

A dragon chant sounded, and a huge foot met Ouyang Chen's fist!
The next moment, a deafening sound rushed straight into the sky, and a terrifying wind of spiritual power exploded instantly, directly sending everyone in the auditorium flying!

There was a muffled sound, and the ground began to tremble under the strong energy. The whole ground sank tens of centimeters in an instant, and a burst of smoke and dust spread out!

This scene constantly stimulated everyone's nerves. They opened their mouths wide, and the shock in their hearts could not be expressed in words.

"I didn't expect Shen Haoxuan to hide such a powerful martial skill!" On the stand, Chen Yu exclaimed, this wave is definitely a martial skill above the ground level!
Shen Haoxuan looked down at the fists and feet that eroded each other, and felt ruthless at the moment, and stepped out with the other foot, an even fiercer momentum erupted from Shen Haoxuan's body, and the spiritual power between heaven and earth crazily condensed towards his feet!

"He actually has another trick!"

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan whose aura was soaring again, everyone in the audience screamed. Today, Shen Haoxuan shocked them one after another, completely subverting their world view!
"Kowloon's second step is coming out!"

With a roar, Shen Haoxuan condensed a long sword of spiritual power under his feet, stabbing fiercely at Ouyang Chen's fist, and the original stalemate was instantly broken!

"call out!"

The huge sword turned into a streamer, and under Ouyang Chen's astonished gaze, it ruthlessly struck Ouyang Chen's body. The terrifying power directly knocked Ouyang Chen into the air, and his body turned into a cannonball at a terrifying speed. Hit that auditorium!


Countless gravels stirred up, and Ouyang Chen's body disappeared from everyone's sight!


After knocking Ouyang Chen into the air, Shen Haoxuan's word fell from the sky, and the power of Tyrant Tribulation in his body quickly dissipated, and a pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow came, making Shen Haoxuan couldn't help but take a breath, a trace of blood Gushing from his skin, it looked like a blood man.The sequelae of Tyrant Tribulation began to appear!

(End of this chapter)

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