Chaos hegemony

Chapter 215 Mutation!

Chapter 215 Mutation!


In the end, Shen Haoxuan couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and couldn't help laughing bitterly in his heart, the sequelae of Tyrant Tribulation are really terrifying!

Resisting the pain coming from his body, Shen Haoxuan stood up tremblingly, looking at the auditorium where a human-shaped pothole was smashed, feeling vigilant in his heart.

Shen Haoxuan felt that he seemed to be winning this time with some ease. Ouyang Chen never used that strange power from the beginning to the end.

Shen Haoxuan looked at Ouyang Chen's position vigilantly, but everyone in the auditorium looked at Shen Haoxuan like a monster. The pothole in the auditorium deeply stimulated everyone's nerves.

"Win?" Everyone's minds were buzzing, they couldn't imagine the scene in front of them, Shen Haoxuan actually pulled Ouyang Chen from the first place in the dragon and tiger list, he is still a freshman!
Looking at the sluggish Shen Haoxuan, everyone no longer dared to underestimate him, and a sense of admiration welled up in their hearts.Those disciples who were not optimistic about Shen Haoxuan at the beginning, now feel the burning pain on their faces, and can't help but slander in their hearts: "Is this Shen Haoxuan really a monster?"

And everyone in Yaomen also cheered loudly, but Shui Ruolan really frowned, looked at Shen Haoxuan and said in a deep voice: "Don't you think there is something wrong with the boss? He doesn't seem to relax, he seems to be on guard against something?"

Hearing this, Zi Mo was also taken aback, then looked at Shen Haoxuan, and found that he was still in a state of vigilance, as if he would explode at any time!
"Could it be..." Seeing this, Zi Mo murmured, and then cast his gaze into the hole that Ouyang Chen made!


In the originally quiet pit, suddenly there was a sound of falling gravel, which attracted everyone's attention.


Suddenly, a pair of bloody hands stretched out from the hole, grabbing the broken stone wall, and the scarlet blood left along the wall, which was extremely dazzling!
"Ouyang Chen!"

Seeing the figure walking out slowly, everyone screamed, Shen Haoxuan's expression darkened, his brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes were fixed on Ouyang Chen who couldn't see his face clearly!

At this moment, Ouyang Chen's head was lowered, and a huge wound on his chest was bleeding continuously, dyeing his robe red, but Ouyang Chen really ignored it, and murmured: " Impossible, how could I lose to you, I am the number one in the dragon and tiger list! You are my prey!"


Suddenly, Ouyang Chen let out a low growl, and a cold black air erupted from his body, enveloping the disciples dozens of meters away in an instant. In an instant, the faces of those disciples wrapped in the black air changed suddenly, and the spiritual power in their bodies was like It leaked out as quickly as an hourglass, and even the essence and blood in the body couldn't be controlled, it burst out and gathered towards Ouyang Chen's body!


Screams came from the black mist, the pupils of those disciples shrank and their eyeballs popped out, they looked at Ouyang Chen in horror, but no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't get rid of the black air's control no matter what !
Infused with the spiritual power and blood essence of those disciples, the wound on Ouyang Chen's chest healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his originally sluggish aura also surged, even far exceeding his peak!
Seeing this bloody scene, everyone was stunned, Shen Haoxuan was also shocked, he didn't expect the so-called power of Ouyang Chen to be so evil!Moreover, seeing the black energy on Ouyang Chen's body, that familiar feeling came again!

"It's them!" Suddenly, Shen Haoxuan suddenly remembered that the group of men in black who attacked the Shen family in Qingshan City, the aura on Ouyang Chen's body at this moment was exactly the same as those men in black!
"Damn it, what's going on? What's the relationship between Ouyang Chen and those men in black?" Looking at Ouyang Chen whose breath was soaring, Shen Haoxuan cursed secretly.

In the auditorium, the black energy on Ouyang Chen's body continued to spread outwards, and those disciples tried their best to flee outwards. Those who were unable to escape in time, as long as they were entangled by the black energy, they would be swallowed up like mummified corpses immediately. Under the feedback of those energies, Ouyang Chen's aura directly broke through the level of spirit!
"Jie Jie, Shen Haoxuan, as I said, you are my prey and you cannot escape. What else can you do now?" A cruel smile appeared on Ouyang Chen's blood-stained face. Against the background, it looks like a demon from hell!

Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan took a deep breath of the cold air, looked at the demonic Ouyang Chen, smiled wryly in his heart, the power of Tyrant Heaven Tribulation has passed, and the horrible sequelae made Shen Haoxuan unable to draw a trace of spiritual power, and now he has no With the power to bind a chicken, any spiritual person can get rid of him, let alone Ouyang Chen who has always had murderous intentions towards him!

However, Shen Haoxuan's eyes were fixed, and if he wanted to kill himself, then Ouyang Chen would have to pay a price, if he didn't shatter his teeth, how could Shen Haoxuan be willing!

Thinking of this, on the dim spirit crystal in Shen Haoxuan's dantian, a fist-sized spiritual seed kept shining, and a powerful wave of aura emerged again. Shen Haoxuan actually wanted to perform the second catastrophe of Tyrant Heaven Tribulation!

With Shen Haoxuan's current physical condition, if he used Batian Tribulation's second calamity, he would undoubtedly be looking for death, but Shen Haoxuan didn't care so much now, he had to defeat Ouyang Chen!
"Beast, stop!"

Just when the two confronted each other, there was a shout from the stands, and Chen Yu looked at Ouyang Chen angrily!
What Ouyang Chen did before completely shocked Chen Yu. In Chen Yu's heart, although Ouyang Chen was rebellious, he was also an upright young man. He never thought that he would use such an evil method to absorb the blood of others and spiritual power to improve their own strength, and these people are also their fellow disciples!
Chen Yu looked at Ouyang Chen with disappointment in his eyes. Today, he must take Ouyang Chen down to give an explanation to the disciples of the sect!
When Ouyang Chen saw Chen Yu rushing towards him, he became ruthless and turned into a black streamer, attacking Shen Haoxuan. He must kill Shen Haoxuan today. This is the task given by that adult. A thorn in my own eye!

The pitch-black energy condensed in Ouyang Chen's palm, and then he slapped Shen Haoxuan fiercely!

"You beast, how dare you!"

Seeing that Ouyang Chen ignored him and even attacked Shen Haoxuan, Chen Yu let out a loud shout, appeared beside him in a flash, and struck Ouyang Chen's chest with a palm!

There were two muffled sounds, and at the same time that Ouyang Chen hit Shen Haoxuan, Chen Yu's palm also slapped Ouyang Chen's body, two figures flew away in response, and scarlet blood sprayed all over the ground!
(End of this chapter)

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