Chaos hegemony

Chapter 247 Conspiracy!

Chapter 247 Conspiracy!

The black robe slipped off, and Ouyang Chen's familiar face appeared in front of Xue Gong.

But the difference is that Ouyang Chen's whole body is shrouded in black mist, and his face is covered with black lines, which looks hideous and terrifying!What shocked Xue Gong even more was that Ouyang Chen was floating in mid-air at this moment, his feet didn't take up any space at all!
"Chen... Young Master Chen, why did you appear here? Didn't you already..." Xue Gong looked at the strange Ouyang Chen, and said in a trembling voice.

"Aren't you trying to say that I'm already dead? Hmph, Shen Haoxuan is not dead, how could I die willingly!" Ouyang Chen's face became ferocious, and Senhan's voice seemed to come from Jiuyou, which made Xuegong feel chills !
"Young Master Chen, why are you here this time..." Xue Gong lowered his head and asked in a low voice.

"Of course he wants Shen Haoxuan's life!" Ouyang Chen said coldly.

"I would like to help Chen Shao! That Shen Haoxuan has been very arrogant since the Zongmen Grand Competition. He suppressed my Chenmeng everywhere in the Zongmen, even humiliated me several times. In the eyes, the hatred between us is irreconcilable!" Xue Gong thought of Shen Haoxuan embarrassing himself in front of everyone before, and his heart was burning with anger!

"However, Shen Haoxuan's strength has grown by leaps and bounds recently, and I am no longer his opponent. Is there any good way, Young Master Chen?" Xue Gong asked, frowning.

"Method? Hmph, now, there are many ways to make Shen Haoxuan die, it depends on how he dies!" Ouyang Chen sneered slightly.

Hearing this, Xue Gong's eyes lit up, and said: "So, Young Master Chen already has a good method?"

"Hmph, this time, I will let him die without a place to bury him!" A cold and heartless voice spewed out from Ouyang Chen's mouth, causing the surrounding air to freeze, Xue Gong's heart skipped a beat, and he took a deep look at Ouyang Chen , then lowered his head again.

"Let's go, follow me to watch a good show!" Ouyang Chen put away his gloomy aura, and said lightly to Xue Gong.

"Good show? I don't know what Chen Shao is referring to..." Xue Gong was puzzled.

Ouyang Chen chuckled, and turned his gaze to the depths of the hall.Seeing this, Xue Gong suddenly woke up!

"The movement coming from the depths of the hall, it turned out to be you, Young Master Chen..." Xue Gong screamed, but before he finished speaking, he was blocked by Ouyang Chen!

"Sometimes you are too clever, but you will bring disasters on yourself. You should know it. You will know it. Now, just watch a show honestly!" The cold and heartless voice sounded, making Xuegong's heart tremble. Once tight, he immediately cupped his fists and said, "Yes, Young Master Chen..."


At this time, Shen Haoxuan, led by Chang Mao, passed through several passages, and finally came to the depths of the hall!
Here is the main hall of the palace ruins, and it is also the core of the ruins. If you look around, you can't see the end of the other end, which shows how huge this hall is!

There were a few fires burning around the main hall, barely dispelling the surrounding darkness, allowing people to see the surrounding situation clearly.

"Brother Shen!"

Suddenly, there was a cry, Shen Haoxuan heard the reputation and looked over, at the other side door of the main hall, Shui Ruolan and Zi Mo were waving to him.

"Why are you here?" Shen Haoxuan stepped forward and asked.I could find the right path only by relying on my long hair, how could Shui Ruolan and the others rush over so quickly?
"We heard the movement and followed some signs!" Zi Mo replied.

"Mark?" Hearing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned, how could there be a mark in the hall?Suddenly, Shen Haoxuan felt that this matter seemed a little weird!

While Shen Haoxuan was thinking, a loud voice sounded, and dozens of people poured out from each side door, counting carefully, all the disciples who entered the palace ruins were attracted here!
"Boss, Sister Ruolan, you came here very quickly!" Seeing Shen Haoxuan and the others, Long Zhen came up to meet them, and said with a smile.

"You also followed the sign?" Shen Haoxuan asked.

"That's right, we were still worrying about not being able to find our way, but we found that there were marks engraved on the surrounding passages, and we followed the marks to find it!" Long Zhen said casually, not finding anything wrong at all. .

"Brother Shen, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Shen Haoxuan's frown, Shui Ruolan asked softly.

"I'm fine, I just feel that this matter is a bit weird, it seems that someone deliberately lured us together." Shen Haoxuan glanced at the surrounding disciples, and said in a deep voice.

"Probably not. Apart from us, there should be no one else in this hall. Seeing that these disciples are here for the first time, the marks may be left by the predecessors. I think they are all old!" Shui Ruolan responded.

"Maybe, maybe I'm thinking too much!" Shen Haoxuan pondered, and then turned his gaze to the depths of the hall. There was such a big commotion here just now, what happened?

The disciples around were also staring at the depths of the hall with curious faces. Such a big commotion seemed to be something to be sure about!However, the entire hall was silent, and there was no movement at all!
"Boom boom boom..."

Just when everyone felt that the trip was in vain, the whole hall began to shake, and roars rang in everyone's ears!

"Look there!" A disciple pointed to the front and exclaimed.Hearing this, everyone cast their gazes and immediately took a deep breath.

In the depths of the hall, a throne was slowly rising, and the violent shock shattered the bluestone slabs on the floor of the hall. Moreover, with the appearance of the throne, a terrifying aura erupted in the hall, causing everyone's hearts to tremble. Trembling, I couldn't help but have the urge to kneel down!


There was a loud noise, and after a while, the rising throne suddenly stopped, a burst of smoke and dust stirred up, and the shaking earth also calmed down.Looking at the throne as tall as a hill, everyone looked up, shocked in their hearts, could this be the seat of the owner of this palace?
Shen Haoxuan looked at the tall throne, his eyes narrowed slightly, a sense of danger came from above the throne, which made him puzzled.Now, Shen Haoxuan can be sure that there is someone behind this incident, but who has such a great ability to move out all the thrones in this hall, and what is his purpose?

"Whoosh whoosh..."

While Shen Haoxuan was thinking, five beams of light burst out from the throne, turning into five balls of light, flying around the hall continuously!

"There is something in that ball of light!"

A disciple with sharp eyes shouted loudly. Hearing this, everyone looked carefully and found that there were indeed some things stored in the ball of light!
Black flames surged in Shen Haoxuan's eyes, and he could clearly see the items inside, a high-level spiritual weapon long sword, a bottle of medicine pill, and the rest were scrolls, presumably they should be martial arts!

"It's pills, as well as spiritual weapons and martial arts! It seems that something good has been born!" A group of disciples around looked at the five balls of light, and a hint of greed flashed in their eyes!
"Grab it, whoever grabs it first will get it!" Suddenly, someone yelled, completely igniting the possessive desire in the hearts of all the disciples, and immediately, several figures flew out, towards the five balls of light. go!
(End of this chapter)

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