Chaos hegemony

Chapter 248 Surfaced!

Chapter 248 Surfaced!

Seeing the disciples pounced on like wolves, the members of the Yao Sect were also gearing up for a big fight. The things that could fly out from the throne must not be ordinary things!
However, just when they were about to make a move, they were stopped by Shen Haoxuan!

"Brother Shen, what's the matter, don't you need to grab it? Those are all good things!" Long Zhen asked suspiciously.

Shen Haoxuan frowned, staring at the five balls of light flying in mid-air, Shen Haoxuan said in a deep voice: "Something is wrong! Don't act rashly."

Hearing this, everyone in Yaomen also frowned, and then suppressed the impulse in their hearts. Shen Haoxuan held a detached position in their hearts. Everyone in Yaomen firmly believed what he said. The idea in their hearts was very simple, that is, the master If there is fraud in it, then there is fraud, even if there is a treasure of heaven and earth in front of them that can become holy in one step, they will not touch it!
In the main hall, dozens of disciples kept running after the five balls of light, but no one was able to snatch any of them, while Shen Haoxuan and the others just quietly watched the crowd being teased disciple.

In the shadows, Xue Gong and Ouyang Chen hiding under the big black robe are watching everything in the hall.

"Young Master Chen, it seems that Shen Haoxuan doesn't intend to participate in this competition, what should he do if he doesn't join in?" Xue Gong looked at the unmoved Shen Haoxuan and said with a frown.

"Hmph, if you don't fall into the trap, it's up to him!" Ouyang Chen sneered, and then pinched the seal in his hand, and the ball of light flying in the mid-air seemed to be ordered to fly towards Shen Haoxuan!

"En?" The sudden change surprised Shen Haoxuan.But those disciples who were dazzled by these five balls of light didn't notice, and rushed towards Shen Haoxuan like crazy.

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned, and then, he clenched his right fist and punched the five groups of light attacking. The tyrannical fist wind carried terrifying power and hit the light group viciously. Up, next moment, the light ball exploded, and the items in it flew in all directions, falling at the feet of everyone in Yaomen.

Those disciples who were originally chasing the light clusters were startled by Shen Haoxuan's punch, and when they saw the people of the Yaomen picking up the items in the five light clusters, their faces became a little ugly.

"Shen Haoxuan, isn't it too much for you to do this! Do you want to swallow those treasures all by yourself?" A disciple said with a sullen expression.

"You have already gained enough benefits. Shouldn't the five items be distributed to everyone? Where do you put us when you eat so much?"

"Yes, those who see the things in the hall have a share. If you do this, aren't you afraid that we will go out of the secret realm and sue you at the suzerain?" In an instant, those disciples all pointed their finger at Shen Haoxuan, and said There was a voice of accusation, and everyone in Yaomen's face turned ugly when they heard it!

"Hmph, Big Brother Shen has never planned to participate in your fight. If he makes a move, do you think you still have a place to speak? These things flew here by yourself, no wonder Big Brother Shen!" Shui Ruolan drank coldly arrive.

"Fart, I think he must have used some means, otherwise, what ability does he have to attract the treasure that flies out of the throne!"

"Yes, he must have operated secretly! He also pretended to be righteous and dignified, so he is not ashamed!"

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan didn't intend to hand over the items in those five light groups, the scolding from the surrounding disciples became more and more ugly!

"You..." Shui Ruolan was angry, and when she was about to fight back, she was stopped by Shen Haoxuan.

Reaching out to take the three scrolls in his hand, looking at the crowd, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, playing with the scrolls in his hand and said lightly: "Don't you just want this thing?"

Seeing Shen Haoxuan take out the three scrolls, a trace of greed flashed in the eyes of the surrounding disciples, they looked like they wanted to go up and grab them directly!
"Hmph!" Seeing those disciples whose eyes were glowing, Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, and then, the Fire Spirit Obsidian suddenly rose in his hand, wrapping the three scrolls in it!
Needless to say, how terrifying the temperature of the Fire Spirit Obsidian was, but in the blink of an eye, the three scrolls were burnt to nothing left!
The ashes of the scroll drifted down from the gap between his fingers, Shen Haoxuan didn't show any distress.Originally, Shen Haoxuan really didn't plan to snatch these things from them, but hearing what those disciples said just now, changed Shen Haoxuan's mind.Want these things, hum, there is no door!

"Shen Haoxuan, you..." Seeing the three scrolls revealing the fluctuations of earth-level martial arts turned into ashes, those disciples looked at Shen Haoxuan, extremely angry!

Without waiting for those disciples to get angry, Shen Haoxuan's figure flashed and disappeared in place instantly, and when his figure reappeared, he had already entered the crowd.

The right hand stretched out like lightning, pinched the neck of a disciple in front of him, and then lifted him up!
"Ahem, Shen do you want to do?" The disciple felt the killing intent coming from Shen Haoxuan, and shouted in horror.

"Just now, it seems that you were the one who shouted the most! Say, where is Xuegong?" Shen Haoxuan's eyes turned cold, and he shouted in a cold voice. Since entering this hall, he has not seen Xuegong. Moreover, this name The disciple is also Xuegong's follower, so this incident must have something to do with Xuegong!
"I... I don't know!" Looking at Shen Haoxuan's devouring gaze, the disciple trembled in his heart and quickly replied.

"Don't tell me?" Shen Haoxuan snorted coldly, then closed his eyes, a powerful spiritual thought gushed out like a tide!
After a while, the closed eyes suddenly opened, and a cold voice sounded in the disciple's ear: "Since you don't say anything, I will send you to find him!"

After all, without waiting for that disciple to react, Shen Haoxuan kicked him in the lower abdomen, kicking him flying with great force, his body flew towards the side of the broken kite Xiang hall, and fell heavily beside a stone pillar!

"Come out, or the one who flies over next time won't be your little brother!" Shen Haoxuan's faint voice echoed throughout the hall, and everyone turned their gazes to the stone pillar.


After a while, several claps sounded, and a figure appeared in front of everyone, it was Xuegong.

"Shen Haoxuan, I still underestimated you!" Xue Gong didn't even look at the disciple next to his feet, and stared at Shen Haoxuan with a slight smile on his lips.

"You used all these tricks?" Shen Haoxuan pointed to the tall throne and asked in a deep voice.

"No, no, I don't have that great ability, but I know who it is, I think you will be very happy when you see him!" Xue Gong said lightly.

"Who!" Shen Haoxuan shouted coldly.

"You really are a noble person who forgets things, Shen Haoxuan!" A hoarse voice sounded, and Ouyang Chen's figure walked out from behind Xuegong, staring at Shen Haoxuan with cold eyes.

"Ouyang Chen!"

[ps: Recommend a book, "God of Beasts" made by the great master with all his heart, friends who are in the book shortage can go and read it! ! 】

(End of this chapter)

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