Chaos hegemony

Chapter 258 The Battle Between the Spirit Emperor Powerhouses!

Chapter 258 The Battle Between the Spirit Emperor Powerhouses!

The figure of the black monster flashed, and it was hidden among the mountains and forests. It was completely out of breath for a while, as if it had never appeared before!

A moment later, a stream of light flashed overhead, and a strong wind blew up, rushing the forest below out of a long ravine, and it took a long time to recover. This figure was Chen Yu who hurried over from the secret place.

At this time, Chen Yu's face was very ugly. Along the way, he found that the secret realm had indeed changed a lot. The original beasts that could be seen everywhere had now all disappeared, and there was no vitality everywhere.

"It seems that something has happened in the secret realm!" Chen Yu thought to himself, when he thought of this, his speed became a little faster, and he rushed towards the palace ruins in the center of the secret realm...

When Chen Yu disappeared into the sky, the figure of the black monster appeared again. Looking at the direction Chen Yu left, his scarlet tongue stuck out, and sticky saliva dripped down the tongue, covering the ground under his feet. Corroded a pothole!
"Finally, a delicious food came. If I swallow it, my injury will be healed!" The black monster opened its mouth wide, and the gloomy voice echoed in the forest. Looking at the appearance, he actually thought Let's attack Chen Yu!
Although the black monster devoured countless Origin Beasts during this period, and although most of the injuries had recovered, the damage caused by the explosion of the spiritual seeds condensed by Shen Haoxuan was not just as simple as some wounds!Although the spirit seed is a false spirit of heaven and earth, it also carries the power of heaven and earth. It is the black monster that fears the most and is also his nemesis. These days, what healed is only the superficial wound, and there is still heaven and earth in his body The prestige!And these powers of heaven and earth cannot be resolved by the energy provided by those origin beasts!
The black monster was still worried about how to resolve the power of the world, and Chen Yu came to his door!Thinking of this, the black monster gave a sinister smile, his figure flashed, and he moved towards Chen Yu's direction and touched it quietly...

After a while, a figure slowly appeared above the ruins of the palace. Chen Yu looked at the huge deep pit below and the cracked ground around him, and couldn't help but take a breath, shocked in his heart!

"This... is this caused by Shen Haoxuan's attack?" Chen Yu finally spit out a sentence after being shocked for a while.According to what Shui Ruolan said, in order to give them a chance to escape, Shen Haoxuan forcibly died with that black monster!However, Chen Yu looked at the bottomless pit in front of him, but he couldn't believe it. How much energy would it take for a spirit general to cause such a terrifying attack?Even if the Linghuang powerhouse strikes with all his strength, it's nothing more than that!

However, with the facts in front of him, Chen Yu had no choice but to believe it. Now he had a higher opinion of Shen Haoxuan, and at the same time, he became more curious, how many secrets did this young man hide?

Slowly landing on the edge of the deep pit, Chen Yu grabbed the air, and a strange energy appeared, directly bouncing Chen Yu's palm away!

"The power of heaven and earth!" Chen Yu screamed again, what did Shen Haoxuan do with such a strong power of heaven and earth?Chen Yu looked around, but did not find any figure, and Shen Haoxuan could not feel the breath at all.

"Could it be that Shen Haoxuan and that black monster died together?" Chen Yu looked at the deep pit, frowned, and said.


The breeze blew, and suddenly, a sense of crisis came, and the hairs all over Chen Yu's body exploded!

There was a sound of piercing through the air, and the black bone spurs swept through the air with a strong wind, and touched Chen Yu's neck in an instant, and then passed directly across the neck!

However, the black bone spur passed through Chen Yu's neck, but not a trace of blood spattered out.

"En?" The black monster snorted softly when it saw this strange scene, and then, Chen Yu, who was pierced by a bone spur in front of him, slowly disappeared...

"Oops!" The black monster yelled secretly, and then quickly turned around. At the same time, a huge palm fell from the sky and slapped the black monster fiercely!There was no way to avoid the black monster, so he could only raise his arm, and the black bone spurs rushed forward!


With a muffled sound, the two collided, and the black monster was thrown back directly. Its feet scratched a long ravine on the ground before it slowly stopped.

"Are you the monster that slaughtered my disciples?" A cold voice sounded, and Chen Yu's figure slowly descended from midair!It turned out that the previous figure turned out to be the bait to lure the black monster out!
Seeing the figure in front of him, the black monster stood up, shook his numb arm, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, sure enough, Jiang is still old and spicy, and I was tricked by you!"

Looking at the black monster that was unharmed by his palm, Chen Yu frowned, and then said in a cold voice: "You slaughtered my sect disciples, and you will catch them today, otherwise, I will never spare you!"

"Heh, then try it!" Hearing Chen Yu's threat, the black monster licked the black bone spur with its scarlet tongue, then laughed sinisterly, its figure flashed, and it attacked Chen Yu without saying a word!

"Hmph!" Looking at the monster that had turned into a black afterimage, Chen Yu snorted coldly, flicked his long sleeves, and poured tyrannical spiritual power into them. The originally soft long sleeves became as hard as iron!

The two intersected, and there was a crisp sound of iron and steel. The next moment, sparks splashed, and the vigor visible to the naked eye centered on the two of them, and quickly spread outward. The towering ancient trees around were cut off in an instant and collapsed !

"Hey!" The black monster laughed wildly, and then, the black bone spurs waved impenetrably, launching a crazy attack on Chen Yu!

Chen Yu's face darkened. The strength of this black monster is not weak, at least not inferior to his own, and the black bone spurs are extremely sharp. Chen Yu had to deal with it with all his strength. Ripples continue to impact outward!

Both of them are powerful spirit emperors, and the momentum of the battle is very terrifying. They fought only dozens of moves, and the surrounding land was devastated, and thick cracks in the arms continued to spread, making a mess everywhere!
The battlefield between the two began to shift from the ground, and after a while, the two went straight to the sky. In the midair, there was a continuous sound of explosions. The aftermath of the battle between the two quickly stirred up the mixed energy around them. The storm hovered around, and soon, a huge energy vortex was formed. In an instant, countless sand and stones rolled up, and the sky and the earth changed color!


It was another confrontation, and both of them were forced to retreat.

The two stood facing each other, stepping on the air.The mouths are constantly panting heavily, and the high-intensity battle has exhausted both of them. At this moment, both sides have a very tacit understanding to stop...

(End of this chapter)

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