Chaos hegemony

Chapter 259 fierce battle!

Chapter 259 fierce battle!
At this time, both of them were in a bad state.The black monster's body was covered with large and small wounds again. The bone spur above the right elbow broke again, and the incision was very smooth.As for Chen Yu, the robe on his body was torn apart by the black bone spurs, and there was a deep bone-deep wound on his right shoulder, and the black air was churning above it, looking extremely hideous!

"Why, this is what you said you can't spare me? You, the master of the sect, are nothing more than that!" The black monster spat out a mouthful of black blood, and with a flick of his right hand, the broken bone spur slowly grew out again!

Chen Yu looked at the black monster with a gloomy face. The strength of the two is between the two, and neither can do anything to the other. If they don't show their ultimate moves, this battle may never end!

"I said, I won't spare you!" Chen Yu said coldly, and then, taking a deep breath, a tyrannical aura suddenly broke out!Chen Yu is going to give it a go!

Seeing Chen Yu with distorted energy all over his body, the black monster couldn't help spitting, and then looked at Chen Yu who started to pinch the seal with great interest, without any intention of fighting back!

The seal in Chen Yu's hand was getting faster and faster, and after a few breaths, only afterimages could be seen!And with the change of the seal in Chen Yu's hand, the energy storm around him became more and more terrifying, and soon, half of the sky was enveloped in it, and the black monster appeared extremely small before the spiritual storm!
However, facing such a powerful force, the black monster still didn't move at all, and didn't even use a single bit of energy in its body. It seemed that it planned to meet Chen Yu's blow with bare hands!
Looking at the motionless black monster, Chen Yu frowned, a sense of uneasiness welled up in his heart, the behavior of the black monster made him elusive!However, now that the attack has been condensed successfully, the arrow is on the string, and he has no choice but to launch it. He doesn't believe it. The black monster really dares to take his blow empty-handed!
"Cracking Claw!" Chen Yu yelled loudly, the spiritual storm above his head began to churn, and a huge claw instantly condensed out, tearing apart the void, and grabbed at the black monster. The tyrannical claw wind, because and The air violently rubbed against each other, bursting out bursts of sonic booms, and the terrifying power shook the surrounding space!

The Cracking Claw is an earth-level martial skill, and when it is performed by Chen Yu, who has the strength of the Linghuang, its power is naturally incomparable.Before the attack came at this moment, the strong wind arrived first, forcing the black monster's body back.

However, even though it felt the extreme threat above its head, the black monster just crossed its arms in front of its face to resist the strong wind, without any intention of fighting back!
The huge claws were extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, they arrived in front of the black monster, and there was a fierce pinch. Looking at this posture, if the black monster didn't fight back, it might be crushed alive!

At this critical moment, a shocking roar came from above the ground, and immediately, an extremely thick beam of mixed energy shot up into the sky, directly piercing Chen Yu's cracked empty claw. When the claws touched the top of the black monster's head, it slowly dissipated away!

"What!" The sudden change shocked Chen Yu, and at the same time, a sense of weakness came, and his face turned pale instantly.The Cracking Claw was Chen Yu's one-handed attack. At this moment, he was pierced by the energy light beam that suddenly appeared, and he himself suffered a lot of backlash!

Chen Yu looked down, and on the ground, a source beast with black air all over its body was roaring at him continuously, with a fierce light in its scarlet eyes, as if it wanted to tear Chen Yu apart. , that mixed beam of energy light was emitted by this pitch-black origin beast!
"Level [-] Origin Beast!" Sensing the faint power emanating from the pitch-black Origin Beast, Chen Yu frowned.A level seven Origin Beast is equivalent to a Spirit Emperor powerhouse!

However, Chen Yu wondered in his heart, the source beast exists in the secret realm, why would it collude with this black monster?

The black monster sneered when he saw the Origin Beast that was continuously emitting black air under his feet.Under this mixed energy, the Origin Beast's temperament is already violent, so it only needs a little guidance to fully arouse its ferocity, and this guidance is the black energy!Moreover, the source beast whose reason has been eroded by the black air will only follow the orders of the black monster, which is equivalent to the black monster having an extra helper of the spirit emperor rank!

"Now, let's see how you can compete with me!" The black monster snorted coldly, the black energy on its body surged again, and its figure turned into a black lightning, rushing towards Chen Yu!On the ground, the seventh-level origin beast also started to move, and saw the black origin beast opened its mouth wide, and the five-element energy mixed around it quickly gathered towards its mouth, and a pitch-black energy light ball instantly formed!


There was a loud noise, and at this moment, the seventh-level source beast was like a cannon. Countless black energy balls continuously gathered and sprayed out, like iron trees blooming, piercing through the void, heading straight for Chen Yu, sealing off all his escape routes die!
"damn it!"

Looking at the dense black energy balls coming from all directions, Chen Yu cursed secretly, a black monster is enough for him to have a headache, now there is another seventh-level origin beast, and the battle situation becomes unfavorable for him in an instant!
"You can't love to fight!" Chen Yu secretly said in his heart, the situation is extremely unfavorable to him at the moment, so it's best to go first!Thinking of this, Chen Yu pinched the seal in his hand, and then his figure flickered, and several identical figures appeared beside Chen Yu. Moreover, the aura and movements of these figures were not the slightest difference from Chen Yu himself, so that there was no difference at all. Can't tell which is the body and which is the phantom!

After the avatar was condensed, it fled in all directions, and the tyrannical spiritual energy flew out from Chen Yu's sleeve, blasting all the black energy balls that attacked him, and broke through the encirclement outside the secret realm!

Seeing this scene, the black monster frowned. Chen Yu's avatars had exactly the same aura as the main body, and they couldn't tell the difference at all. Unexpectedly, Chen Yu was still hiding this hand!
"Hmph, it's not that easy to escape!" The black monster snorted coldly, with joints protruding from its body, and dozens of black bone spurs flew out suddenly, turning into sharp arrows and shooting towards the clones, so fast that they directly penetrated Void!

The black bone spurs instantly penetrated the bodies of those clones, and all the clones hit by the black bone spurs slowly dissipated. Only one body shook, and blood sprayed out from the back instantly!

"I found it!" The black monster licked his lips, sneered, and then waved his hand, countless black energy light balls flew towards the figure!


The next moment, a terrifying explosion sounded, and a burst of energy storm raged in mid-air. Chen Yu's injured figure was submerged in an instant, disappearing between heaven and earth...

(End of this chapter)

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