Chaos hegemony

Chapter 26 The Wrath of Serum River!

Chapter 26 The Wrath of Serum River!
"Bah, you still want to steal my things, plot against me, I really don't know how to write the word dead!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the thick smoke rising in the distance, feeling refreshed!

Seeing the powerful explosion, Elder Yan couldn't help admiring: "Boy Shen, you have created a powerful martial skill that belongs only to you, do you know that!"

Indeed, only Shen Haoxuan can display this kind of martial skill.Although the spiritual powers of the five elements of the heaven and the earth are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, it is impossible to fuse the spiritual powers of different attributes!
Spiritual power itself is a kind of extremely violent energy molecule, and people dare to integrate it into the dantian only after refining it with exercises. If two kinds of spiritual power with different attributes are forcibly fused, it will directly detonate this kind of energy. The violent power, that power is not comparable to martial arts, after all, spiritual power is the most primitive power in this world!

But Shen Haoxuan is different, due to the particularity of the Chaos Overlord Art and the Chaos God Body, Shen Haoxuan's spiritual power itself is a chaotic spiritual power that is a fusion of five attributes.However, the chaotic spiritual power has become completely docile under the refinement of Chaos Overlord, and cannot be detonated directly.

However, if we decompose the spiritual power of the five elements, and then use the Chaos Overlord Art to find a strange balance point among them and fuse them, then the berserk nature of the spiritual power can be preserved.And once this balance point is broken, the destructive power in it will be completely detonated!

"Old Yan, don't be surprised. This kind of martial skill is only in its infancy and immature. Because of my low strength, I can barely control the spiritual power of two attributes, but when I become stronger, I can control three kinds of spiritual power. Even five, the power at that time...hehe..." Said this, Shen Haoxuan laughed, it sounded extremely scary!
When Old Yan heard this, his body couldn't help trembling. He didn't dare to imagine what would happen if he received such a sudden blow when he was fighting with someone...

Although Yan Lao was amazed by Shen Haoxuan in his heart, as a teacher, he also found many problems in it, and said immediately: "Although your martial arts are powerful, there is one fatal thing, that is, it takes time to complete! In battle , your opponent won’t give you a chance! Moreover, this martial skill consumes a huge amount of spiritual power and spiritual thoughts, so it’s better not to use it under normal circumstances, but you can use it as a trump card.”

Yan's old saying is like pouring a pot of cold water on Shen Haoxuan's head. Indeed, it takes time to find that strange balance point to integrate different spiritual powers, and it takes a lot of spiritual thought!During this period of time, it is enough to die several times.

"Improve it in the future, let's improve your strength now. I will teach you other martial arts!" Looking at the depressed Shen Haoxuan, Yan Lao comforted.

As soon as he heard that Mr. Yan wanted to teach him martial arts, Shen Haoxuan regained his energy. He had been waiting for this day for a long time. Every time he asked Mr. Yan for martial arts before, Mr. Yan always refused because of his lack of strength. Now he finally agreed!

"Let's get out of here first, the blood-skeleton people will definitely come over in a while." After Yan Lao said, his figure dissipated and returned to the Feng Lingzhu again.

After Yan Lao disappeared, Shen Haoxuan also disappeared into the dense forest.


In the base of the blood skeleton mercenary group.

At this time, the big mansion was very noisy, and figures were shuttling back and forth in the mansion, each with a bucket of water in their hands, and their faces were full of panic.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" A series of urging voices kept coming, and the voice sounded very anxious.

This person is the third in charge of the Blood Skull, Xiang Tian, ​​standing in the courtyard, constantly urging the members of the Blood Skull, and also looking worriedly at the sea of ​​fire not far away, which is the secret room where Xue Xuehe usually practiced.

It turned out that after Xuexuehe and Xiangtian heard the explosion in the dense forest, Xuexuehe sent Xiangtian away, and then he went back to the secret room to practice.

But not long after Xiang Tian left, a deafening explosion sounded in the secret room of Xueshen River. When Xiang Tian hurriedly arrived, he found that the entire secret room was completely submerged in the sea of ​​flames, and the sound of explosions continued to come from the sea of ​​flames.

Thinking that the Blood River was still in it, Xiang Tian immediately circulated his spiritual power to wrap himself up, ready to rush into the sea of ​​flames to save people!However, the fire was too intense, and Xiang Tian was forced to retreat within a few steps.There was no way, Xiang Tian could only call someone to put out the fire, and for a while, the entire Blood Skull base was in chaos!
Xiang Tian stood in the courtyard, looking at the unabated fire with a look of anxiety on his face.Now Qingshen River is still alive and dead in it, if Xueshen River dies in it, the consequences will be disastrous!Thinking of Xue Xuehe's identity, Xiangtian couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat on his forehead, and immediately shouted: "Hurry up! Didn't everyone eat? You are a group of idiots. If something happens to the leader, you will all have to be buried with him!"

Seeing that the third master was angry, the members of the courtyard could only speed up their movements desperately, and poured buckets of water into the flames.

While everyone was busy fighting the fire, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the sea of ​​flames.


Everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sea of ​​fire, a figure slowly appeared, this person was Xue Xuehe!

Serum River slowly moved forward in the sea of ​​flames, and the intense heat distorted his figure.Seeing that Xue Xuehe was still alive, Xiang Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and hurried forward to greet him.

However, when he approached and saw the face of Xueshen River clearly, he, who often walked among the dead, was stunned and trembling all over!
At this time, Xuexue River had already walked out of the sea of ​​flames, surrounded by a faintly visible spiritual power barrier surrounding him.Presumably this barrier saved Xue Xuehe's life!

But even with the protection of the barrier, the appearance of Xuexue River at this time is extremely miserable. The originally clean white robe is burned with countless holes and covered with dust.The long hair on the head was also burnt to very little!What's even more frightening is that Xue Xuehe's handsome face had been completely disfigured at this time. The entire right half of his cheek was completely burned and turned completely black, his skin was completely charred, and half of his gums were completely exposed. It looks terrible in the reflection!
"Is the old bear back?" After Xue Xuehe appeared, he looked at Xiang Tian and said calmly.

Hearing Xue Xuehe's question, Xiang Tian immediately came back to his senses, and said tremblingly: "Return to the leader, the old bear has not returned yet to send Leng Feng off!"

As soon as Xiang Tian's words fell, a tyrannical emotion suddenly burst out from Xue Xuehe's body, and Xiang Tian, ​​who was closest to him, turned pale as if in purgatory.

"Leng Feng, hmph, you are really good at tricks! I swear by Xuehehe, I will definitely tear you to pieces!" Xuexuehe couldn't make any expression now, but the coldness in his tone made even the raging sea of ​​fire be overwhelmed. Fight out!

"Xiang Tian, ​​pass my order, all the members go out to search for Leng Feng's whereabouts, they want to see people and dead bodies! Anyone who catches Leng Feng will directly become the fourth leader!

In addition, spread the news that Leng Feng has the top-grade spirit stone in his hands, it is best to let all warriors in the town know!I want to make it hard for him to fly! "

"Yes!" Xiang Tian replied, then immediately turned and left.

"Leng Feng, just wait and see! I'll make you feel that life is worse than death!"

After Xue Xuehe finished speaking, the anger in his heart still persisted. He turned his head and saw a shivering teenager staring at him, and then pulled him over: "Why, am I scary?"

"" the boy said in horror.


"You're lying!" After Xue Xuehe said, he stretched out his palm and inserted it directly into the boy's heart, and then performed the exercises, and the boy was instantly sucked into a fuck!
After absorbing all the boy's blood, Xue Xuehe casually threw away the corpse, and then looked at the blood skeleton members all over the garden, with a cruel line of mouth, and his figure disappeared instantly!The next moment, blood splattered everywhere...

(End of this chapter)

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