Chaos hegemony

Chapter 27 Heaven-shattering Kill!

Chapter 27 Heaven-shattering Kill!

After Xiang Tian left the Blood Skull Base, a piece of news spread like a plague in the town.

"Hey, have you heard? The boy who was taken away by the blood skull yesterday has a superb spirit stone!"

"The best spirit stone? Could it be that the golden light that day came from the best spirit stone?"

"It shouldn't be wrong!"

"Hey, that's not right, since it's a top-grade spirit stone, why would the blood skeleton release this news?"

"You don't know yet, I heard that this young man slapped the leader of Blood Skull, Xue Xuehe, so Xue Xuehe is now searching for him in the whole town, and he is offering a big reward! As long as you catch this young man, He can be directly promoted to the fourth head of the Blood Skull Mercenary Corps, and he also owns the best spirit stones!"

"What! Where did you hear that?"

"My buddy is a member of the Blood Skull, inside information!"

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and find that boy, don't let others succeed..."

In Yunluo Town, such conversations can be seen everywhere.A day later, even Shen Haoxuan's portraits were plastered all over the streets and alleys of the town, and even the toilets were not spared.However, Shen Haoxuan knew nothing about all of this...

At this time, Shen Haoxuan and Yan Lao had already arrived at the middle circle of the Xuanling Mountain Range, and with the help of the little gluttonous beast, they found a waterfall that was not guarded by spirit beasts.

"Long hair is still awesome, I found such a good place!" Shen Haoxuan said with satisfaction, looking at the waterfall flying down in front of him.

"I said, don't call me long hair, I have my own name, my name is Ditian, do you understand Ditian!" said the little gluttonous beast lying on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder with its fangs and claws.

Hearing the cries of the little gluttonous beast, Shen Haoxuan said seriously: "Ditian? This name is too vulgar, but Changmao is nice, or it can be called Wangcai, you choose one!"

"You..." Little gluttonous beast, oh no, it's time to make him grow hair now.Changmao was really speechless about this second-hand owner, so he could only accept it now.

Seeing that Chang Mao was speechless, Shen Haoxuan nodded in satisfaction and said, "That's right!"

Looking at the two people playing with live treasures, the corners of Yan Lao's eyes couldn't help twitching. At the same time, he admired Shen Haoxuan in his heart, and he was the only one who dared to name the ancient beast Taobao the name of Wangcai!

"Okay, this is indeed a good place to practice, and it just meets the training conditions for the martial skill I want to teach you." Yan Lao said.It's fun to be funny, but we still can't forget the business.

As soon as he heard the martial arts, Shen Haoxuan threw the long hair aside, looked at Yan Lao with bright eyes, and hurriedly asked: "Yan Lao, what martial arts do you want to teach me?"

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's appearance like a starved ghost seeing meat buns, Old Yan smiled lightly, took out a scroll from his storage ring and handed it to Shen Haoxuan.

After receiving the scroll, Shen Haoxuan couldn't wait to open it, a ray of light hit Shen Haoxuan's eyebrows, and a message appeared in his mind: "Heaven-shattering Killing", a high-level martial skill of the Xuan level, which gathers all the strength of the whole body and bursts out in a single point. Fighting the enemy can be broken Break its bones, break its tendons!Cultivate to the extreme, open mountains and crack the ground, the sky can be broken, and the power is comparable to the martial arts of the ground!Its training method is as follows...

Seeing this, Shen Haoxuan frowned and didn't say a word.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong?" Yan Lao looked at Shen Haoxuan and said suspiciously.

"Old Yan, why are you only at the advanced Xuan level? Do you have any martial arts at the Heaven level? You just need to teach one or two moves." Shen Haoxuan said.

Hearing Shen Haoxuan's words, Yan Lao slapped him on the head with a chestnut, and scolded: "Why don't you go to the sky? You still want sky-level martial arts. You think it's a Chinese cabbage, and you just teach you a little bit." Two moves? Do you know how much spiritual power it takes to perform a heaven-level martial skill? Not to mention a heaven-level martial skill, even if you drain the spiritual power from your elixir, you can only use it twice. I want to run before I learned how to walk, if I don’t teach you a lesson today, I will not be your master!” After saying that, Old Yan grabbed Shen Haoxuan by the ear and beat him violently!
"Ah..." There was a scream.The long hair on the side saw such a fierce old Yan, he couldn't help shrinking his neck, but seeing Shen Haoxuan's miserable appearance, he still had one word in his heart, cool!

After a long while, Shen Haoxuan sat there clutching the big bag on his head, listening to Yan Lao explaining the details of the practice of breaking the sky with aggrieved eyes!
"Just like the introduction in the scroll said, Skyshatter needs to gather all the strength of the whole body at one point, and then burst out instantly to strike the enemy. The power is huge! Let me demonstrate it, lest you say I lied to you!"

After Yan Lao finished speaking, his whole body was concentrated, and the spiritual power in the world quickly gathered around Yan Lao as the center, and a spiritual power vortex gathered in an instant.

"Destroy the sky!"

Boss Yan shouted, and punched the waterfall that was flying down!

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the next moment, the water mist exploded, and countless water columns rose into the sky, and the water vapor instantly filled the surrounding area!

"Crash!" When the water mist cleared, the waterfall in front of him was completely changed. Yan Lao's punch directly cut off the flow of this big waterfall!A huge cave is also formed in the stone wall behind the waterfall!

"This..." Seeing the power of this punch, Shen Haoxuan was so shocked that he couldn't speak!

"This is the true power of Heaven-shattering Kill! Do you still dislike it?" Yan Lao looked at the stunned Shen Haoxuan and said teasingly.

"Don't dare, don't dare, Mr. Yan teach me quickly!" Shen Haoxuan said hastily.

"Don't worry, if you want to practice Heaven Breaking Kill, you must meet two conditions!

One, you must have a very strong physique!Skyshatter needs to burst out all the power in an instant, which is a very heavy load on the body. If the physique is too weak, it will be backlashed by its own strength the moment the skyshatter explodes!

Second, you need to have a strong control over your own power!This is very important, if you can't burst out your power in an instant, then this sky-shattering killing will become a suicide! "

"Next, I will focus on training your physique and the control of your strength. You have to be mentally prepared!" Yan Lao looked at Shen Haoxuan and said.

"Come on, Old Yan, I can hold on!"

"Okay! Come on, take this first!" Yan Lao took out a giant ruler that was two heads taller than Shen Haoxuan from the storage ring.

Looking at such a huge ruler, Shen Haoxuan wondered: "What is this?"

"I don't know. I found this in an ancient tomb in the early years. I haven't studied it thoroughly for so many years, but its weight is amazing. You can carry it on your back for weight training, which is a good way to exercise your body!" Yan Lao said .

"The weight is amazing? How heavy can it be?" Shen Haoxuan expressed his disbelief, and stepped forward to lift up this giant ruler.However, Shen Haoxuan couldn't move the giant ruler even with all his might.

"I don't believe it anymore!" Shen Haoxuan rolled up his sleeves, mobilized the elixir in his body, and grabbed Juchi again.

This time, Shen Haoxuan finally lifted the giant ruler, but his legs were directly embedded in the ground.

"This... this is too heavy!"

(End of this chapter)

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