Chaos hegemony

Chapter 28 Desperate Practice!

Chapter 28 Desperate Practice!
"It's too heavy!" Shen Haoxuan said with difficulty holding up the giant ruler.

"Stop talking nonsense, put it on your back!" Without saying a word, Yan Lao directly threw the giant ruler onto Shen Haoxuan's back, and Shen Haoxuan's figure was embedded into the ground again in an instant.

"Hmm..." Shen Haoxuan let out a muffled snort as Juchi got his upper body up, he couldn't straighten up under the terrible weight.

After struggling for a long time, Shen Haoxuan finally stood up straight.He looked at Yan Lao and asked, "Can I practice with this on my back?"

Yan Lao looked at Shen Haoxuan who was blushing and smiled lightly, and then said: "No, carrying this on your back is just the beginning. Next, you need to go to the waterfall and use your own spiritual power to stop the waterfall for two seconds! Only then can we really start practicing Heaven Breaking Slayer!"

"Ah!" Shen Haoxuan was dumbfounded when he heard that.The waterfall pours down from a very high mountain, and the impact is not to be underestimated. With this giant ruler on your back, if you want to stand under the waterfall and stop the waterfall, the degree of difficulty is not ordinary. !

But Shen Haoxuan is not a person who will say give up, five years of waste life has made his mind extremely tough.And the more difficult it is, the more he wants to challenge it, otherwise how can he break through himself?

Afterwards, Shen Haoxuan took a firm look at the waterfall, then pulled his feet out of the ground with great effort, and started walking towards the waterfall.

Shen Haoxuan still underestimated the weight of this giant ruler. Every step he takes needs to use all his strength, and after he walks, he will leave a deep footprint on the ground!Moreover, Shen Haoxuan also discovered that since he carried this giant ruler on his back, his own spiritual power flow has become extremely slow, even negligible!So I can only rely on pure physical strength to support my actions.

After walking five steps, Shen Haoxuan was already sweating profusely, and his breath became extremely chaotic!After walking four more steps, Shen Haoxuan had no strength at all, and fell directly to the ground, gasping for breath!

"Hoohoo... so heavy, I've used up all my strength in just seven steps! Hooooo..."

Glancing at the waterfall more than ten meters away from him, Shen Haoxuan gave a wry smile, sat up and began to recover his strength!
In this way, Shen Haoxuan fell down after walking a few steps, then recovered his strength and continued to walk, fell down again, and then recovered... In just a short dozen meters, Shen Haoxuan walked for an afternoon and finally came to the waterfall.

"'s not easy!" Shen Haoxuan said when he looked back at his deep footprints.

Then he took a deep breath, looked at the waterfall in front of him, and plunged into it!
"Boom!" As soon as Shen Haoxuan's body plunged into it, there was a muffled sound.

"Pfft!" The huge impact force poured on Shen Haoxuan's body, directly smashing him into the pool of water!
Shen Haoxuan felt as if his body was being torn apart, and then he lost consciousness.

"Hurry up and save him!" Seeing the blood slowly rising from the lake, Old Yan hurriedly called to Changmao.

The long-haired man was also fast, he plunged into the lake, and after two breaths, he dragged a blood man and appeared in front of Old Yan.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's current appearance, Yan Lao couldn't help but take a deep breath!

At this time, Shen Haoxuan's whole body was not complete, and there were cracks everywhere on his body, like a porcelain figure that was cracked by a raging fire!The blood was sprayed out as if he didn't want money, and it seemed that one foot had already stepped into the gate of hell!

"Old man, what kind of cultivation method are you thinking? If this kid dies, I can't spare you!" Changmao yelled at Old Yan. After all, his life is tied to Shen Haoxuan, if Shen Haoxuan dies I can't live anymore!

"I know, this situation is within my expectation, and it is also part of cultivation!" Yan Lao said in a deep voice.

"Fuck off, look at this kid who has already stepped into the gate of hell with one foot, and is still part of the training, are you out of your mind!" Changmao didn't buy it, and continued to curse.

"If you want him to live, just do as I say! Go dig a pit deep enough for one person, and bring the lake water in!" Yan Lao said.

"Dig a hole? Do you want to bury him or me? Believe it or not..." Changmao stopped before he finished speaking, because he saw Yan Lao took out a few elixir from the storage ring, and then A black flame ignited from Old Yan's hands, enveloping those few elixir plants!
" are an alchemist?" Changmao was stunned.

"Hurry up and dig a hole!" Yan Lao didn't bother to talk nonsense with him.

"Oh, dig a hole!" At this time, Changmao also let go of the dignity of the ancient beast, completely turned into Wangcai, and started digging on the ground.After all, it's about his life!

Seeing that Long Mao introduced the lake water, Yan Lao also quickened his hand movements, the black flames kept churning, and the essence of several elixir plants were quickly extracted, and finally fused into a colorful liquid.

Elder Yan dripped the essence of the elixir that he fused into the pool, and the lake water in the pool also became colorful.

"Throw Shen boy in!" Yan Lao said in a deep voice.Chang Mao listened, and put Shen Haoxuan into the pool obediently.

As soon as Shen Haoxuan entered the pool, a vortex formed with him as the center, and the colorful medicinal liquid poured into his body along his shocking wounds, slowly repairing this dilapidated body!
With the recovery of the elixir essence, Shen Haoxuan's aura gradually became stable, and the wounds on his body also began to heal slowly.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan's condition improved, Changmao also heaved a long sigh of relief, then looked at Old Yan and said: "Old man, I don't see that you can make alchemy!"

"Hmph, I'm not some low-level alchemist, the inheritance I got is the inheritance of an ancient alchemist!" Yan Lao said proudly.

"Alchemist!" Changmao couldn't sit still after hearing this.You must know that in his era, even with his arrogant personality, he had to salute politely when he met a high-level alchemist!This is because alchemists are not only good at alchemy, they are also proficient in refining tools, talismans, and puppets, and it is said that a high-level alchemist can even bring people back from the dead!
"However, I'm only proficient in the way of alchemy among the six paths, and I can't understand the others..." Yan Lao continued.

"Ah!" Changmao has no interest now, and he was counting on Yanlao to reshape his body!Unexpectedly, Yan Lao could only make alchemy.

Old Yan swept Chang Mao's interest, but Chang Mao didn't want to pay any attention to him anymore, so he lay beside Shen Haoxuan to observe Shen Haoxuan's situation.

As the night passed, the colorful elixir in the pool slowly disappeared, and the water became clearer.When the first rays of sunlight in the morning shone on Shen Haoxuan's face, his eyes that had been closed all the time slowly opened.

"Uh...Old Yan, Changmao?" After Shen Haoxuan opened his eyes, he saw Lao Yan and Changmao staring at him.

"Are you awake? How do you feel now?" Elder Yan asked eagerly.

"Feel?" Shen Haoxuan clenched his fists, looked at his body, and let out a long cry: "Excellent!"

At this time, the wounds on Shen Haoxuan's body had completely disappeared, and the previous injuries were completely healed!And he also felt that his spiritual power and strength had increased!

"What's going on here? Am I seriously injured?" Shen Haoxuan was puzzled.

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's puzzled look, Yanlao told what happened next.

"Marrow washing and body refining liquid? Yan Lao, you are still an alchemist! Then my cultivation will have no worries at all?" Shen Haoxuan was a little excited.

"Theoretically so!"

"That's good!" Shen Haoxuan was overjoyed, without a word, he jumped onto the pool, carried the giant ruler on his back and walked towards the waterfall again!Since there is Yanlao's marrow washing and body refining liquid to repair his body, even if he is injured, it will not be a serious problem, and Shen Haoxuan has already felt the benefits brought by the marrow washing and body refining liquid. He has walked to the limit after walking six or seven steps, but now he has walked more than ten Only then did I start to feel exhausted!

If getting such a big benefit in exchange for one injury, Shen Haoxuan thinks it's worth it!

This time, the time it took Shen Haoxuan to reach the waterfall was shortened by half compared to the first time!
"Phew... the strength has improved a lot!" Shen Haoxuan sighed.

"Fight!" Shen Haoxuan looked at the waterfall in front of him, gritted his teeth, and plunged into it again!
This time, Shen Haoxuan was not directly knocked into the air, and he persisted for five breaths before being defeated.Seeing that Shen Haoxuan lost consciousness and fell into the lake again, Changmao quickly dragged him out and threw him into the pool that had been filled with the marrow washing and refining liquid.

The second time, it took Shen Haoxuan a long time to wake up. Feeling the increase of spiritual power and power in his body, he happily carried the giant ruler on his back and walked towards the waterfall again!

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's reckless practice, both Changmao and Yanlao sweated for it!After all, every time Shen Haoxuan stepped into the gate of hell with half his foot, if he made a slight mistake, he would really die!
They still underestimated Shen Haoxuan's desire for power, and underestimated the degree of madness of Shen Haoxuan!In the next half month, Shen Haoxuan has been hovering on the verge of life and death, but there will be rewards if you pay, and Shen Haoxuan's strength is also growing day by day!

(End of this chapter)

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