Chaos hegemony

Chapter 30 Encounter!

Chapter 30 Encounter! (Please collect!)

call out! "In the dense forest, there was a sound of piercing through the air, the sword light flashed, and a mountain-like spirit beast fell to the ground. Then, a figure fell from the sky, and inserted the sharp sword in his hand into the spirit beast's In the chest!
This figure is exactly Shen Haoxuan who went out to find the elixir!

"Hoo~" Looking at the spirit beast under his feet that was slowly being swallowed into a mummified body by the Soul Devouring Sword, Shen Haoxuan let out a long breath.

"Hey, I said long hair, I've been away for almost a day, this is the sixth second-order spirit beast blocking the way, why hasn't it arrived yet!" Shen Haoxuan pulled out the Soul Devouring Sword, and said impatiently.

"Hurry up, hurry up, we'll be there soon!" Chang Mao said while lying on Shen Haoxuan's shoulder.

"Hmph, you've said this sentence six times!" Shen Haoxuan rolled his eyes at Changmao.
"This time it's real, it's really coming soon, I already feel it's not far away!" Changmao pointed to the front.

"It's better to be true, or I won't spare you!"

Changmao heard Shen Haoxuan's threat, jumped off his shoulder and ran forward.Shen Haoxuan also quickly chased after him.

The speed of the long hair is very fast, one person and one beast run wildly in the dense forest, not afraid of any spirit beasts coming to make trouble!Strange to say, since Changmao led the way, Shen Haoxuan has never encountered any spirit beasts blocking the way.

Just like that, the two of them ran wildly for more than an hour before they stopped.

"What? Are you here?" Shen Haoxuan asked when he saw the long hair stopped.

Long Mao sniffed the air and said, "I feel it, it's near here!"

"It's near here? Are you sure?" Shen Haoxuan looked around, saw a tree or a tree, and there was no sign of any treasure or elixir...

"bang bang bang"


Just as Shen Haoxuan was looking for the treasure that Changmao said, a burst of fighting sounds came to his ears.

"Someone is fighting with a spirit beast?" Shen Haoxuan looked towards the place where the voice came from, frowning slightly.

"That's the direction, the treasure's aura is coming from this direction!" At this moment, Changmao once again climbed onto Shen Haoxuan's shoulder and pointed to the direction where the fighting sounds came from.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look!" After saying that, Shen Haoxuan's figure flickered, and he ran towards the direction where the voice came from.

At this time, in an open area not far away, five young people leaned on each other, their faces were pale, and their bodies were covered in blood. They all clenched their weapons tightly, ready to face a big battle at any time!
Around them, more than a dozen second-order spirit beasts, hellfire wolves, surrounded them. These fire wolves stared at the five youths with green eyes, as if they were looking at some delicious food!
"What to do, what to do, Senior Brother Lin, I don't want to die here, please save me!" Looking at the ferocious appearance of those hellfire wolves, a girl cried and hugged a young man.

The young man surnamed Lin looked at the girl who kept shaking his arm and said, "Don't worry, Junior Sister Su, I will definitely take you out!" After finishing speaking, he couldn't help swallowing.

Seeing the distorted looks of the two, the faces of the other three turned dark, and they cursed in their hearts: "Hmph, if it weren't for the two of you yelling after picking the red flame grass, would you have ended up in this field?"

It turned out that these five people accidentally discovered a red flame grass when they were practicing in the Xuanling Mountains. They were overjoyed. You must know that this red flame grass is a third-grade elixir, and you can get a lot of contribution points in exchange for the Zongmen Contribution Hall!
But usually the elixir of this quality is guarded by spirit beasts. Sure enough, several people discovered that the elixir guarding this elixir turned out to be a few fierce hell fire wolves!If there were one or two, a few people would not be afraid, but this Hellfire Wolf is a pack spirit beast, so the few people will be in trouble now!
However, it is obviously impossible to give up this elixir, so they planned for a long time, and finally picked it out while the fire wolf in the fierce hell was asleep, but the person surnamed Lin and the girl with a hot figure actually celebrated with joy on the spot. Woke up the sleeping hell fire wolf!Seeing the loss of the Red Flame Grass, the Lie Hell Fire Wolf was extremely angry, and mobilized all of them to encircle and suppress these five people!

So a few people had no choice but to run desperately, but two legs could not run with four legs after all, not to mention in the mysterious spirit mountain range full of spirit beasts, the five of them were soon surrounded by the fire wolves of hell!
After they were surrounded, a big battle broke out in an instant. Fortunately, they were all strong. The weakest Junior Sister Su was a fourth-level spirit, and that Senior Brother Lin was a ninth-level spirit!So the five of them fought a bitter battle with the Hellfire Wolf!
After a battle, although the five of them killed half of the Hellfire Wolves with their martial skills and cooperation, they were exhausted, the pills to restore their spiritual power were also exhausted, and injuries appeared on their bodies. Even an arm was bitten off!But there are still more than a dozen fierce hellfire wolves staring at them!
"What should we do, Senior Brother Lin? Otherwise, let's return the Red Flame Grass to them!" Junior Sister Su said in a tearful voice.

"No, even if you change the red flame grass back, they will definitely not let it go!" Brother Lin said in a deep voice, then he looked at the other three young people beside him, and said in an orderly tone: "You three hold on for a while!" Yes, Junior Sister Su and I take a rest first to recover our spiritual power!"

"Senior brother Lin, this..." The other three people all looked a little unhappy when they heard this.But thinking of Senior Brother Lin's status in the sect, the three of them didn't dare to say anything more.

"Why, you don't even listen to my words?" Brother Lin said with a dark face when he saw that the three were unwilling.

"Lin Ziqing, don't think we are fools. You just want us to be cannon fodder. Hmph, it's a good idea. If you want to die together, don't use your identity as an issue!" Hearing Senior Brother Lin's words, one of them I couldn't bear it any longer, and even called out Brother Lin's name directly!
"That's right, we're going to die together! You want us to be cannon fodder for you, don't even think about it!" The other two also echoed, this Lin Ziqing wanted to sacrifice them to create a life for himself, such a selfish person, the other three couldn't bear it anymore Stop the anger in your heart!
"Okay! Okay! Since you want to seek death, then I will help you now!" Lin Ziqing said with a grim expression.

"Come on! I'm afraid of you!" The other three youths also gathered together at this time, confronting Lin Ziqing tit for tat!At this moment, the five of them completely forgot about the fierce Hellfire Wolf who was staring at them, and turned into a quarrel!
"Hey, do you want to hit? Really, you have to take off your pants to fart, is it troublesome? If you don't want to hit, let's talk." Just as the two sides were in a stalemate, a discordant voice sounded.

Hearing this disharmonious voice, the five of them looked up and found a young man with a huge black ruler sitting on a towering ancient tree not far away!
This young man was Shen Haoxuan. At this moment, he was sitting on a branch with a piece of dog's tail in his mouth, looking at the five people below with interest.

In fact, Shen Haoxuan didn't want to meddle in this nosy business at first, but these five people were all wearing the costumes of Linghe Sect disciples!And they still have a third-grade elixir in their hands, if they don't cheat them, how can they be worthy of themselves!

"Who is Your Excellency?" Seeing a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy appearing in the Xuanling Mountain Range, Lin Ziqing asked.

"Me? I'm here to help you solve your troubles." Shen Haoxuan spat out the dogtail grass in his mouth, looked at Lin Ziqing and said with a smile.

"It's just you? A brat who just broke through to the Spirit Realm?" Lin Ziqing said disdainfully.

"Yes, it's up to me! Don't worry, I have my own way. Looking at the current situation, even if I fail, you have nothing to lose. At most, there is one more person to accompany you on the road to Huangquan. If I succeed, If you don't, you will be saved, why don't you do this kind of business that is sure to make money without losing money?" Shen Haoxuan said.

"You would be so kind?" Lin Ziqing expressed disbelief.

"Haha, of course not. After all, I also have to take risks, so I have one condition!"

"What conditions?"

"If I help you solve the trouble, how about you give me that Chiyan grass?" Shen Haoxuan said.

"Xiu Xiang, we have worked hard to get this!" Lin Ziqing rebuffed.

"Oh~ that's non-cooperation? Well, I can only wait for you to be dismembered by these hellfire wolves before snatching them from them. Anyway, it's the same for me! Then you go on, I Don't bother me anymore!" Shen Haoxuan shrugged.

Seeing that Shen Haoxuan really didn't intend to help, Lin Ziqing became anxious, and quickly said: "Little brother, we are disciples of the Spirit Crane Sect. If you can lend a helping hand, our Spirit Crane Sect will be very grateful in the future!"

Hearing that Lin Ziqing had moved out of the Spirit Crane Sect, Shen Haoxuan waved his hands and said, "Don't use the Spirit Crane Sect to suppress me, I don't want to do this, just tell me, will you give me the Red Flame Grass?"

Seeing Shen Haoxuan's recalcitrant appearance, and looking at the fiery hell fire wolves around him, Lin Ziqing gritted his teeth and said, "Here!"

Hearing Lin Ziqing's reply, Shen Haoxuan chuckled and said, "That's right!" After saying that, he jumped off the ancient tree, inserted the giant ruler on his back into the soil, and looked at the dozens of hellfire wolves around him. , the figure instantly disappeared in place...

(End of this chapter)

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